An excerpt:
Every official of the TPLF regime is corrupt to the core. Corruption is a kind of allowed activity by the TPLF to enrich oneself. The TPLF follows the philosophy of “Don’t put a muzzle on an ox while it treads grain” (ሲሾም ያልበላ ሲሻር ይቆጨዋል). If you are an official of the TPLF, you are expected to be corrupt. It is rather suspicious if you are incorruptible and you probably land yourself under scrutiny. You can amass, not just millions of dollars, but even billions, as long as you don’t fall out with the establishment of the TPLF. You can’t do business on your own. You need to share it with the TPLF officials. In the meantime, you have got to know how to stay within the bounds of TPLF structure. 14 Diagnosing Corruption in Ethiopia Perceptions, Realities, and the Way Forward for Key Sectors Once Meles Zenwi said to his appointees: “EPRDF’s appointment to aigher office is like sleeping on a tree-branch. If you snooze, you will drop.” (የኢሕአዴግ ሹመት የዛፍ ላይ ዕንቅልፍ ነው። ሽልብ ካልክ ዱብ ነው). (click here to read more)
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