The truth may not be black or white. It may be gray. And embracing this fact is good for Ethiopia. Here is my take as an independent voice. My heart is for Ethiopia to find a bridge in reconciliation and mutual understanding.
The Story of White
The government is joyful that it had secured 100% of the known seats yet (442). This story states that the people had given a green card to the government and thus empowers the government to continue with the status quo. The story dictates that the opposition had been given a red card and therefore should be out of the way.
The Story of Black
The government had stolen 100% of the votes. This story states that the votes had been rigged and the results are all lie. The story empowers the opposition not to take any responsibility for its loss but paints the picture that the peaceful struggle is dead.
The Story of Gray
May be the people are giving YELLOW card to both the government and opposition.
The government should stop rejoicing too much over the perfect score and start scrutinizing the journey they made to achieve this result. See the YELLOW behind the presumed GREEN card and open up the political space for a more leveled playing field for the next election season starting yesterday.
The opposition should stop complaining too much over the total loss and start scrutinizing the journey they made to achieve this result as well. See the YELLOW behind the presumed RED card and be united for a more meaningful opposition for the next election season starting yesterday.
The moral of the story is to encourage both the government and opposition to look for ways to take responsibility today (yesterday) to make Ethiopia win than find excuses to keep the status quo during the next 5 years journey.
Who can handle the truth? It is not easy to take full responsibility and change.
The author may be reached at EthioFamily@outlook.com
The complicated Ethiopian politics can not e simplified as a soccer field Red and yellow. The Ethiopian politics whether it is on the ballot or otherwise is a struggle to get rid off torture, oppression, violence crackdown repression. It is a struggle to remove deplorable situation and instability. It is laughable to read an advice to encourage dictators to look for ways to take responsibility. What an amazing intellectual advice. Dear Dr. the next five year journey will not be easy. The hope of peaceful struggle is narrowing and this your yellow or red election is opening a broad road to a different may armed struggle and there are signs young people choosing this hard way for freedom.
Dr. Eshete concludes “It is not easy to take full responsibility and change.” If that is the case why you bother spend your valuable time to give unsolicited advices to the dictators to take responsibility.
As the oppression moves forward the struggle continues. At this time there is no yellow.