Press release DCESON has arranged a public meeting and fundraising event on April 18, 2015 from 15 pm to 22 pm, Come and contribute your share to the HULEGEB TIGEL for freedom and democracy.
Let’s support ultimate struggle for building democratic system in Ethiopia.
There was no reign or rule in the history of Ethiopia like the rule of Wayne under which Ethiopians humiliated, undignified, undermined and lost their identity. At present the fundamental trouble of Ethiopia and its citizen is not just an abridgment or depletion of basic democratic and human rights but also the sovereignty of the country is under great danger to continue or prevail as a unified country.
In consequence, our freedom fighters are sacrificing their lives to the freedom of our people and emancipate our country from the imposed danger. For the reason democratic change in Ethiopia support organization Norway will hold grand public meeting and supporting program on April 18 205. Therefore we kindly request all Ethiopians who live in Norway to take part or share by accomplishing all necessary supports and contributions to this historical event. You are invited to the event and requested to invite friends, families and others to the event.
Ethiopia and its citizens have never been endangered and humiliated as under the rule of the woyane junta. The current problem of the country and its people is not only a question of lack of basic human rights, but it is a matter of life and death to the people and existence of Ethiopia as a sovereign country.
We Ethiopians in Norway have support and established hoc committee mandated to coordinate a fundraising in Oslo. As from the date of its establishment the taskforce is working on various activities and scheduled 18th of April, 2015 the date for the grand fundraising event in Oslo.
During this event, on 18 of April. 2015, representatives of different political party will be present and the program of the event comprises, discussions, fundraising and entertaining activities.
Therefore, the DCESO herewith kindly invite all Ethiopians and other nationals both from Norway and neighboring countries to take part in this event and support.
Date. April 18/2015
Time. 15.00-22.00
Place: Will be announced soon.
For further information please visit DCESON website and facebook.
Freedom, justice, equality & democracy to the people of Ethiopia
Ethiopia will be glorified forever!
Democratic change In Ethiopia support organization Norway!!
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