ከ25 ዓመታት በላይ የፒያኖ ድርሰቶችን በመጻፍና በመጫወት የአገራችንን ስም በማስጠራት የቆየው ኢትዮጵያዊው ዜማ ደራሲ እና ፒያኒስት ግርማ ይፍራሸዋ በአሁኑ ቅዳሜ November 26 ምሽት ከ6:30 ጀምሮ በዋሺንግተን ዲሲ እና በአካባቢዋ ለሚገኙት አድናቂዎቹ ግሩም የሆነ የፒያኖ ሙዚቃ ትርኢት Washington Ethical Society አዳራሽ ለማቅረብ ተዘጋጅቷል።
ግርማ የሙዚቃ ትምህርቱን የጀመረው በልጅነቱ ክራር በመጫወት ነበር። በመቀጠልም በያሬድ ሙዚቃ ት/ቤት (1975-1978 ዓ.ም)፣ Sofia State Conservatory of Music (1978-1986 ዓ.ም)፣London Royal Academy of Music (1989 ዓ.ም)፣ እናLeipzig Hochschule für Music und Theater (1991 ዓ.ም) ክላሲካል ሙዚቃን በመማር የድርሰትና የትርኢት ችሎታውን ለማዳበር ችሏል።
በቅርቡም ባወጣው የክላሲካል ሙዚቃ አልበሙ (“Love and Peace”) ከዓለም አቀፍ የሙዚቃ እና የጥበብ አውታሮች እጅጉን የሚያኮራ አድናቆት ተችሮታል።
“A rare and fascinating example of aesthetic adaptation and convergence”
The New York Times
“Girma’s performances are tonally rich and subdued, with his folksy melodies given alternative emphasis – grandiloquent and hushed”
The Chicago Reader
“Girma crafts a unique blend of hauntingly melodic works … filtered through the Ethiopian pentatonic scale, tipping his hat toward jazz and classical music simultaneously. Easily one of the year’s most engrossing works by an incredibly gifted composer and musician” Other Music
በአሁኑ ቅዳሜ (November 26) ይህ ፈር ቀዳጅ ኢትዮጵያዊ ፒያኒስት በሚያቀርበው ልዩ የሙዚቃ ትርኢት ከወዳጆችዎ ጋር ተገኝተው እንዲታደሙልን በአክብሮት እንጋብዝዎታለን። ግርማ የትጉህነት ምሳሌም እንደመሆኑ የመጪው ትውልድ አካል የሆኑትን ልጆችዎንም በማምጣት ኢትዮጵያዊ ኩራትዎን እና ተስፋዎን ያካፍሏቸው።
ቲኬት ለማግኘት www.eventbrite.com
ዋኖስ ፕሮዳክሽን
This renowned Ethiopian pianist and composer will visit the DMV area to perform live in concert on Saturday, November 26th. The intimate performance will be hosted at the Washington Ethical Society (7750 16th St NW) and shall be Girma’s only Washington D.C appearance on this tour.
Born in Addis Ababa in 1967, Girma Yifrashewa combines the ecstasy of Ethiopian harmony with the grandeur of virtuoso piano technique. Highly adept at intertwining the sensual subtleties of Classical pieces with the moving power of Ethiopianfolk melodies, Girma has trained extensively at world-class classical institutions including the London Royal Academy of Music (1997), Leipzig Hochschule für Music und Theater (1999), Sofia State Conservatory of Music (1986-1995) and Yared School of Music (1983-1986).
His latest album, “Love and Peace” (2014) has met with wide acclaim, earning him numerous accolades from The New York Times, NPR, Uncut Magazine, Other Music and The Chicago Reader.
“A rare and fascinating example of aesthetic adaptation and convergence”
The New York Times
“Girma’s performances are tonally rich and subdued, with his folksy melodies given alternative emphasis – grandiloquent and hushed”
The Chicago Reader
“Girma crafts a unique blend of hauntingly melodic works … filtered through the Ethiopian pentatonic scale, tipping his hat toward jazz and classical music simultaneously. Easily one of the year’s most engrossing works by an incredibly gifted composer and musician” Other Music
Girma’s passion for music began while plucking the strings of the Kirar – a traditional Ethiopian instrument similar to a harp. He would later build his classical repertoire by performing the works of Schumann, Schubert, Chopin and Debussy. Ethiopian melodic tradition (with its modal harmony) and Chopin (with his static harmony) both play a major influence on Girma’s compositions.
Tickets at www.eventbrite.com
Wanos Production
ኪነ ጥበቡ ላይ ስለምታተኩሩ እናመሰግናለን !
በዚሁ ቀጥሉ ።