“ነፍጠኛው ስርዐት ስማቸውን ቀየራቸው ከተባሉት ቦታዎች ውስጥ መርካቶ፣ ፒያሳና ካዛንቺስ ይገኙበታል፤ እነዚህ ጣሊያናዊ ስሞች ናቸው፤ የክሪስፒና የምኒልክ፣ የተፈሪና የሙሶሎኒ ዝምድና ይጣራልን፡፡
* የታሪክ መፅሐፍቱ “Oromo migration movement” ሲሉን ከርመው አይ “Oromo population movement” ነው ብለው አስተካከሉና መዳ ወላቡ ከህዝቡ መስፋፋት በፊት የኦሮሞ ማዕከልና መነሻ መሆኑን ነገሩን፡፡ መስፋፋቱ ደግሞ እ.ኤ.አ ከ1522-1618 ነው እስከዛ ድረስ አዲስ አበባ የማን ነበረች?
* ከክርስቲያኑ ግዛተ አፄ እና ከሙስሊሙ የ16ኛው ክ/ዘ አታካችና ረጅም ጦርነት በኋላ የሁለቱም ወገን ጃይንቶች ገላውዲዎስና ኢማም አህመድን ሞት ተከትሎ ተዋጊዎቹ መዳከማቸው ለኦሮሞ ግስጋሴ አይነተኛ ሚና ተጫውቷል፡፡ አፄ ሚናስ የጦራቸውን መሳሳት ተከትሎ የኦሮሞ ተዋጊዎችን ከመግጠም ወደ አባይ ማዶ መሻገርን ሲመርጡ ሰሜን ሸዋ በኦሮሞች እጅ ወደቀ፤ ኢምር ኑር ኢብን ሙጃህዲን ደግሞ ሀረር ገብተው ከተሙ፤ ኋላም የኦሮሞችን ግስጋሴ ለመግታት ኢሚር ኑር ኢብን ዳውድ የሀረር ግንብን አሳነፁ የቀረው የሙስሊሙ ግዛት በኦሮሞ ተዋጊዎች ተያዘ፣ አሁንም እንደተያዘ ነው፡፡
* አፄ እያሱ ሁለተኛ “ሁሉም በያለበት ይርጋ” ሲሉ ያስነገሩት አዋጅ የኦሮሞን ግስጋሴ ቢገታም የያዙትን አካባቢ እንዲለቁ አላስገደደም፤ በዚህም ወሎ አካባቢ ብዙ ቦታዎች በኦሮምኛ ስያሜያቸው እየተገለገሉ ይገኛሉ፡፡
* በዚህ አጋጣሚ ግን የኛ ሠፈር ስያሜ አልተቀየረም፤ እንደደረሠኝ መረጃ አካባቢውን ይገባናል ያሉ ሁለት ብሔረሰቦች እስኪስማሙ ተብሎ ነው አሉ፡፡ የመኮንኖቹ መኖሪያና ጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴር ቢሮ መሀል የሚኖረውን ማወቅ ለእናንተ ተትቷል፡፡
ቢኒያም ተስፋዬ (binikonjo5@gmail.com)
“ጎልጉል፡ የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ የሕዝብ” እንደመሆኑ በ“የኔ ሃሳብ (Opinion)” ዓምድ ሥር የድርጅቶችና የማንኛውም ግለሰብ ነጻ ሃሳብ የሚስተናገድ ሲሆን ከአንባቢያን የሚላኩልን ጽሁፎች በጋዜጣው የአርትዖት (ኤዲቶሪያል) መመሪያ መሠረት ያለ መድልዖ በዚህ ዓምድ ሥር ይታተማሉ፡፡ ይህ በጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ በ“የኔ ሃሳብ (Opinion)” ዓምድ የታተመ ጽሁፍ የጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ® አቋም ሳይሆን የጸሃፊው ነው፡፡
Mulugeta Andargie says
Guys!!! I want to say something about the city, too. a) The city should be called by her long time name ” Finfinnee”.
Mr. Mayor!!! b) The city has her own income and budget Those financial incomes could build the city in a better way than the present condition. c) All the valleys which were eroded by rain for a long period of times ; should be filled by concrete stones, in order to make the ground stiff and unwavering d) Hills are a lot in the city; they make the city ugly. They should be dug and making level just like foot ball field. e) Rivers are dried and now they collected garbages and bad sells during winter time. They should be filled with sands and concrete stones. f)Graders, cutter pillars and bulldozer should be roared on those areas.
For example: ** Melka Anissa valley, Ginfillee valley, Slassie Gebeya area, Kolfee area valley, Those area should be filled with sands and stones. Otherwise; the city couldn’t be perfect even though she has tall buildings. I believe the suggestion is constructive!!!
ASd QWd says
ሳሩ የእነሱ መሬቱ የእኛ ነው
Mulugeta Andargie says
I want to add an other topic which goes with the same one concerning the city. Garra Sullulta is a very dangerous hill for the city. Currently, Finfinnee is growing rapidly. Additionally, The Ethiopian Airlines is modernizing the company with better. Garra Sullulta is a very obstacle and dangerous for flight traffic attendants. Whenever the flights are arriving or taking off, only they use in one direction. They should use two ways at the same moment in order to make good services for any pilot who doesn’t know the city at all. The running way for the pilots are not good because of this Garra. In my part, this Garra must go!!! Mr. Mayor, nowadays, the great dam is digging and thoroughly establishing modern dam. It takes a lot of money, we know that, but the flow of water is being used. The Sululta hill should be ended absolutely!!! It has to be flat and giving services the way I suggest. a) You could create a lot jobs for current youths. b) The area would be modern than you expect permanently. c) The city has good services for pilots. d) It doesn’t take much finance comparing the future service.
telala says
biniknojo Yekrispi, yeminilik, yeteferi ena yemusolonin zemedna atarichie derishebetalehu. Tariku Endezih new. Yekrispi enat legubjet temtalech, yezangizie minilik melke melkam wetat neber ena yechi koreda fikir yiyzatal. esuwan demo geda yemibal betam yiwdatal beteley ferenge silenberech gen eswa gedan alwedihem enei yemiwedew minliken new bela tasaferewalech, bezihm geda tebesacheto beminilik lay kebad kim yeyzal. keziam endeminim bela koredawa miniliken tetebsewalech ena yefikruan tadergiltalech satakew argiza wede ageroua timelesalech liju siweled krispi tebal. selezih krispi yaw yeminilik yefiker lij gena minilik sayageba belijenetu yetewolede new. Yeteferi ena yemusoloni tenesh leyet yilal. Kebzu zer befit keand abat keand enat new yetewledut ena Bewtatentachew and knojo huletum yiwedalu. knojowa leteferi tabdalech neger gen yhei lemusoloni altewateletem slezih musoloni begulbet lementek keteferi gar gebgeb yiyazal bemegemeria musoloni telek selenebere yashenefal teferi bezih betam yibesachal teferi muslonin lemashenef blehat yifetrena muslonin lemecheresha gize ashenefo konjowan melso yiwesdal. yaw endalkuh kebzu zemen befit kande enat ena keandeabt new yeteweledut. yehei ewnetejna tarik new kebzu tenat ena meremer behuwal new yedereskubet. lezih kebad sira gen misgana alfelegem. Biniknojo bicha min yadergal chinkilateh askeyami honual beolf ena ehadeg propaganda.
Mulugeta degmo yemehandisnet serawn tekinehewal temaren yemilut enquan endezih aynet ewqet alasaum. le addis ababa kentibanet beafatagn mewdader alebeh enei endehon yemimertew anten new gin yihen yanebebe hulu endemimerteh ergiteja neje. yeaddisabeba hizeb sitebek yeneberw anten new. yemericha werket satewel satder beaschequai mazgajet gemir lezih hasab genzeb yelegim endatel tebedrehim behon yeaddis abeban lewtat yaw steshome bederun tekeflaleh.