ፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ ራሱን ከማናቸውም የጎሣ ቆዳ ገሽልጦ ወጥቶ፤ መጨረሻውን በቅጡ ሳያውቅ ከሀረር ተነሥቶ በአሜሪካ ዞሮ ኢትዮጵያ ገባ፤ በሁለት እጆቹ ኦሮሞንና አማራን በጋማቸው ይዞ አዛመዳቸው፤ የፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ ሀሳብ፣ እምነት፣ ሕልም (አንዳንዶች ቅዠት ይሉታል፤) ገና ባልታወቀ መለኮታዊ መንገድ ዞሮ ዞሮ ለማና ዓቢይ የሚባሉ ሰዎችን ያፈራ የኢትዮጵያ መሬት ላይ አረፈ፤ የኢትዮጵያን መሬት ከሰሜን እስከደቡብ፣ ከምሥራቅ እስከምዕራብ ነዘረው፤ ለማና ዓቢይ የሚባሉትን ሁለት ኢትዮጵያውያን ከአንድ መቶ ሚልዮን ሕዝብ መሀል ነቅሶ አውጥቶ አንቀረቀባቸው፤ ለማንና ዓቢይን አንቀርቅቦ አወጣና አንድ አደረጋቸው!
ዘር፣ ፖሊቲካ፣ ጥቅም፣ ሥልጣን፣ ጉልበት ወይም ሀብት አይደለም፤ እግዚአብሔር በረቂቅ ጥበቡ ፍቅሬን ከአሜሪካ ለማንና ዓቢይን እነሱ በማያውቁት መንገድ አገናኝቶ፣ እነሱ ባልገባቸው መንገድ አስማምቶ ሀሳባቸውን ከእውቀታቸው ጋር አዋኅዶ፣ እምነታቸውን ከተግባር ጋር ፈትሎ የኢተዮጵያን ሕዝብ በአዲስ ድርና ማግ እየሸመኑ ኢትዮጵያን የተስፋ አገር እያደረጉ ነው፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ሙሉ ትኩረቱንና ሀሳቡን ከጊዜያዊ ማሸነፍና እልልታ አሳልፎ ከፊቱ በተደነቀሩት ሁለት አቅጣጫዎች አነጻጽሮ መመልከት ያለበት ይመስለኛል፤ አንደኛው፣ በእልልታና በፉከራ እየሰከሩ መጨፈር ሲሆን፣ ሁለተኛው የወደፊቱን ችግርና መከራ፣ ምናልባት ከዚያም አልፎ የጎሣ እልቂትና የማይበርድ የዘር ጥላቻ የፈረካከሰው ማኅበረሰብ ከመፍጠር መታደግ ይሆናል፡፡
በማናቸውም ደረጃ ላይ አሁን ያሉ አመራሮች ትኩረታቸውን ከፈንጠዝያው ወደቀጣዩ መራራ ትግል ቢያዞሩት የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ከአደጋ ከማዳንም አልፈው ኢትዮጵያውያን ሁሉ ሰው የመሆን ነጻነቶችና መብቶች የተከበሩባት አገርን ለመገንባት፣ በሰው ሳይሆን በሕግ ለሕግ የሚገዙባት አገር፣ ለሁሉም በእኩልነት ከተስተካከለ የኑሮ መተዳደሪያ ሥርዓት ጋር ሊገነቡ የሚችሉ ይመስላል፡፡
እንደገና ኢትዮጵያ የኮሩና የተከበሩ ሰዎች አገር እንድትሆን ከለማና ከዓቢይ ጋር ለትግል መሰለፍ ግዴታ ነው!!!
ሁሉም በአሸናፊነት እንዲኮራ የሚከፍለው ግዴታ ዛሬም ሆነ ነገ፣ በውድም ይሁን በግድ አይቀርም!!!!
ፈንጠዝያን ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በሙሉ ለሚመጣው የተሟላ ነጻነት እናቆየው!!!
(ፕ/ር መስፍን ወልደ ማርያም)
It is all true regarding the Team Lemma with lead member and pm Abiy. But what is said about Fiqrei Tollosa is far fetched. He came up with this fictitious or ‘mythological’ tale about the origins of Amhara and Oromo. And, to top it up, he said the source of that ‘tale’ is a book found in the Nubian desert written in an hitherto unkown script. This, for historians and archeologists, as as abiyotawi-democracy is for us – a complete mumbo-jumbo of ideas without any evidence. And for the fraternity and unity of Amhara and Oromo we don’t need such teret-teret really. We can do that without it – we share a lot with each other and others in Ethiopia. I don’t even reckon Lemm and Abiy agree to or accept the Fiqrei Tollosa fairy tale of history.
I think every body understands the book of Fikrie Tolosa is criticized for its lack of evidence in the scientific research sense. But what urges me to write here is to ask why no one is able to take the burden of disproving the myth. Because every myth might not be scientifically sound, neither is it complete none-sense. So, the book that played a vital positive role in uniting the two people bases its roots on the highly legitimate myths from which the values and cultures of both people deeply streamed. So, the book or the writer deserves appreciation, not bitter denouncement for writing what he believes in. That is it. I think, the rest of the reasons for trying to disgracing him is more of political.
It appears your comments are more mumbo jumbo than the “mythological” tale you are criticizing. What you did not know is the very word you used “mumbo jumbo” comes from an African origin. You should of simply highlighted what unites us and left the divisive comment in the trash can. As for me, I have no problem if people share their view to unite us, what is sicking is the narrow minded ethnocentric division that is stirring up havoc in our beloved country. And your comment carries that venom. The fact you are writing your comment in English while the article is written in Amharic testifies to your ill will.
If you open your mind and read and communicate with the Ethiopian people you will learn a lot more from their daily life and “teret teret” than from an ivy league school. The very word, Amhara, Oromo, Tigre etc.. is what colonialists used to divide and use us. Please get a DNA kit and check your heritage. What the result will tell you is not who you think you are. I can assure you, you are a fusion of many, not just one. Being born in a given territory does not grant us to be Amhara, Oromo or whatever. It is just a birthplace. Period!
They don’t have to. There is no smoke without fire. No legend without a clue, to good end and in good faith. You have not even tried to check the veracity of the statement. Go ahead look for the source and put your comment on it. Labeling it ‘teret teret’ Is prejudging which reveals your contempt and prejudice. Unhelpful and missliding and above all unscarly!
Tameru wa, Tesfa and Balambaras,
Thanks for your ranting feed backs. You missed the point and started accusations. Thanks also for explaining the origin of mumbo-jumbo and the suggestion to by the DNA kit – and advance notice of what I will find. I am amazed! Truly. Makes me think how dare me say what I said – LOL. Listen all of you – get off your high horses for a minute, OK?
The book is not only ‘teret-teret’ but is deliberately fabricated. Please read comments made by other academics challenging the author for evidence and his response as well. He says a lady in having bath in lake Tana was ‘mated by a male organ’. Do you believe that? Well I don’t. Also he says the book in the Nubian desert was written in a hitherto unknown language. Excuse moi? That is a very big discovery especially a language so developed it was scripted. No proof. Beyond these my point is Ethiopia are mixed all over the country but we don’t need such fabricated tale to unite any two ethnic groups be it oroma and amhara or others. Look at the orom extrimists or the woayne ethno fascists – are we kind of begging them saying ‘look guys we are of the same origin’? No, absolutely not. We are intermarried, intermingled inter-everything through our history so we don’t need to prove anything to any one last of all narro minded ethno-politician. Stop your wild accusation get the points people make before being more ethiopian than others.