ሊቀ ሰላዩ ደብረጽዮን የህወሃት መክሸፍ ያሳሰባቸው ይመስላል። “ነጻው ጋዜጠኛ” ዳዊት ከበደ “አውራምባ times” በሚባለው ጉራማይሌ ጋዜጣ ላይ የሰሞኑን ቃለምልልሳቸውን ሲያትም ያወጣው ፎቶ በደብረጽዮን ጠረጴዛ ላይ የሚታየው Why Nations Fail የሚለውን የDaron Acemoglu እና የJames A. Robinson መጽሃፍ ነው።
ላለመክሸፍ የባዕድ መጽሃፍ ከማንበብ ከምትሞቀው ወንበር ትንሽ ብድግ ብሎ “እረኛ ምን ይላል?” ማለት ከክሽፈት ያድን ይሆናል!
ወይስ አላማው ለኦህዴድ መሪዎች ተሃድሶ ሊያስተምሩበት ይሆን? ወይስ ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ ባለፈው ግምገማ “አዳዲስ ቃላት አመንጭተህ አታውቅም” ተብለው ስለነበር “የሃይለማርያምን መሰደብ የሰማ” በማለት ለራሳቸው አዳዲስ ጸረ-ክሽፈታዊ ቃላትን ሊማሩበት ይሆን? የወንበሩዋ ተስፈኛ አይደሉ!
መጽሃፉ ስለክሽፈት ብዙ ያስተምራል ግን expiry date ላለፈባቸው የሚሰጠውን ጥቅም ካንባቢው ብንጠብቅ ይሻላል?!
መልካም ንባብ “ክቡር ሚኒስትር”!
gud says
At least he reads . Today is not 16 century to talk about Eregna .Talk to experts only .
Eregnas are illiterate !!!
Woldu Kidane says
Change will not come by blaming, shouting and fabricating unhonest and/or unchecked false propagandas. Change comes by demonstrating our (every one who like to see a Change in Ethiopia’s politics) smarter and scientific ideas to whom we all love, Ethiopian people by utilizing the time, material and effort we are spending to blame and misguide the public. The public has to be thought ” the better ideas” we believe will bring the change to their living standard (developments) and to build a peacefull one United Ethiopian than the one who is getting blamed. Because they are doing what is best at their despostal to shows the an deniable change in many aspects of peopls’ life. We can not criticized them with out having alternative smarter ideas and try to block the improvement the people got so far.
It is absolutely wrong to misguide the innocent people to do the dirty work to make a political point. They have to be thought how The change idea will benefit them and the county relatively to the one they are living in. To me any better ideas are welcome regardless of who brought them up and I will do my share to my ability to implement them with all the smart and intellectual people in the country (there are very educated people in the country than abroad who is working full time for a living and part time talking politics of Ethiopia thousands mile away).They are living in it and they should shape their future not the external can mold their future.
I strongly support a peaceful methods to bring a change. We (abroad) have to agree with this fundamental principl. I believe, with this idea, it is very easy to organize people and consolidate their constractive different ideas by having free discussion forum and reach all Ethiopia in and out of the country.
The other short cut methods to grab power, like advocating a violent public uprising, telling a baseless change hopes like the six point proclamation, arm struggle (has -100% possibility to achieve the goal)
So let us focus on working together for the same purpose that will change the country for good and make it a sustainable the changes to our country. Especially those of us living abroad should not act as the change leaders than a change advocaters to those who are living in the country. I have the experience that a few used the innocent and tried to grab power but run to save their life when it got harder or danger to their life. They went back to their backup country abroad. History should teach. We have to stop claiming as leaders to brings change in Ethiopia. The truth and scientific fact is that the change comes by the people who are linking and experiencing the system that needs to be change.
Thank you