ሐሙስ ዕለት የአሜሪካ ጉብኝታቸውን የጀመሩት ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ዐቢይ አሕመድ ከአሜሪካው ምክትል ፕሬዚዳንት ማይክ ፔንስ ጋር ነገ (አርብ) እንደሚገናኙ ጎልጉል፤ የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ ያገኘው መረጃ ጠቁሟል።
ወደ አሜሪካ የሚያደርጉት ጉብኝት ማክሰኞ ጀምሮ እስከ እሁድ ወይም ሰኞ ይዘልቃል ተብሎ ታስቦ የነበረው የጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ዐቢይ አሕመድ ጉብኝት ባጭር ቀናት እንደሚጠናቀቅ ከተሰማ ወዲህ ጉዳዩ ያሳሰባቸው ወገኖች ቀናቱ እንዲረዝሙ ብዙ ሲጥሩ ቆይተው ነበር። በተለይ የጠ/ሚ/ሩ ጉብኝት ዋናው ዕቅድ ከኢትዮጵያውያን ጋር መገናኘት ነው ተብሎ ከአገር ቤት ከተነገረ ወዲህ እነዚሁ ወገኖች ዶ/ር ዐቢይ ከአሜሪካ የመንግሥት ባለሥልጣናት ጋር መገናኘት አለባቸው በሚል ሲጥሩ ቆይተው ነበር።
የጠ/ሚ/ር ዐቢይ ጉብኝት ከኢትዮጵያውያን ጋር ብቻ ከሆነና በዚህ የመጀመሪያ በሆነው ጉብኝት ከትራምፕ አስተዳደር ሹሞች፤ ከመከላከያና ከውጭ ጉዳይ መ/ቤት ባለሥልጣናት ጋር ሳይገናኙ ከሄዱ ሊፈጠር የሚችለውን የዲፕሎማሲ ክስረት የተገነዘቡ ወገኖች በርካታ ጥረቶችን ሲያደርጉ መቆየታቸው ጎልጉል የደረሰው መረጃ ያመለክታል።
ባለፉት አስተዳደሮች “ነጭ ወያኔ” ደጋፊዎች የነበሩት ህወሓት አሁንም የእነዚህን “ወዳጆቹን” ሥልጣን በመጠቀም ዶ/ር ዐቢይ የአሜሪካ ወዳጅ አይደሉም የሚለውን ስም በማሰጠት ለማጠልሸት የፈለገው ሙከራ እንደፈለገው እንዳልተሳካ የመረጃው ባለቤቶች ገልጸዋል። እንዲያውም ይህ በኤምባሲ በኩል መጠናቀቅ የሚገባው ጉዳይ በተገቢው ሁኔታ አለመሠራቱ፤ ጠ/ሚ/ሩ ከአሜሪካ ፕሬዚዳንት ጀምሮ በተዋረድ ሌሎች ከፍተኛ ባለሥልጣናትና ፖለቲከኞችን እንዲያገኙ አለመደረጉ አሁንም ሥርነቀል ለውጥ በኤምባሲዎቻችን ውስጥ እስካልተደረገ ድረስ በጠ/ሚ/ር ዐቢይ የውጭ ፖሊሲ ላይ ትልቅ ጋሬጣ ይሆናል የሚል አስተያየት ተሰጥቶበታል።
በሰብዓዊ መብቶች ረገጣና መሰል ጉዳዮች ስማቸው ብዙም ያላማረውን ፕሬዚዳንት ትራምፕን ከሚያገኙ ይልቅ ጠ/ሚ/ር ዐቢይ ከምክትል ፕሬዚዳንት ማይክ ፔንስን ጋር ውይይት ማድረጋቸው የተሻለ ነው የሚሉ ወገኖች፤ ሚ/ር ፔንስ የኋይት ሐውስን ፖለቲካ በመዘወር ከበስተጀርባ ቁልፍ ሚና የሚጫወቱ መሆናቸውን ይጠቅሳሉ።
“አሸባሪነትን መዋጋት” በሚል ሽፋን የአሜሪካ ወዳጅ ነኝ ሲል ለቆየው ህወሓትና “ነጭ ወያኔዎች” ይህ የዶ/ር ዐቢይና የሚ/ር ፔንስ ግንኙነት ከዲፕሎማሲ አኳያ የመጀመሪያው ሽንፈቱ ሊወሰድ እንደሚችል የመረጃው ባለቤቶች ያስረዳሉ። ጠ/ሚ/ር ዐቢይም በዚህ ውይይት ባለፉት አራት ወራት ያከናወኗቸውን ተግባራት በማስረዳት በአሜሪካ በኩል (በተለይ “የቀን ጅቦቹ”ን በተመለከተ) ሊያገኙ የሚችሉትን ድጋፍ የሚወያዩበትን መድረክ እንደሚከፍትላቸው ከወዲሁ ተጠቁሟል። (ፎቶ፤ ከኢንተርኔት የተገኘ፤ በጎልጉል የተቀናበረ)
ማሳሰቢያ፤ በተለይ በስም ወይም በድርጅት ስም እስካልተጠቀሰ ድረስ በጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ™ ላይ የሚወጡት ጽሁፎች በሙሉ የጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ™ ንብረት ናቸው። ይህንን ጽሁፍ ለመጠቀም የሚፈልጉ ሁሉ የዚህን ጽሁፍ አስፈንጣሪ (link) ወይም የድረገጻችንን አድራሻ (https://www.goolgule.com/) አብረው መለጠፍ ከጋዜጠኛነት የሚጠበቅና ህጋዊ አሠራር መሆኑን ልናሳስብ እንወዳለን።
Yeshi Gemaneh says
In my opinion, within this short period of time, this is extra ordinary achievement, with full of hope, bright future, and oneness journey, to make Ethiopia greater, for better understanding, and development. In Amharic there is a saying, “Yameytgib Injera kemetedu yestaweqle.” Fearful thoughts should be abolished, it is a good beginning and should be proceeded without any wavering. At the end, all the efforts will not be for personal fame, it will be to make Ethiopia on top of a map, to eradicate poverty, and for a better place to live peacefully, and in harmony for all without any discrepancies. Present and future generations should be honorable, hard workers, and responsible to be proud citizens. To insult one another is not acceptable and not in the blood of Ethiopians. I appreciated the opportunity.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
I said it before, I will say it in the future, Ethiopia has a big place in my mind. In short:
My Birth Land, Ethiopia
On high plateau
On ragged mountain
Surrounded by hills and valley
You are scalded by your droughts
Through no fault of yours
All your beauty covered with swift dust
Your hospitality changed
To second degree begging bread for the hungry
You raised me with milk and honey
Something went wrong
Can you tell me?
Your journey to Democracy a priceless effort
You a mother of burnet face
Call them to change your nick-names
I know you will be blessed again
Now and then always my country
Yeshi Gemaneh
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Back in my years, we never knew division by tribes, we all were speaking one language, and one aim that was one Ethiopia. Again, the slogan should be “One Ethiopia” let the new generation learn this language of oneness and all work and think for the people at large, and for development of that beautiful one Ethiopia. Educators should work hard to abolish the hatred messages, and draw pictures of love and respect of one another. That can be happen when there is love, peacefulness, and trust in God. All should think for their country without any discrepancies to make and, with full heartedness pull that country out of poverty.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
A land with multiple cultures, spectacular look, strong relations and acceptance with one another, love and respect of each other that makes one beautiful Ethiopia. We grew sharing a little in hand with relatives and friends; kindness is in the blood of each individuals. The grass roots remaining in search the lost and abandoned –only one Ethiopia we all love.
What the Prime Minister had done recently is out spoken. He caved the way for others in doing good will mission to less fortunate people. That is what is requiring every where in the world. As the riches getting richer the poor are getting poorer. In my opinion, more work need to be done.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
The advancement of technology
Not saving from burning mother earth
The skyscraper building flourishing
Not element the homelessness
The big harvested land of grains
Not compromised the hunger
The refined researching of science
Didn’t stopped from infectious diseases *Cancer
The huge production of goods
Didn’t included those with none
The fantasy of Facebook
Didn’t beautified the world
Highly learned intellectuals
How much difference are they making?
With the illiterate of modern time
Yeshi says
Everyone reading this short note should help establishing Library in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Library is a great deal for a country. It is a place where collections of knowledge is found. Library is for the public to be together to expedite many information. Library is for the youth, and children to keep them busy from idling. Library will keep many youngsters together and help to know each other and discuss on variety of subjects. Library helping for researchers in expediting on different topics, and whereas they need reference books in that respect library is the key. Library could be peaceful, reading room for many book lovers. Collection of books could be a great treasure for the country and for the society at large. Many records past, present could be stored or kept at library and used for references. Many documents could be stored safely at the library. The usefulness of library is countless: Library is a storage of intellectual’s mind where one would access easily and benefited.
The children will form habits of going to library at early age, and as they grew they will be good readers, and become knowledgeable. Library will teach the children discipline, to be tidy and organize. Library will help the children to exceed at school. They will designate their time for library, at the same time they would volunteer at the library to work at lending disk; one basic way of learning responsibility. Will help them to control themselves.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
A New Year Resolution to Be
In sound and meaningful way
Not to be outrageous
In a possible and affordable manner
Welcoming a New Year
With loud voice
Within every strength
Wishing peace to those in conflict
Health and strength
To the ill and weak
Love to hostile and animosity
Cheerful and friendly for lonesome
Kindness will put smile on every face
Justice for unjustness
Equal opportunity to all
Not in words in deeds
To be prejudice hits hard
Like soundless pistol
Bread to hungry
Freedom to deprive
Wisdom to ignorance
Home to homeless
Job to jobless
With less “okay tomorrow”
To avoid excessiveness
And sharing with less fortunate ones
Will allow to give more space
Loving self means loving others
Avoiding unwanted habits
Will strengthen the list
As we all guest of owner to the earth
Let us have unity, respect and love
Until then
Yeshi Gemaneh says
I wish I could go back to school
To learn what I didn’t learned
To know better to find out more
Why things not flowing like a stream river
To have a better knowledge of everything
That gives me a better outlook of the world
I wish I could go back to school
Would help me to focuses on things I ignored
Would give me a better understanding to interact
Would offer a brighter way of seeing
It would help me to be a better someone
I wish I could go back to school
To make a research and share it with others
In many ways if there are means of changing
Things to work for better
To learn to be away from wrong places
I wish I could go back to school
To learn not to offend others
To learn how to treat equally
With no discrimination
To avoid partiality and how
To see all in one eye
Yeshi Gemaneh says
“Gojo – Sixteen” Cottage
G = Good
O = On
J = Joining
O = Others
In defining “Gojo” as good on joining others
That other means you and elsewhere in the
World should have a common sense
Speaking not of each other’s language
And not sharing culture of one another
Should not be a bridge of obstacle;
Still we connect by human feeling
I am passing what I see, and hearing from Gojo to you
And that is one way of learning from one another
This world is full of ventures to share
Little we ask, listening more to one another
That is what makes a difference
As I already shared our priority concerns
Of education, health and transportation
As a child of Gojo I worried more for aging
People like my Grandmother
A learned mind can do better
If we just allowing things to let it go
Many things get from good to bad,
Bad to worst
Let our voices echoed from corner to corner
To make it a better world for tomorrow
No child to go hungry and ill
No scarcity to play peacefully at their own backyards
Old and weak should be included in the list
That is meant to be a better world of tomorrow
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Peace of Mind
Peace heartwarming as morning sun
Brighten the fogy way with your delightful light
You are tender and smooth when touched
You are a big tree with enormous shade
No roughness in your nature
When they have you no fear of movement
No worry of darkness what the future brings
You are a mother of motivation and success
Teach everyone afar or nearby the usefulness
To drink the sweet fountain flowing at no cost
Start from every individual, families, friends, neighbors
And collectively to recognize your benefit’s
Your name should be flourished – that means love, respect
And peace in every mind.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
The dictionary defined
Peace = concord, peacetime, amity, and harmony, etc.
Peace you are calm unless they make you talk
Peace you cannot walk unless they give you cane
Peace you have no hands unless they lend you
They are forcing you to talk and walk
They are pushing you hard to lose your temper
And indeed should cast to keep you in Goodwill
The word of God instructs, “Depart from evil,
And do good seek peace and pursue it.”
How could they keep you in accord to be?
Peace at home, at work and everywhere
The children to grow joyfully, the old and weak to rest
Who dare not to cease you peace?
The neighbors live happily when they have you
Workers love to have you to perform their duties
To stop the war of tong and pen and focusing on progress
To keep you peacefully, to hold you close, to make you tight
Yeshi Gemaneh says
A Combination
A river and lake
Mountain and Valley
Rocks and gravels
Constructing a huge building
When combined together
Black and white
Brown and yellow
Old and young all together
Will have strength in holding
World Globe
A combination of different fruit
Blended together the best remedy
For health
Many different grains mixed and
When backed the best bread for fitness
Diverse ideas when collided
Will form agreement
A single voice will get lost in the air
When combined can be heard across the ocean, and
Around the world
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Flying Wave – Flag
A combination of rainbow
Every region has its choice
Rich, poor, big or small
All are proud of you
An emblem of freedom
Success and defeat counts on you
To strengthen solidarity
Flown-up so high
Everyone could see you
Align in plaza a sign of unity
Pride to many, and shame to enemy
You’re cost so high
An exchange of flush and blood
You deserve a bow as a courtesy
You too dear to put you on fire.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
What effect did it bring?
To what you said
Speak up for the sake of speechless
Iron rust if not used
By the smith
Offered a better way to use it
The arrogant assuming
They know better
When it comes truly
Brain matters
They were so hungry
When there is plenty out there
What is missing?
Not knowing what is going on
if ears don’t give attention
to the mouth speaking
Words will scattered without listeners
A meeting adjourned
without taking minutes of a day
if they meet again
they have nothing to read, however
Yeshi Gemaneh says
On My Way to Lunenburg
(Goethe Institute, German Language
Learning Center)
Feeling an importance which I couldn’t fill
Blush on my face–smile of happiness
Mother whispered into my ear
“Go learn, and pass it on to the next generation”
Dressed with national custom as an emblem
Saluted everyone with their blessings
Left my country with promise to serve on my return
For the first time on foreign soil; I travelled on luxury train
I sneezed from a mixed weather: cold and warm
the first word I heard was “Gesundheit”
From what I have learned, it means, “bless you”
What good wishing to someone from a strange land?
My eyes were most grateful viewing what
I hadn’t seen before – well-structured buildings
High speed cars running from corner to corner
The fast and comfortable train was hilarious
Well-dressed people made me think
Less fortunate ones of mine
Murmured inside, is this magic?
“No, it is by hard work and education”
The industrious German people worked day and night
High dedication and love of a country rocketed on top of world map
Soon, I am in “Bahnhof” train station
Yeshi Gemaneh says
“From what I read Anglian Jolly is a renowned actress and also adopted a child from Ethiopia; I am suggesting to her if she could make networking with all adopted children from Ethiopia. From my distance knowledge there are countless of them are adopted by foreigners all over the world, and have no traces of their country of origin. Since they are disrupted all over the world they need someone to assist them “Know Your Country” connection and contact addresses of each other. So that they will not remain isolated and be doubtful of their background. Please Anglian help them in coordinating these children so that they will not remain isolate.” The above note was sent to the above named Actress, however, to this date I didn’t heard anything. This issue is still viberating in my mind, if by any chance any able person would give attention to create a means of contact address in order to trace them in the future. This is again, a reminder to creat a contact channels.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Different Ideas
Your thoughts never met mine
Travelling far apart
It is okay not to reconcile
As far as we have the opportunity
For fresh beginning
One day, soon or later
Our ideas will collaborates
Diligently together
For the good of humanity
As we live and learn many things
We should share well with others
What is not profit?
To trash it
The streets are wide and open
As we use it tactfully
There is plenty of space
For many to make a pleasant journey
Let us collide our ideas
Without crushing
For the benefit of those left behind
At the end when fruits ripe
And abundantly collected
Will make us all proud
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Farmer’s Dream
He owes not much
Lives with hope
To have a better harvest
All his effort
To produce enough for his household
The left over from consumption
He will take it to nearby market
To sell for whatever amount
No proper dresses or life style
All that is not his worry
Joyful enough in the straw –roofed cottage
When experiencing thunder storm
Kneeling down for God’s mercy
When weather conventional
Working sunrise to unseat
Observing the sound of cocks crowing
As his time keeper
Wife and children part of his attainment
All his dream is for better harvest
Agriculture is a result of hard work. Those people who are devoted to agriculture are contributing to the Societies their essential needs which is very important to life. Healthy foods are the produce of agriculture. All the fruits, different vegetables and grains are the result of agriculture. When agriculture reduces or when there are shortages that is when famine and starvation are occurred. Agriculture or farming should be encouraged and produced more in order to minimize the food shortage around the world.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
From my long years of observations and knowledge, malaria never been defeated in Ethiopia, or elsewhere in Africa. I am well oriented of malaria from my father. When I was a child, he used to work as supervisor of farming areas, and traveled many remote places and contracted malaria several times. Fortunately he survived, and later in few big cities there were malaria eradication centers, and there were always complaint of malaria. That insect was trouble makers then and still. As malaria problem lingered for years in my mind that is one reason for writing or expressing the following:
… It gives a relief to release
Which is lingering in mind
A word begin with “M”
M = Malaria – a little in size
Ample and high in damaging
There are many who are suffering
Because of this little creature called Mosquito
From my past knowledge
Efforts done to eradicate
Still are trouble makers in some parts of area
To declare war will give freedom
for these life been precious
especially the children better grow
without them
this is a word of reminder
for anyone not aware reading
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Fair or Unfair
A remainder to each
And every observer the difference
Between fair and unfair
Watching in a distance
Putting self at high on a tower
With little connection
Will widening the gap
Is it fair to say?
With no concerns or inquiry
With no attention
No solidarity
Keeps each other apart
Not listening to hurt and neglect
When justice not balancing
When opportunity blocked
With act of negligence
There are many shading tears
There are many with no food to eat
No shade from burning sun
No blankets from freezing cold
And expecting something
When a stream of river
Flowing only on one direction
With uneven distribution
If ‘fair and unfair’ put on scale
Which one weighs more?
The answer is yours
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Who Am I
I carry my baby on my back
I hold firewood on my front
I walk miles to fetch water
I take lunch to my farming husband
I sweep the floor in between
I will make ‘injera’ in occurred way
That is when smoke stood like pillars
A good sign of a village
I go to the field to help to pull weeds
No umbrella for the burning sun
I munch as I walk, no time for lunch
Dog and cat sneak for crumbs
I rush to pick egg laid before its crush
I milk cows in the evening
I nurse my crying baby at night
at the worst I hum out loud
On Sunday, I go to church to pray
for forgiveness of sin inherited from ancestors
I wonder when this will end
they call me a woman of the farm
Yeshi Gemaneh says
I see you as a beautiful lady
Dressed-up with hand woven garment
With no superficial make-up
You precious lady; not made earned at high cost
You’re tender heart offering equal justice
You’re far thinking revolting discrepancy
You‘re strong believer of law and order as you
Structured on discipline
Your wisdom a crown of equality
You put your hand on everyone
To bless with education
You whispering on every ear – to work hard
Because, your garment is a product
Skillfully crafted apparel
Take time and teach one by one
The definition of your name
It shall prosper and deeds will be done
When followed your instruction
You clapping as happiness
You oppose wrong doing in your name
Free to speak, free to demonstrate
Free to write that is why I expressed my idea
So is that you beloved Democracy
Yeshi Gemaneh says
There is nothing makes me happy
Than to say, “Good Morning Everyone”
There is nothing gives me gratification
Than to say, “How are you doing all?”
It is a good feeling to hear in return
That you all are doing warm and earnest
You all are well and sound
It is a great pleasure that all are cheering
Treasuring past and present
Happiness and pain what we shared in common
A remarkable experience
Living together makes it endurable
Wish and desire with commitment
Together that makes us stronger
Like iron gate
Yeshi Gemaneh says
A Combination
A river and lake
Mountain and Valley
Rocks and gravels
Constructing a huge building
When combined together
Asking others for help
Not for personal benefit
for love of a country and people
that is one way of eradicting poverty
Black and brown
Old and young all together
Will have strength in holding/
lifting-up Ethiopia
A combination of different fruit
Blended together the best remedy
For health
Many different grains mixed and
When backed the best bread for fitness
Diverse ideas when collided
Will form agreement
A single voice will get lost in the air
When combined can be heard across the ocean, and
Around the world
All should help to eredicat the errosion
Yeshi Gemaneh says
U = Union
N = Nation
I = International
T = Territory
Y = Yield
As union is defined as unification
Will lead each country, state and land
In communicating with global or worldwide
In sharing, concerning with country and region
Which gives one another opportunity of helping
And to yield in strengthening every territory for goodwill
That is meant unity
One country cannot disregard from the other
Without showing and rendering help they need
That is one reason for the world to be
In helping to be free from hunger
To be free from disease and away from wicked doing
In forming peace at every region
Children to play without fear
Elderly to have peace of mind and body to rest
Laborers to perform their daily duty without fear
To expect development and progress
Without peace would be an imaginary dream
Unity and togetherness is needed
For the community and the world to be
In general; let us not forget its importance
For all human being – unity to flourish
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Once long ago, since then many happenings
I was in that program Girls Scout
To this date
Memory recalling many good things
Then there was “Girls Guides” as well
For girls only to participate
Wearing the uniform with badges was a pride
To salute each other with three fingers
Another entertaining
Learned so much such as: to respect one another
To be honest, faithful and loyal
To help elderly and weak
Among the rules
To tight notes and untighten that was another art
When I think back of that time
My heart feels with delight
Every young person should get that
opportunity; it teaches disciple and
path of life
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Once long ago, since then many happenings
I was in that program Girls Scout
To this date
Memory recalling many good things
Then there was “Girls Guides” as well
For girls only to participate
Wearing the uniform with badges was a pride
To salute each other with three fingers
Another entertaining
Learned so much such as: to respect one another
To be honest, faithful and loyal
To help elderly and weak
Among the rules
To tight notes and untighten that was another art
When I think back of that time
My heart feels with delight
Every young person should get that
opportunity; it teaches disciple and
path of life
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Short Remarks
Many times people are self-centered; when they are happy they praises, when they are angry they curse. It would be unrealistic to please every individuals. Here, the motto is about country, not on individual’s. You remember when the President had visitation to Emaohy’s falling apart home – everyone clapped and adored him. I think that could be one time incidence; otherwise he cannot and will not be able to knock on million’s home, and that would be beyond impossible reality.
The main focus should be on prioritizing on burning issues; again, if everyone is shouting no ears to hear, the voice will be scattered on the air, but lessening one another is important. There is only one country that is one Ethiopia. All able people of that country should work together for its development and growth, bickering one another would not take anywhere, except taking back. Fooling self should stop, and be realistic and more attention on real problems. They should organize well, stop fantasizing, and be serious. It is a good beginning, should continue without destruction, and without overwhelming amount of emotion. One main aspect should be educating, organizing, and explaining the facts to those left behind or with less knowledge. That way they would understand the reality of the country, and in a way to accept the condition they are in.
I think it is not far from the truth if we said, Ethiopian are bright by nature. If we go back to our ancestors history – there were many fine things discovered to value. For instance, bamboo umbrella, wooden stools, utensils made of horn, the hand woven clothes, the baskets, the ornaments, even their hair style, and many more – all that put us in wonder. What is requiring is coordination, cooperation, togetherness. The young generation are bright and their bright mind should be used properly for development and progress. Less talk and more work.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Happy New Year
Melkam Addis Amat (Happy New Year)
Here and there blanketed with
Ye Meskel Abeba
(Stunning yellow flower)
God given present to Ethiopia
A sign of New Year
A heritage celebration
It is welcomed with songs
Ababayea hoy; lamlem
A wish for fertile and greenish
A combination of heart worming
A song wishing health and wealth
Used so many nice words
To cheer-up
Going house to house
Remain cultural identity
Presenting a bouquet of flowers
To neighbors and relatives
To fill-up all empty spaces with
Love, respect and harmony
To wish for a new beginning
To follow a wise man journey
To be ready for a new resolution
Enqu’ettash bayymetu yamttash!
Happy Ethiopian New Year
Every one!
Yeshi Gemaneh says
The Youth
The youth of today hope of tomorrow
You are the beauty of the land
The strength and the backbone of the society
Nothing impossible when working hard
When educating self from the past good or bad
Retaining the good and stashing the trash
Staying away from shallow thoughts
Dwelling in reality and avoiding to swim in Dry River
For own benefit
Listening to advice and learning from experienced
Another way of education
To avoid to be prisoner of own ego and imagination
Will help in landing in the field of numerous harvest
Solving unsolved
Climbing on top of the mountain
Crossing the river and sea
Running in the meadow
This is you, the youth who could do it
With your full strength
Allied to one another to overcome the hardship
Not by criticizing and tarnishing each other
By mobilizing each other and building a bridge of unity
To make a big circle for Art, Science, Geography and
History which is a concert in displaying your performance
Of great work to promote your country – you the Youth
Yeshi Gemaneh says
You probably a young person, as young generation you should be among promotor of change.
Ethiopia needs change for better. A country should not dwindling for ever on the same thing generation after generation. Ethiopia is a great country deserves better, and this current start is unique and should be considered as a great opportunity for advancement, progress and for better tomorrow. For how long Ethiopia remain quarrelling of each other? My advice to you is to read all History books written about Ethiopia – before Menelike as well, and then you will have a better awareness how the Nobilities of that ear were. Now, is a new time, the young people should be builders or an architects of their country to do good things which makes them proud.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
There are multiple problems to be addressed such as: Health, unemployment issues in Africa, the question is how could it be tackled? From my perspective view point, all cannot or will not be done at once.
This program is requiring many devoted individuals who are willing to echo out loud. From my distance observation, there should be many successful and well achieved people in Africa or around the world. In Amharic language there is a saying, “Dre-siybere Anbessa yesere.” When roughly translated: When threads consolidated will tight a lion. Here, the essence is when there is cooperation anything can be done. When there is integration and cooperation there will be motivation and concern. Avoiding fear and negativity, and focusing on subtle gain – that is from unselfish acts. Why always, generation after generation speak of backwardness, illness and poverty of Africa?
Yeshi Gemaneh says
A = Aging
P = People
R = Realty
I = Independent
L = Living
If I may correctly appraising
You April the fourth month of a year
You symbolized as diamond and daisy
Think of people with less privileged
With no more strength in the future
At present and in the past
Only have history and wisdom left
Be their advocate they need someone
To be involved in their individual lives
Coping with the time didn’t happening easy
The smart mind of today should include
In assessing for a better technology aid
My reminder should not remain in vain
especially in easy way of opening bottles for seniors
Yeshi Gemaneh says
April One – the Fool
At this bright season of a year
You popped up with spring
Your day one begins with fooling
As knowledge comes at any time
My knowledge of you was many years back
When I travelled on a train from Aachen to Dusseldorf
A train was filled with a mixture of age groups
They were many young and fresh travelers as well
Who were chanted and fooled each other
I, as young and strange observant
Was confused by their activities and laughter
Lost in the wave of eagerness
Inside me murmured, “What is going on?”
Soon I discovered it was April the fool
It is a kind of game for some without exceeding
It could be cultural entity; if they used it intact
Is full of laughter
This is in sharing a memoir not fooling
Wishing all happy beginning of April One
Yeshi Gemaneh says
What Makes You a Hero?
Not only going to war front
To fight with enemies
You could become a hero in your
Own back yard
If you are tolerating hardship
To overcome for a better
If you traveling long journey
Without quitting
If you are away from wrong doing
If you are focusing on positive
If you are spending your time on reading
Instead roaming around
If you do some cleaning and washing
Than watching TV the whole day
If you look for a better opportunity
Which would make you a better you
If you could stretch your hands
To help weak and helpless
If you raise your voice for voiceless
If you watch your steps from
Falling into ditches
Observing what to say with
Your little tongue
If you see all without partiality
A person with clean clothes/high life style
And that with shabby and worn out equally
Without disregard, all that and more
goodwill mession will make you a hero!
Yeshi Gemaneh says
One Day
When I think I think of you
If you are well and sound
When I walk I think of you
If you are safe and secured
When I eat I think of you
If you had enough food
When I dress I think of you
If you are cold and shivering
When I go to see a doctor I think of you
If you are getting basic treatment
When I live in warm and comfortable home
I think of you if you are getting shelter
When I think of many are over-feed
I think of you malnourished
When I am happy and joyful I think of you
As tears rolling on your face
When I see all the sparkling and glittering
I see the dark and shadow image of you
When many get proper education
I see you struggling to get out of illiteracy
Many many things I viewed
I hope one day you will be free
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Your life span withdrawn short
You appeared and disappeared
You rose as sun in the morning
And seat like sun in the evening
Many were disappointed as if you did it
Willingly by your own concurrence
No, there is God’s will for everything
During your short tenancy
You showed humbleness, innocence
And kindness to all your associates
All that good and fair not in vain
Remaining here on earth as commemoration
From childhood to your adulthood
Your talents, your humor and elegance
Remaining unrelenting past
Thank you for being a wonderful son
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Literally translated miracle
I never dreamed this to be
History to change to miracle
Though, this time is tragic than to be wonder
Your loving memories are helping me move
I missed you a lot than words can describe
Your concerns, your calls, and your visitations
I cannot get any search warrant
Neither I cannot tell what is wrong?
You rushed with high speed of no limitation
Your kindness swept away like a dream
I know for sure no one will be willing to bring you
You departed forcefully, separated from your loving
Family, I felt deserted and left behind
When I die I don’t want anyone to cry for me
I already cried enough with my dry eyes
I cannot go deep to Lord’s decision
Within my little knowledge
Only I pray to the Lord to strengthen me
You fought hard against the cruel
Enemy of cancer, but in vain only momentarily
One day will be defeated
Your death is not a silent death
You are conqueror by many voices
The darkest part be enlightens
By flashlight of your children
Who would have expect your death
At this critical time? When your bright son
Eagerly looking forward to see on his Doctorate graduation
When your brilliant daughters are working hard
To make you the proudest father, and when your loving
Wife needs your protection
It all ceased to different directions: The hope and the
Progress changed – you left us all in the shady sadness
Of sorrow, this is in loving memory to you Tamiya.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Beautiful Memories of Tamiya
The beautiful memories accumulated in my mind over the years: if they would change into objects, no power to hold them, no gravity to lift them up, and no intellect to define them. So, these huge memories of my beloved son Tamerat Engeda – to commemorate them in my final years, will make me the proudest mother of the world.
Tamiya was not only a son; he was a friend, a counselor, a brother and exceptionally great collaborator. His unfortunate death crushed me. It wasn’t in my wildest dreams to mourn Tamiya’s death. Thus, Isa 55.8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your way my ways,” declares the Lord. I will refrain from answering with my limited knowledge, and release my problem, God as He is in charge of everything. I will pray “The Lord’s prayer” Matthew 6: 9-13 to strengthen me.
The constructive decisions and well organized arrangements made to his final resting place, the love shared, the tears shed and the loyalty and love shown by his families and friends was immense. Also, my sincere thanks goes to the community and to Mekane Selam Medhane Alem Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Cathederal Church participants, in Oakland, CA.
The strengths of his wife and children will make Tamiya a special person. Without Geographical boundaries: from as far away as Ethiopia, Europe, and from different States, many people have expressed their unconditional love to Tamerat. Everyone was touched and hurt by this heavy burden of grief. The true definition of love was indeed displayed in realty. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 1 John 3:16
The vacuum left in our heart should be filled with God’s love, to self and to one another. As an elder of the family, I cannot express enough to thank each and every one of you. With the strongest possible words, I will say I love and respect you all. I admire your unity and relentless hard work with your utomost strength. I wish nothing more than to give each of you God’s blessing of long life and good health. “For length of days and long life and peace shall they add to you.” Prov. 3.2
Tamiya was a loving and caring husband and father. Regardless of age or status, he was humble and respectful to everyone. He was characterized as one of the best individual human beings. Nonetheless, the meritless world didn’t recognize all the qualities he had in order to prolong his years, and to enable him to live long to witness the success of his children. However, we need to lift up our minds and moods and try to make life meaningful and do something good for others, not for fame or reward, only as life requires and for self-satisfaction. “… Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, … For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, …” 2 Timothy 1:7
Tamiya was attacked or literally kidnapped by a dreadful and merciless illness called cancer. This ugly disease was left uncured and untreated in a dissatisfying fashion. In the meantime, countless people have vanished and many families have been punished without committing any crime of their own.
My finale plea is to the bright minds of science and health professional communities to mingle together and to add more time to their research, and seek a better outcome than the present innovation of “chemo” treatment. Chemotherapy should not be utilized as one of the best solutions. I am sorry to say that, “chemo” is not in my favor.
I urge the world community to echo my thoughts and to join me in this important mission of chang
Anguished Mother
Yeshiembet Gemaneh
Yeshi Gemaneh says
My daily prayer start with peace
I let my neighbor know
We all need peace
It is everyone’s right to live in peace
Let us all make a team for work, for progress
and prosperous of earth
Let the children go out and play in peace
Let seniors rest in peace
Let us fight the mystery around us
And wish to see the victory of peace
Let home be a place to rest in peace
for every human being
You flying bird high on the sky
Take this message and whisper
On each and everyone’s ear
Salem, Salem, and Salem
Mean Peace!
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Once Upon A Time
My mother wished me to be an educator
To eradicate illiteracy
To be free from inability to read and write
To use time in fruitful way
To read books exposed under the dust
Telling history and culture – will bring better each other
That is one way to be knowledgeable
My father wished me to be a good housekeeper
To be a good cook
To mend wear and tears
To be honest wife and a loving mother
Though, I prefer the first one
Since lack of education
Shattered the vision of human beings
Yeshi Gemaneh says
All Day Mother’s Day
I cannot tell any other
You are only one mother
You crowned the crown of kindness
That is one reason you are named mother
Who else would take your precious name?
only you mother
You never showed me angry face
My value was always the same
Never been gone down
Until your day of departure
Then, now and ever you remained
Dearly loved mother
You raised me at a small village
With high self-esteemed and a feeling of princess
You proudly spoke high of me
Still floats inside me
Which helped me to be
A strong traveler of this slippery world
Only my feeling remaining with full pride of you, ‘mother’
Happy Mother’s Day!
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Happy Labor’s Day
Eccl. 1.8 “All things are full of labor; one cannot utter it: …”
Here comes, here comes again
on bright sunshine day of May
A Labor Day
Happy he who produced the fruit abundantly
that is the craft of his labor
there stood proudly to see the outcome joyfully
All hand in hand with no discrepancy to make
Lined up in the public square
to show the solidarity of triumph
Having no fear, proudly that includes mothers as well
she too sharing the long labor in delivering a child
and her labor should not be in vain
Yeshi Gemaneh says
“Don’t Lose Hope”
The life Journey
At times zigzagging
At times conventional
At times sloppy
At times slippery
At times high in climbing
At times smooth
At times rough
At times easy going
At birth all were born with destiny
Not knowing what the future holds
When things get smooth
Blushing with bright face
When things go wrong
It looks as the end of the world
Squabbling with own feelings
Mind and heart seeking for solution
That was when tears overflowing
That is when anointing appears
Suddenly hard feeling changes
Calamity and peace replacing
Painful condition reassuring with
“Don’t Lose Hope”
Yeshi Gemaneh says
“Have a Nice Day”
Nothing makes me feel happy
Than to hear; a nice day wish
What a beautiful expectation
In return, “You too have a nice day”
When a day on the way
We should use it
For positive and good will mission
We have no guarantee for tomorrow
Only we need to be agreeable to a day
Nothing we could gain
By being harsh and malicious; except regrets
Wishing a nice day to one another
Will make us happy and cherish
We should make it our motto
We all need to have a Nice Day.
Have a Nice Day All!
Yeshi Gemaneh says
I am amateur poet. I have the interest and the talent of writing poems, and that helped me to express my thoughts and feelings on different subjects. Over the years, I participated
at Poetry.com, my submission have been commented and rated by other participants. Some of my poems are funny, some with sensible messages, and some are interesting to read.
Many of my poems are written based on my experience and observation of my life journey. Therefore, I am sharing with readers. That is the main reason for the title, “Sharing.” In my opinion,
my creativity is different and unique; and that would give to readers different view point, and descriptive analogy. The collections of verses if published would be additional treasure to the
publication of poems of the world.
I wish I could do it
All over again
I could speak loud and clear
Better to my own heart
Let us be true to one another
Stop hurting each other
Sharing in kind or thoughts
Whether happiness or sadness
Give pleasure to mankind
The uncertainty covered by
the cloud
Can be cleared by mutual
The right way clearing the mold
Giving mind crystel clear illustration
That would help to write
in golden ink
Yeshi Gemaneh says
You are a young person, as a young generation you should be among the promoters of change. Ethiopia needs change for better. A country should not dwindle forever on the same thing generation after generation. Ethiopia is a great country deserves better, and this current start is unique and should be considered as a wonderful opportunity for advancement, progress and for better tomorrow. For how long Ethiopia is remain quarrelling of each other? My advice to you is to read all History books written about Ethiopia – before Menelik as well, and then you will have a better awareness how the Nobilities of that ear were. Now, is a new time, the young generation should be builders of a country not demolishers. They should be an architect of their country to do good things which makes them proud.
Yeshi Gemaneh says
That Bridge
I would have been sunk without that bridge.
I would have been cut off without that bridge. That bridge carrying humongous luggage. Track and train reluctantly traveled to their destination on that bridge.
Farm products transported to the cities to the consumers with that bridge.
Crossing Ocean, sea, or lakes possible with that bridge. Automobiles racing on that bridge to begin and end their aim. Cities, towns, and villages connected with that bridge. That bridge is a bridge for countless people to be united.
That bridge deserves gratitude for the relentless services offered.
We too are bridges for one another. At times we forget to say, “Thank You.”
Yeshi Gemaneh says
Think to think.
Think about what?
On many things
How to communicate
How to interact with one another
How to respect self and others
Even how to think to thank
All that requires thinking.
Think of me, him, and her
If we all collectively think
We can be thoughtful.
That will make us thankful.
To have influence in thinking
In a few ways