የኢትዮጵያ አርበኞች ቀን ሚያዚያ 27፤2009 የተከበረበትን ዕለት ምክንያት በማድረግ ጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ በዕለቱ (May 5, 2017) “የኢትዮጵያ አርበኞች ውለታና የባንዳዎች ዕዳ!” በሚል ርዕስ አንድ ጽሁፍ ለኅትመት አቅርቦ ነበር፡፡
የጽሁፉ ዓላማ በዚህ መልኩ ቀርቦ ነበር፤
“በየዓመቱ ሚያዝያ 27 የሚከበረው የድል ቀን በኢትዮጵያ የቀን መቁጣሪያ (ካሌንደር) ላይ ሥራ ተዘግቶ እንዲከበር ቢደረግም ትውልዱ የቀደሙ እናትና አባቶቹን የተጋድሎ ታሪክ እንዲያወቅ የሚያስችል የበዓል አከባበር አይታይም፡፡ ዕለቱም እንደአንድ ተራ የረፍት ቀን ያልፋል፡፡ በአንጻሩ አንዳች አገራዊ ፋይዳ የሌላቸው የህወሃት፣ የብአዴን፣ የኦህዴድ፣ … የምሥረታ ቀን እየተባለ በብዙ ሚሊዮን ገንዘብ የሚወጣባቸው ለወራት በዕቅድ ተይዘው የሚደገሱ በዓላት በድምቀት እንዲከበሩ ይደረጋል፡፡
“አዲስ አበባ አራት ኪሎ አደባባይ ላይ በሚገኘው የድል ኃውልት ላይ የአበባ ጉንጉን በማስቀመጥና በዕለታዊ የዜና ሽፋን የሚታለፈው ይሄው የድል በዓል፤ ትውልዱ የበዓሉን ፋይዳ በቅጡ እንዳይረዳው አድርጎታል፡፡ የፋሽስት ጣሊያን የአምስት ዓመቱ የወረራ ዘመን በተነሳ ቁጥር የዛሬ ቁንጮ ገዥዎች (የሕወሓት አመራሮች) እንደዘዉጌ ብሄርተኝነታቸው የሚያፍሩበት እንጂ የሚኮሩበት ታሪክ እምብዛም ነው፡፡ ታሪክን በዜግነት ማዕቀፍ ሳይሆን በዘውጋዊ ማንነት ሽንሽኖ ማየት የሚቀላቸው የሕወሓት ሰዎች የኢትዮጵያውያን የድል ቀን የሆነውን ሚያዝያ 27 በየዓመቱ በደበዘዘ መልኩ እንዲከበር ማድረግ መርጠዋል”፡፡
በዕለቱ ያተምነው ጽሁፍ ዋንኛ ዓላማ ይህንኑ የህወሓትን ጠባብና ትውልድ አፍራሽ ጸረ-ኢትዮጵያዊ አሠራር በመቃወም የአርበኞችን ውለታ ለማስታወስ ነበር፡፡ ዘገባውን በጽሞና ላነበበ ሁሉ ግልጽ ሆኖ የሚያገኘው ሃሳብ ይህንኑ ነው፡፡
አገሪቱ የጀግኖች አብቃይ የመሆኗን ያህል በባንዳነት የጎዷት እንዳሉ በጽሁፉ ተመልክቷል፡፡ ጽሁፉ ከጅምላ ፍረጃ በራቀ መልኩ የቀረበ ሲሆን አብዛኛዎቹ የትግራይ ባላባቶች ለጣሊያን የማደራቸውን ያህል እንደ ራስ መስፍን ረዳ ዓይነት ስመጥር ጠንካራ አርበኛ እንደነበሩ በአስረጅነት ቀርቧል፡፡ ከዚህ አንጻር የባንዳነቱ ተግባር በትግራይ ተወላጆች ብቻ ያልተወሰነ መሆኑን ለመግለጽ ፕሮፌሰር መስፍን ወልደማርያም “አዳፍኔ” በሚል ርዕስ ያሳተሙትን መጽሐፍ በመጥቀስ ለባዕድ አገዛዝ አድረው ከጣሊያን መንግሥት ደመወዝ ተቀባዮች የነበሩትን መሳፍንቶችና መኳንንቶችን ዝርዝር አቅርበን ነበር፡፡
በቀረበው ሠንጠረዥ ላይ የ13 መሳፍንቶችና መኳንንቶች ስም የተዘረዘረ ሲሆን በስም ከተጠቀሱት ውስጥ የራስ እምሩም ይገኝበታል፡፡ ይህንን የጎልጉል ጽሁፍ ያነበቡና የራስ እምሩ የልጅ ልጅ መሆናቸውን የጠቀሱት አቶ ሳህሉ ሚካኤል እምሩ በራሳቸው፣ በልዑል ራስ እምሩ ቤተሰብና በወዳጆቻቸው ስም ለጎልጉል በላኳቸው መልዕክቶች በታተመው ጽሁፉ ማዘናቸውንና የራስ እምሩ ስም ከሌሎች ባንዳዎች ጋር አብሮ መጠቀሱን በመቃወም እርማት እንዲወሰድ ጠይቀዋል፡፡
የጎልጉል ስህተት፤
በጽሁፉ ላይ በግልጽ እንደሰፈረው የጣሊያን ደመወዝ ተከፋይ የሆኑት ሰዎች ዝርዝር የተገኘው ፕ/ር መስፍን ወልደማርያም ከጻፉት “አዳፍኔ” መጽሐፍ ላይ ነው፡፡
መረጃውን ስንጠቅስ ሁለት ስህተቶችን ፈጽመናል፤
- መረጃው የተገኘው በጽሁፉ ላይ እንደሰፈረው ከአዳፍኔ መጽሐፍ ገጽ 152 ሳይሆን 151 ላይ ነው፡፡ ሌላው ፕ/ር መስፍን አልቤርቶ ስባኪ (ስባቺ) ብለው የጠቀሱትን መጽሐፍ ሙሉ ዝርዝር መጥቀስ ሲገባን “57” የሚለውን የግርጌ ማስታወሻ ቁጥር ብቻ መጥቀሳችን ስህተት ነው፡፡ (በመጽሐፉ ገጽ 276 ላይ በዋቢነት እንደተጠቀሰው ፕ/ር መስፍን ዋቢ ያደረጉት መጽሐፍ የሚከተለው ነው፤ አልቤርቶ ስባኪ፤ ትርጉም በእምሻው ዓለማየሁ፣ ኢትዮጵያ፡ በኢጣሊያ ፋሺስት የወረራ ዓመታት፡ 1928-1933፣ አዲስ አበባ፣ 2002)
- ፕ/ር መስፍን በአዳፍኔ ገጽ 151 ላይ “ሰንጠረዥ 4 ከኢጣሊያ መንግሥት ደመወዝ ተቀባዮች መሳፍንትና መኳንንት” በማለት የ13 ሰዎችን ስም ያሰፈሩትን እንደወረደ በጥቅስ ምልክት ውስጥ አስገብተን ከማቅረብ ይልቅ “በአምስት ዓመቱ የፋሽስት ጣሊያን ወረራ ወቅት ለባዕድ አገዛዝ አድረው (ባንዳ ሆነው) ከጣሊያን መንግስት ደመወዝ ተቀባዮች የነበሩ መሳፍንቶችና መኳንንቶች ከዚህ እንደሚከተለው ቀርቧል፡-” በማለት በቅንፍ “ባንዳ ሆነው” የሚሉ ቃላት መጨመራችን እንደ ዘገባ አቅራቢ ሚዲያ ስህተት ሆኖ አግኝተነዋል፡፡
ጎልጉል፡ የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ ለእነዚህ ከላይ ለተዘረዘሩት ሁለት ስህተቶች አቶ ሳህሉ ሚካኤልን፣ የልዑል ራስ እምሩ ኃይለሥላሴ ቤተሰቦችና ወዳጆች ይቅርታ ይጠይቃል፡፡
ለወደፊት መደረግ የሚገባው፤
ከላይ ለመግለጽ እንደተሞከረው ጎልጉል የአርበኞችን ውለታ በማሰብ በዕለቱ ያተመው ጽሁፍ ከራሱ ያወጣው ወይም የአንድን ሰው ስም ለማጉደፍ ሆን ብሎ ያተመው ወይም በክፉ መንፈስ በመነሳሳት ያሰራጨው ጽሁፍ አይደለም፡፡
በጽሁፉ ላይ የሰፈረውን የራስ እምሩን ታሪክ በተመለከተ የልጅ ልጃቸው ሳህሉ ሚካኤል እምሩ የጎልጉል ጽሁፍ ከታተመ በኋላ በፌስቡክ ገጻቸው ላይ መረጃዎችን በማጣቀስ ይህንን የመቃወሚያ ጽሁፍ አሰራጭተዋል (ለማንበብ እዚህ ላይ ይጫኑ)፡፡ ለጎልጉል የሰጡትን ምላሽ ለማንበብ እዚህ ላይ ይጫኑ፡፡ ከዚህም ሌላ ለፕ/ር መስፍን መጽሐፍ ምላሽ የሚሆን የሚከተሉትን ጽሁፎች በአማርኛና በእንግሊዝኛ አውጥተዋል፡፡
እነዚህ የመቃወሚያ ጽሁፎች የፕ/ር መስፍን መጽሐፍ ከታተመ (2007ዓም) በኋላ ወዲያውኑ ሊወጡ የሚገባቸው ነበሩ ብለን እናምናለን፡፡ አሁንም ቢሆን ግን አልረፈደም፡፡ ከዚህ በተሻለ መልኩ ማስረጃዎች በዋቢነት የተጠቀሱበት መጽሐፍ ቢታተም በማለት ለራስ እምሩ ቤተሰቦች፣ ወዳጆችና ለታሪክ አዋቂዎች ሃሳብ እናቀርባለን፤ ይህንን የመሟገትና የመከላከል ኃላፊነት የእነርሱ ነው ብለን እናምናለን፡፡ በዚህ መልኩ ማስረጃዎች ከቀረቡ ወደፊት የሚወጡ ጽሁፎች እነዚህን መጽሓፍትን ያጣቀሱና የተመጣጠኑ እንዲሆኑ ያስችላል፡፡ ይህም አንድን የመረጃ ምንጭ ብቻ ዋቢ ያደረገ ጽሁፍ ከማውጣት ይታደጋል፤ ለመጪው ትውልድም ትምህርት ሊሆን በሚችል መልኩ በዋቢነት ሊቀመጥ ይችላል ብለን እናምናለን፡፡
ጎልጉል፡ የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ ኤዲቶሪያል ቦርድ
ሳህሉ ሚካኤል እምሩ ለጎልጉል በላኩት ኢሜይል ተቃውሟቸውን የገለጹት በሚከተሉት ሰዎች ስም መሆኑን አስታውቀዋል፡፡
Woizerit Mamiye Imru, daughter of Ras Imru;
The grandchild of Woizero Yemiserach Imru;
The children of Woizero Martha Imru;
The children of Woizero Hirut and Woizero Yodit Imru;
The children of Lij Mikael Imru; and
The children of Woizero Elleni Imru. The friends of the family who contacted me, or contacted other family members, are too numerous to list here.
(ፎቶዎቹ ከኢንተርኔት የተገኙ ናቸው፡፡ የግራው “ካየሁት ከማስታውሰው” ከሚለው መጽሐፍ ሽፋን የተወሰደ ነው)
Ezira says
ዉድ ጎልጉሎች !
በቅድሚያ ሞቅ ያለ ሰላምታዬ ይድረሳችሁ። ዋናው ቁም ነገርና አሰተማሪው ጉዳይ ለእኔ 2 ነገሮች ናቸው።
በቅድሚያ የሚሠራ ይሳሳታል። ነገር ግን ሲሰሩ ለተፈጠረ ስሀተት ደግሞ ስህተትን ተረድቶ በቅንንት ለማረም መነሳት በራሱ ሌላው ግሩም የሆነ የማስተማሪያ ገጽታችሁ ነውና ጎልጉሎች እንደተለመደው በርቱ ከማለት አልቆጠብም።
ሲቀጥል የራሳ እምሩ የልጅ ልጆችንም በጣም አመሠግናለሁ። እንዲህ አይነት የታሪክ መዛባት የታየባትን ጽሁፍ ተመለከታችሁ እንዲታረም ማስታወሳች ኃላፈነት የተላበሰ ግዴታም ስለነበር ተገቢና አስተማሪምነው። ለአዲሱ ትውልድም ሆነ ለቋሚውም አስተማሪነቱ አንድና ሁለት የለውም። በተለይ ደግሞ በአሁኑ ዘመን ባንዳዉ የአረበኞቻችንን ታሪክ እየሰረቀ “አንበሳ ገዳይ ” በሚልበት ዘመን አለን ! የአረበኞ እና የጀግና ልጆች ሞት አላልቅንም የሚል አንድምታም ስላለው፣ ታሪክም እንዳይዛባ ያደረጋችሁት የእርምት ማስተካከያ ተገቢና ግዴታም ነበር። ስለዚህ እንዲህ አይነቱ የታሪክ ዘበኝነት የሚደነቅና የሚበረታታ ነው።
ከዚህ ጋር አያይዛቺሁ እንድንመለከታቸው የለጠፋችሁልን (post) ስላደረጋችሁልን ማስፈንጠሪያዎች \ሊንኮች በድጋሚ አናመሠግናለን
Lij. Theodros Tamrat says
Being The Grandson of Leul Ras Imru i was very shocked to have read what you wrote. I do somewhat appreciate what you have said here but Leul Ras Imru was a very ardent Honourable Ethiopian who lived his whole life as a very cultured Ethiopian with a very deep sense of a cultivated Ethiopian aesthetic and traditional etiquette that formed his whole being and core values. Absolutely Orthodox with a very deep understanding of literature in the Ge’ez language that date centuries. One cannot minimize a mistake of calling him a banda…because it is like calling all Ethiopians who stand by their core values of whom Leul Ras imru is at the center of and minimizing it. I truly hope that one day the people of Golgule would write some researched paper of his true work and service before, during the Italian war and after showing his true service as just one individual among the millions of Ethiopians that have truly served and serve God and Country. Thanks for your attempt to addressing the problem of the mistake you made. Just thought it might have been a bit more to the tune of our Ethiopian heritage if you might have added some of my utterances here. sometimes i feel that we as Ethiopians dont give ourselves our true due respect thinking that we are humble to just let other thoughts have their place . We need to emphasize ours. My Take.
Wogene says
ጎልጉል ለፈጸመው ስሕተት ይቅርታ መጠየቁ ያስከብረዋል። ያስመሰግነዋል።
የጎልጉልን መልካም ምሳሌ በመከተል፤ ፕሮፌሰር መስፍን ወልደ ማርያምም ልዑል ራስ እምሩንንና ቤተሰባቸውን እንዲሁም ወዳጆቻቸውን ይቅርታ ሊጠይቁ ይገባል። የርሳቸውን የተሳሳተ ጽሑፍ መሰረት በማድረግ “ምጽአተ ዐማራ” በተሰኘ አርእስት ሞረሽ ወገኔ ዐማራ ድርጅት ልዑል ራስ እምሩን ጥላሸት ስለ ቀባ፤ ይቅርታ መጠየቅ ይገባዋል። አለበለዚያ በሰማይም በምድርም የሚያስጠይቅ ጉዳይ ይሆናል!
Ras Dejen says
The student movement = planting of aliens’ break Ethiopia up poisonous seed
The student movement was actually the inception of breaking up of Ethiopia. That innocent and determined generation was highly mislead. Their enthusiasms for a better Ethiopia was rather entrapped by disguised alien thoughts: nations/nationalities and self determination up to secession.
The facts:
In 1935, a Western diplomat with the name Roman Prochazka had boldly described Ethiopia as enemy of the white supremacy and their then legacies. Prochazka further thought how these sovereign nation could be broken up. He was the one who discovered the notion of nations/nationalities and instigated it in the Ethiopian minds such as Walelegn Mekonnen.
The breaking Ethiopia up road map of Prochazka was sketched before the Fascist’s reinvasion of Ethiopia in 1936. His road map was also effectively used by those Italian mercenaries against Ethiopia. Prochaska had said these ‘numerous peoples and tribes who inhabit the territory of the Ethiopian State and which differ in race, language , culture and religion from the ruling minority of Abyssinia proper, would long ago have thrown off the Abyssinian yoke if they had been given the right of self determination.’ He further proclaimed that these distinctly different numerous nationalities are instead forcibly kept away from European influences and from the advantages that progressive colonization could confer upon the country. According to Prochazka, Ethiopia operated against white race. The final aim of (Abyssinian) policy of antagonism to the white race in cooperation with Japan , is nothing less than to act as the champions of all colored peoples of Africa, narrated Prochazka. Then he advised the then Western politicians by saying ‘it is incumbent on the legations of the civilized nations in Abyssinia to warn their governments to take a definite stand before the Abyssinians attack and destroy Western culture and civilization in its entirety.’ This hate mongering destruction agent had also indicated the crucially of targeting the Amhara to break up Ethiopia. ‘There is no such thing as a united Abyssinian people, he said. The greater part of the non-Christian tribes in Abyssinia has no more burning desire than to be freed from the tyranny of the Amhara, scammed Prochazka.’
Walelegn Mekonnen and others had innocently believed the ‘ill-willed’ diagnoses of Ethiopia by Prochazka, namely the notion of nationalities, and the need for the right for self determination up to secession, in 1969. Walelign’s outlooks and proclamations further inspired and overwhelmed the younger Ethiopians including within the monarchy. That was rather disguised deception of the innocent Ethiopians.
Eventually, America’s breaking Ethiopia up policy since the last quarter of the 20th century has been effected using TPLF and ELF (shabia).
Lij. Theodros Tamrat says
You have said well here. You have got to the source of our present problem of racism/Tribalism that dominates our Ethiopian landscape of political thought turned policy in practice.This was not Wallelegn only but the entire Ethiopian movement that bought into that ill willed theory ? The urgent Question is , how do we break out of its grip. These kinds of researched discussions brought to the grass roots of our beloved Ethiopian people should and will be the proper route to correct the mistakes .
Sahlu Mikael says
በልዑል ራስ እምሩ ኃይለስላሴ ቤተሰብ፤ ወዳጆችና፤ በራሴ ሥም፤ ላተማችሁት ይቅርታ መጠየቂያ ጽሁፍና ማረሚያ ጎልጉልና አዘጋጆቹን ላመሠግን እወዳለሁኝ። ስህተቶች መፈጸማቸው አይቀርም። ዋናው ቁም ነገር ስህተቶች ሲፈጸሙ ስህተትን አምኖና ማረሙ ነው።
በርካታ ሰውች የኛን መልስ ጽሁፍ ሊንክ መከተል ባለመቻላቸውና እዚህ ላይ እንዳሰፍር ስለጠየቁኝ በአማርኛና በእንግሊዝኛ ገልብጬ አስፍሬዋለሁኝ። ሊንኩን ስለሰጣችሁ ቅር እንደማይላችሁ እርግጠኛ ነኝ።ኧ
ሣህሉ ሚካኤል
የራስ እምሩ ቤተሰብና ወዳጆች መልስ
በፈረንጆች አቆጣጠር በ May 5, 2017 ዓም፤ “የኢትዮጵያ አርበኞች ውለታና የባንዳዎች ዕዳ” በሚል አርዕስት ጎልጉል ድህረ ገጹ ላይ ልዑል ራስ እምሩ ባንዳ ነበሩ ብላችሁ ጽፋችኋል:: ለዚህም መረጃ የምትሉት “አዳፍኔ” በሚባለው መጽሃፋቸው ፕሮፌሰር መስፍን ወልደማርያም፤ ልዑል ራስ እምሩ ኋይለሥላሴ በጦርነቱ ጊዜ ከኢጣሊያን መንግሥት በወር 1 ሺህ ሊራ ደምወዝ ይቀበሉ ነበር ብለው በመጻፋቸው ነው። እርሳቸውም ለዚህ አባባላቸው የመረጃ ምንጫቸው ብለው የሚጠቅሱት ፕሮፌሰር አልቤርቶ ስባቺን ነው::
ይሄ ፈጽሞ ከእውነት የራቀ እና ትንሽም ቢሆን ላሰበበት ሰው ሊሆን የማይችል ነገር መሆኑ ግልጽ ሊሆንለት ይገባው ነበር። ምክኒያቱም ልዑል ራስ እምሩ በታህሳስ ወር 1929 ዓም ከተማረኩበት ቀን ጀምሮ እጣሊያን እራሷ ተሸንፋ በመስከረም 1936 ዓም እስክትማረከችበት ቀን ድረስ ካለማቋረጥ በኢጣሊያን ሀገር ውስጥ እስረኛ ነበሩ:: በዚህም በእሥር ቆይታቸው ዘመን ኢጣሊያንን በመደገፍ የተናገሩትም ሆነ ያደረጉት አንድም ነገር የለም:: ጎልጉልም ሆነ፤ ፕሮፌሰር መስፍን፤ እንዲሁም ሌላ ማንም ሰው፤ ማስረጃ አል የሚል ከሆነ ያቅርብ:: ባለመኖሩም ምክንያት ልታቀርቡ እንደማትችሉ እናውቃለን::
ልዑል ራስ እምሩ እንደተማረኩ ኢጣሊያኖች ከጦር ሜዳ ወደ አዲስ አበባ ካመጡአቸው በኋላ ወደ ኢጣሊያን ሀገር ተወሰዱ:: በመጀመሪያ አደገኛ እስረኛ ናቸው በመባል ከእነ አቶ ሃዲስ አለማየሁ ጋራ ፖንዛ የምትባል ደሴት ላይ ከታሰሩ በሁዋላ አሁንም አላርፍ ስላሉ ለብቻቸው ታሰሩ:: ይህንንም ፕሮፌሶር አልቤርቶ ስባቺ በሌላ ጥናታዊ ጽሁፍ አትሞ ጽፏል:: በዚህም ጽሁፉ ኢጣሊያን ሀገር ውስጥ የነበሩ ባንዳዎችን በግልጽ ሲዘረዝር: በዝርዝሩ ራስ እምሩ የሉበትም:: እንዲያውም ፕሮፌሶር ስባቺ ስለ ራስ እምሩ ሲጽፉ እስረኛ መሆናቸውንና አደገኛ ተብለው ወደ ፖንዛና ሌላ ደሴቶች መዛወራቸውን ነው የጻፉት። ህትመቱም የሚከተለው ነው:: The International Journal of African Historical Studies, volume 10, number two (1977) pages 209-241, published by the Boston University African Studies Center. በኋላም እንደገና በዚሁ አመጸኝነታቸው የተነሳ፤ ከሌሎች እሥረኞች ተነጥለው ብቻቸውን ታሠሩ።
ግን እስቲ ደግሞ በቦታው ያልነበሩትን ፈረንጆች ትተን በቦታው የነበሩትን ሥመ ጥሩ ኢትዮጵያውያን የአይን ምሥክሮች ስለ ራስ እምሩ ጀግንነትና ኢትዮጵያዊነት የተናገሩትን እንመልከት።
አቶ ሀዲስ ከራስ እምሩ ጋራ ስለ ፖንዛ እሥራቸው ሲአስታውሱ በዚሁ “ትዝታ” በተሰየመው መጸሀፋቸው በገጽ 217 እስከ 219 የሚከተለውን ያነሳሉ። ፖንዛ ደሴት ላይ ከራስ እምሩና ሌሎች ጥቂት እስረኞች ጋራ በታሰሩበት ወቅት ለራስ እምሩ ከሙሶሊኒ መልእክት ይዞ አንድ ከፍተኛ የኢጣሊያን ባለሥልጣን (የቅኝ ግዛት አስተዳደር ሚኒስቴሩ ይመስለኛል) ማሰሪያ ሥፍራ ድረስ መምጣቱን አቶ ሀዲስ ይናገራሉ። ልዑካኑ መልዕክቱን ለማድረስ ራስ እማሩ፤ አቶ ሀዲስና ሌሎች እሥረኞች የነበሩበት ከፍል ከኮሚሽ ነሩጋራ ሲገባ ራስ እምሩ ተቀምጠው ነበር። ለኢጣሊያኖቹ መቀመጫ ወንበር በቂ ስላልነበር አቶ ሀዲስ ወንበር ሊአመጡ ብድግ ሲሉ ራስ እምሩ ቀና ብለው “ሀዲስ ወንበር ለማምጣት እንደሆነ የምትሄደው አያስፈልግም ስላሉኝ መለስ አልኩ። ከዚያ እንዲያ ራስ ተቀምጠው ሁለቱ ሹማምንት [ኢጣሊያኖቹ] ቆመው በዝምታ ትንሽ ተፋጠው ከቆዩ በሁዋላ” ልኡካኑም እንደቆመ ራስ እምሩን ኢጣሊያንን ከተቀበሉ ምህረት ተደርጎላቸው ቤት ንብረታቸው ተመልሶላቸው ወደ ኢትዮጵያ እንደሚመለሱ ከሙሶሊኒ የመጣ መልዓክት አስተላለፈ። ራስ እምሩም አልፈልግም ሀገሬ ነጻ ስትወጣ ሁሉም ይመለስልኛል ከእናንተ አልፈልግም ብለው መለሱለት።
በዚህም ዓመጸኝነታቸውና የአመጽ አመራራቸው ነው ከሌሎች እሥረኞች ተለይተው የታሠሩትና ከዚያም ወደ ሊፓሪና ሎንጎቡኮ ወደ ሚባሉ ደሴቶች ለብቻቸው የተዛወሩት።
ስለ ደምወዝ ጉዳይ እናውራ ከተባለ፤ ልዑል ራስ እምሩ እስረኛ እንደመሆናቸው መጠን ደምወዝ ሊኖራቸው አይችልም:: በየት ሀገር ነው እሥረኛ ደመወዝ የሚከፈለው? ነገር ግን ለቀለባቸው፤ እንዳያመልጡ ለሚጠብቋቸው ወታደሮችና ዘበኞች ለመሳሰሉ ወጪዎች በእርግጥ የኢጣልያን መንግስት በጀት አውጥቶ እንደ ወቺ መመዝገቡ አያስገርምም:: ራስ እምሩ ገሚሱን ግዜ የታሰሩት ብቻቸውን ስለነበር ወጭው ሲመዘገብ በእርሳቸው ሥም መመዝገቡ አይገርምም:: እንዲያውም አቶ ሀዲስ በዚሁ “ትዝታ በተሰየመው መጸሀፋቸው ስለ ቀለብ ጉዳይ ሲጽፉ የሚከተለውን ብለዋል፤
“ክቡር ራስ እምሩ ሀይለስላሴና ክቡር ደጃዝማች ታዬ ጉልላቴ መጀመሪያ እጣሊያን ሀገር እንደሄዱ ያረፉት ፎርና [ፖንዛ ያለች መንደር] ነበረ…እዚያ ፖንዛ የመንግሥቱ ተቃዋሚዎች የሆኑ ብዙ ግዞተኞች (ኮንፊናቲ) ይኖሩ ነበር።…ሥመ ጥሩ የሆኑ ፈላስፋዎች፤ ፕሮፌሰሮች፤ ጋዜጠኞችና ባለልዩ ልዩ ሙያ የፖለቲካ ሰዎች ነበሩባቸው።
ፎርና ራስ እምሩና ደጃዝማች ታዬ የነበሩበት እኛም ከደረስን የገባንበት ያንድ ሴት ቤት ነበር። ሴትየዋ ባለቤታቸው ሞተው ከሽማግሌ አባታቸውና ከሁለት ወጣት ወንዶች ልጆቻቸው ጋር ይኖሩ ነበር። ታዲያ እርሳቸውም ከነቤተሰቦቻቸው ከሚኖሩበት ሌላ ሁለት ትርፍ ቤቶች ስለነበራቸው፤ እኒያን ትርፍ ቤቶች ለኛ መኖሪያ ለመንግሥት አከራይተው በዚያ ላይ ምግባችንንምና የጽዳትም ሌላም የሚአስፈልገንን አገልግሎት እሳቸው ችለው፤ በየወሩ ሂሳባቸውን ከመንግሥት ይቀበላሉ። ስለዚህ ፎርና አምስት ወር፤ ወይም ከዚያ ትንሽ በለጠ ግዜ ስንቆይ፤…ምንም የምናገኘው [ገንዘብ] አልነበረም።”
ትዝታ፤ሀዲስ አለማየሁ፤ ገጽ 215
አንድን ተመራማሪ ወይም ሪሰርቸር ተመራማሪ የሚአደርገው ሌላው የጻፈውን ገልብጦ በማስቀመጡ ብቻ አይደለም:: ይሄማ ገልባጭ ወይ ወሬኛ ነው የሚአሰኘው:: ተመራማሪ የሚአሰኘው ተመራምሮ: የማሰብ ችሎታውን ተጠቅሞ: የሚአውቀውንም ሆነ አዲስ የሚአገኘውን ማስረጃ አመዛዝኖና ትክክለኛነቱን ከሌላ ከሚታወቁ ነገሮች ጋራ አመሳክሮ አንድ አይነት ግምጋሜ ላይ ሲደርስ ነው:: በእጣሊያን ቆይታቸው በሙሉ ራስ እምሩ እስረኛ እንደነበሩ እያወቁና: ራስ እምሩ አንዴም እንኳን እጣሊያንን በመደገፍም ሆነ: የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የኢጣሊያንን አገዛዝ እንዲቀበል የገፋፉበት አንድ እንኳን ሳይኖር “ስባቺ ደምወዝ ተቀብለዋል ብሏል እውነት መሆን አለበት: ባንዳ ነበሩ” ማለታችሁ ሊአሳፍራችሁ የሚገባችሁና የሚአስገምታችሁ ነው።
ልዑል ራስ እምሩ ለኢጣሊያኖች በጣም ከፍ ያለ ዋጋ የነበራቸው እሥረኛ ነበሩ። ምንም ቢሆን የጦር ጀግና ከመሆናቸውም በላይ ጃንሆይ ሲወጡ የሀገሪቱ አስተዳዳሪ ልዑል ነበሩ (Prince Regent)። እውነት ደሞዝ እየተቀበሉ ባንዳ ሆነው ከነበረ ኢጣሊያን ለምን ለፕሮፓጋንዳና ሕዝቡን ለማሳረፍ አልተጠቀመባቸውም? ኢጣሊያን ባንዳ መግዛቱ ዋናው አላማው ይሄ ነበረና። ባንዳ የመግዛቱም ምክንያት ይሄ መሆኑም ግልጽ ያልሆነለት ሰው ካል: ስለባንዳዎች ሲጽፍ ስባቺ በግልጽ ጽፎታል። ከላይ የጠቀስኩትን የስባቺን ህትመት ይመልከቱ። በነገራችን ላይ በ 1000 ሊራ ራስ እምሩን ገመታችኋቸው? ሌሎቹ የታወቁት ባንዳዎች የተከፈላቸው በወር ከ7000 ሊራ እስከ 40000 ሊራ ድረስ ሲሆን ራስ እምሩ ባንዳ ቢሆኑ ኑሮ 1000 ሊራ ብቻ የሚከፈሏቸው ይመስላችኋል? እረ ሥም ከማጥፋታችሁ በፊት ማሰብን ተጠቀሙ።
የልዑል ራስ እምሩን ግምት ማወቅ ከፈለጋችሁ፤ ከላይ የጠቀስኩትን የአቶ ሀዲስን መጽሀፍ ብቻ ሳይሆን ስለ አመራረካቸው አንቶኒ ሞክለር የኃይለሥላሴ ጦርነት በሚለው መጽሀፉ የጻፈውን አንብቡ። ከብዙ ምሣሌዎች አንዱ ነው። የተጻፈው በእንግሊዝኛ ሲሆን ከታች ያለው ትርጉሙ የቤተሰቡ ነው። ትርጉሙ ካልተመቻችሁ በእራሳችሁ ማስተርጎም ትችላላችሁ።
“በጅማው ጦርና በሸዋዎቹ ማህል ሙሉ ቀን የዋለ የሞቀ ውጊያ ነበር:: ሲመሽ የራስ እምሩጦር ሰብሮ ወጣ።
ነገር ግን ጥይታቸው ስላለቀባቸው መጨረሻ ላይ ራስ እምሩና ወታደሮቻቸው በጩቤና በጎራዴ ነበር የሚዋጉት::
በዚህም ማህል በቴሲቶሪ የሚመራው ሶስተኛው ረድፍ በስተሰሚኤን መንገድ ሊዘጋባቸው መሻገርን ተረዱ::
ከ 5 ቀን በኋላ ቴሲቶሪ እያሳደዳቸው ወደ ማጂ ሲአመሩና ጎጀብን ለመሻገር ሲሞክሩ መንገዳቸው በኢጣሊያኖች ተዘግቶና ተከበው አገኙት::
እምሩ እጅ ለመስጠት ለመደራደር 3 መኮንኖቻቸውን ሲልኩ የኢጣሊያኑ መኮንን ሚናቲ ካለ ምንም ድርድር እጅ እንዲሰጡ አዘዛቸው:: ራስ እምሩም አብረውኝ ያሉት ሰዎች ከውጊያው አካባቢ በሠላም መውጣት ካልቻሉ እጄን አልሰጥም ብለው መለሱለት:: በመጨረሻም እጣሊያኑ ተስማምቶ ከራስ እምሩ ጦር ጋራ የነበሩት ሴቶች: ልጆችና አዛውንቶች በሰላም እንዲሄዱ ተደረገ::
አሁንም ግን ራስ እምሩ እያቅማሙና እየዘገዩ ስላስቸገሩና ቀኑ እየመሸ ስለመጣ እጣሊያኖቹ በጥቂት ሰአቶች ውስጥ እጃቸውን ካልሰጡ በ ቦምብና በጋዝ እንደሚአጠፏቸው ላኩባቸው:: ራስ እምሩም “የሄማ ሠርጋችን (ወይም ሠርጋችሁ) ነው ብለው መለሱለት::
ይሄንን ሁሉ መዘግየት ያደረጉት ራስ እምሩ አላማቸው ቢያዙ ሞት የሚጠብቃቸውን አበረዋቸው የነበሩትን 50 ኤርትራውያን ወታደሮችን ሲመሽ ለማስመለጥ ነበር:: ሌሊቱን አስመልጠዋቸው ወደ ኬንያ ጠረፈ ከላኩአቸው በኋላ ሲነጋ የነበራቸውን መሳሪያ በሙሉ ሰብረው ከጥቅም ውጪ ካደረጉበኋላ ንጉሲ የሰጡአቸውን ሽጉጥ ወንዝ ውስጥ ከወረወሩ በኋላ: ፈረሳቸው ላይ ወጥተው እጣሊያኖች ጦር ሠፈር ሂደው እጃቸውን ሰጡ::”
Haile Selassie’s War, Anthony Mockler, Pg. 168
አንድ ሰው ካለው ሀብት ሁሉ የሚበልጠው ሥሙ ነው:: ታዲያ የሚአሳዝነው ነገር አንድ ሰው እድሜ ልኩን ሳያቋርጥ ሀገሩንና ሕዝቡን በማገልገልና እራሱን በመሰዋት የገነባውን ሥም፡ አንድ የኪቦርድ አርበኛ (keyboard guerrilla)፤ ከሞቀ ቤቱ ሶፋ ላይ ተንፈላሶና የኮምፕዩተር keyboard በመቀጥቀጥ ብቻ ባንድ ደቂቃ ለማፍረስ መቻሉ ነው:: በሌላ ሰው ላይ ሊሠራ ይችል ይሆናል። በእኝህ ሰው ላይ ግን ሊሠራ አይችልም። የአይን ምሥክሩና የታሪክ ማስረጃው ብዙ ነውና።
የልዑል ራስ እምሩ ኃይለሥላሴ ቤተሰቦችና ወዳጆች
Response of Friends and Family of Ras Imru
In an article published on May 5, 2017 on its webpage Golgule under the heading of “The Debt Owed To Ethiopian Patriots and The Debts Owed By Ethiopian Traitors” [our translation] stated that during the war Ras Imru was an Italian collaborator. A traitor. As evidence you quote Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam from his book Adaphne, where he states that Ras Imru received a salary of 1,000 lira a month from the Italian government. Mesfin Woldemariam in turn as evidence for this statement quotes Prof. Alberto Sbacci. This will serve as a rebuttal to your article from friends and family of Ras Imru.
Your statement is completely false and this would have been obvious to any person who bothered to exercise a modicum of reasoned judgment. From the moment of his surrender on December 1929, until the day of Italy’s surrender in September 1943, Ras Imru was at all times a prisoner of war held in Italy. Throughout his imprisonment, Ras Imru never once committed any act in collaboration with the Italians. If Golgule or Prof. Mesfin, or in fact anyone else claims to the contrary, we would welcome any evidence as to that. We know that you will not be able to support this claim given there is no such evidence.
Upon his capture, Ras Imru was brought from the battlefield to Addis Ababa and then shipped off to Italy as a prisoner of war. He was classified as a dangerous prisoner and initially was imprisoned on the island of Ponza along with the well-known Ato Haddis Alemayehu and other similar prisoners. See Italy and the Treatment of the Ethiopian Aristocracy, by Alberto Sbacchi, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, volume 10, number two (1977) pages 209- 241.
Due to his acts of resistance to the Italian government, while a prisoner of war, and due to the fact that he was a rallying figure for the other Ethiopian prisoners, he was isolated and imprisoned by himself. Prof. Sbacci also lists the Ethiopian collaborators in Italy. Never once does he mention Ras Imru as a collaborator. What he does unequivocally state is that Ras Imru was a prisoner and due to the fact that he was considered a dangerous prisoner he was taken to Ponza. Again the reason that he was considered too dangerous was because he was a rallying figure for the rest of the Ethiopian prisoners of war, and his organizing of resistance among the prisoners. We will give you an example of this below.
Let us also show you what actual Ethiopian eyewitnesses on Ponza have to say about his heroism, and patriotism.
Ato Haddis in his memoirs published as Tizita, talks about his time on Ponza as a prisoner with Ras Imru. Ato Hadis states that at one point an official [I believe he was the Director of Colonial Affairs], accompanied by the Italian Commissioner, came to where they were imprisoned with a message to Ras Imru from Mussolini. When the two Italian officials came into the room where Ras Imru, Ato Hadis and several other prisoners were brought to meet with him, there were only two chairs in the room. One was occupied by Ras Imru, and there was only one empty chair left for the Italians. Ato Haddis, by his own account, started leaving the room to get a chair for the Italian officials to sit on when Ras Imru stopped him and said: “Haddis if you are going to get chairs for them do not do it. It is not necessary. As a result there was an uncomfortable silence with the Italians staring at Ras Imru and him staring back, before they delivered the message to him standing while he remained seated.” Tizita, Pg. 218
The message from Mussolini was that if Ras Imru would agree to collaborate with the Italians, he would be pardoned, repatriated to Ethiopia, and his home and wealth would be restored to him. Ras Imru refused and responded that his home and wealth would be restored to him in due time when the Italians would inevitably be defeated and his country freed. Tizita, Pgs. 217-219.
This should give you a clearer picture of Ras Imru as opposed to out of context quotes from Sbacci, and Prof. Mesfin. It was due to such rebellious behavior that Ras Imru was isolated from the other prisoners and held by himself.
But let’s talk about the issue of salary. Ras Imru was a prisoner of war in Italy, throughout his sojourn there. He could not have been paid a salary. In what world is a prisoner a salaried person? However the Italian government did budget for the expenses of incarcerating him: including expenses for his food, other necessities, expenses for soldiers and guards to keep him from causing trouble, and so forth. Since most of the time he was incarcerated by himself, it is no wonder that this should be an expense item under his name. However it never was, nor should it ever be confused as being, a salary. In fact Ato Haddis Alemayehu in his book Tizita states the following:
“The Honorable Ras Imru Haile Selassie and the Honorable Dejazmatch Taye Gulelate when first brought to Italy were kept at Forno [village in Ponza]… which was home to many Italian opposition political prisoners who were confined to the Island. Among these were well regarded philosophers, professors, reporters, professionals, and politicians. Upon disembarking from the boat that brought us Lij Yilma and I were registered with the administration and taken to where Ras Imru and Dejazmatch Taye were being held.
At Forno, the house where Ras Imru and Dejazmatch Taye were being held, and after we joined them we were held in, was owned by a widow who was living with her elderly father and two young sons… The Italian government rented the house from her. She was responsible for supplying us with food and other necessities. Every month she would then submit her expenses to the [Italian] government, and be reimbursed directly. During the five months or so that we were kept at Forno… we had no money at all. However we did not lack for food and other basic services.”
Tizita, Haddis Alemayehu, Page 215.
This is what one of the most respected Ethiopians in Ethiopian history testified about what you call Ras Imru’s “salary”.
By definition what qualifies a person as a researcher or reporter is not the ability to simply copy and spread what someone else has written. This would just make the person a simple gossip or rumormonger. What makes a person a reporter is the ability to think critically, compare information obtained with information already known, evaluate the accuracy of this information, test it with information already known, and reach a reasonable conclusion. In this particular case knowing that throughout his stay in Italy Ras Imru was at all times a prisoner, and not finding a shred of evidence showing any collaboration on his part with the Italians, labeling him as a traitor; and then defending your conclusions by saying that Sbacci and Prof. Mesfin said so, therefore it must be true; gives us a measure of the type of publication or website you are, and should make you ashamed of yourselves.
Bear in mind also that Leul Ras Imru was a very high value prisoner of
the Italians. He was after all the Prince Regent of Ethiopia after Emperor Haile Selassie left. That means he was the head of the government. If Ras Imru had been collaborating with the Italians, they would certainly have exploited him to the fullest extent and used him to help in their efforts to subdue and govern Ethiopians resisting them. After all that was the sole purpose of recruiting collaborators. In the numerous books and publications on this war, published both by Ethiopians and non-Ethiopians, such a collaboration by Ras Imru would have certainly been mentioned on at least one occasion. At the minimum, the Italian authorities charged with documents history would have mentioned it if that was the case. Never has anyone, friend or foe, made such an allegation about him.
By the way given the fact that he was a high value prisoner for the Italians, if he was a collaborator do you honestly think that his salary would have been 1,000 lira per month, when the real collaborators were being paid between 7,000 and 40,000 lira per month? Come on let’s try to think a little.
For anyone interested in the true measure of the man that was Leul Ras Imru the following account of his surrender is just one of many examples. Here is an excerpt from Anthony Mockler’s Haile Selassies’s War.
“…There was fierce daylong fighting between the Jimma army and the Shoans, unexpectedly surprised in the stretch of open country. By nightfall Ras Imru had broken away but his ammunition was almost exhausted. At the end he and his men were fighting with swords and knives and he had learned that a third column under Tessitorre was moving down to cut them off in the north.
Five days later…Imru sent three of his own officers to negotiate with Col. Minnitti. The Italians demanded unconditional surrender; Ras Imru said no negotiations were possible [unless] the people with him had [were] evacuated from the firing zone. [The Italians] agreed: the women, children, and the old men were led through the firing lines. Still Ras Imru procrastinated. As the day drew on, the Italians threatened to use mortars and planes and warned that they had orders from Graziani to gas the camps unless Imru surrendered within a few hours, and to kill the civilian hostages. “That”, said Ras Imru, “will be their wedding day!” It seems that his main reason for delay was to give the fifty Eritrean deserters with him a chance to escape under cover of night. All that night the discussions, courteously conducted, went on. By dawn when the Ethiopians assembled and laid down their arms, the Eritreans had slipped through the enemy lines, avoiding the inevitable punishment of death, and were heading for the Kenya border.
Having ordered his men to destroy their weapons, himself having thrown into the stream the pistol given to him by his cousin the Emperor, Ras Imru mounted a mule and rode unarmed into the Italian camp… “
One of the most precious things that an honorable person has is his/her name and reputation. It is a pity that a person whose name and reputation were built over a lifetime of dedicated service to his country, and personal sacrifice, can be sullied and put in doubt by a keyboard guerrilla banging away on his computer. Others may be unable to defend themselves when falsely smeared in such a manner, especially 37 or so years after their deaths. However the story is different in the case of Ras Imru as there is just too much evidence proving his unquestionable loyalty, service, and sacrifice for his country and people; whether as a free man or a prisoner of war.
Friends and Family of Leul Ras Imru Haileselassie
Ras-less says
According to Prof Mesfin and well known, but not spoken, history of Ethiopia even Haileselassie who betrayed the country and fled to his comfort to Europe and all others were bandas. He then came back as a patriot and promoted and appointed all the bands who were in town as Dejazmach and Fitawrari and Ras and so on and so forth while the real patriots of Ethiopia were in fox holes. Finally, when the patriots get to Addis they figured out that the whole scenario was turned up side down. Thence, this was sung:
ኢትዮጵያ ሃገሬ ሞኝ ነሽ ተላላ
የሞተልሽ ቀርቶ የገደለሽ በላ
Back in the days of Haileselassie’s regime, we sung “ገናናው ንጉሣችን” who he was NOT at all. It was a very systematic PR work that was done and the picture Haileselassie painted through out his time by flamboyant pictures he had with monarchs, queens, kings, dignitaries, … of foreign nations. We all thought and believe he was the “saviour” of Ethiopia – what a shame!! And this generation has his picture on each piece of cloth it is wearing without even knowing the real history of what happened in the country. (I am not denying the few works he did in his VERY long years of ruler ship – don’t tell me about OAU, AAU, and show me some pictures of him with Kennedy and the King of Sweden and … what would you benefit out of all these? As Teddy Afro said “ጉራ ብቻ”)
Ethiopia changed for worse since Haileselassie came back from his “exile” in Europe – read and study your history. His attire even changed since then. He came back as a real puppet of the Europeans. And finally he served the country in a silver plate to the military junta – ደርግ and all other left winged political idiots like EPRP, Meison, … and later even TPLF and EPLF – instead of passing the throne to the real crown prince Asfaw Wossen who was more progressive and modern! As an appointee and puppet of the Europeans, haileselassie died making sure that he’d be the last monarch of Ethiopia. And one of the main/major facilitators was Ras Imiru who was a confidant and go-between the king and Derg.
Study the history of Dejazmach Takele Wolde(Gebre) Hawariyat and other REAL patriots of እናት Ethiopia – not just the so-called ones whose history is painted with flying colors. The rest is just fancy and glamour. If the king was banda and a traitor who else is not?
Shastine Abate says
Ras Imru did not need any defending because history defends him, but when history gets distorted the distorted version gets passed down to the coming generations, especially these days when the internet has become the sole source of information for a lot of people.It was imperative that this mistake was corrected.
What I cannot understand is why a seasoned professor and politician like Professor Mesfin Woldemariam failed to add one sentence in his publication, Adafne, to make the distinction between those who were paid for collaboration and those who were prisoners of war.
At the age of 87, (or there about) I would like to think he was having a senior moment and “forgot”.However, if this was intentional, then I believe it casts a great shadow on his integrity.His other publications,which I have not read, may well have distortions as well.
Thank you Goolgule for your correction.
Shastine Abate MD
great-granddaughter of Ras Imru
Wogene says
Dear Ras-less,
You’re obviously ras-less!
How can you falsely attack Ras Imru as a banda when the facts of history clearly show that he was an Ethiopian patriot who fought valiantly against the Italian Fascists who unfortunately managed to imprison him in Italy until he was released Italy was defeated by Britain and her associates with the struggle by Ethiopian patriots such as Ras Abebe Aregay.
You should be careful about judging people blindly.
You and Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam should apologize to the Ethiopian people as well as members of the Ras Imru’s family and friends for your false allegations!
Sahlu Mikael says
ውደ ጉልጉልና አንባቢዎቻቸው፤
በዚህ አዳፍኔ የሚባለው መጸሃፋቸው ላይ ፕሮፌሰር መስፍን ወልደማርያም ስለራስ እምሩ ከስባቺ የገለበጡትን በምመለከት ለራስ እምሩ ቤተሰብ የሚከተለውን መልስ ሰጥተዋል። የተሰጠን መልስ በአማርኛ ሲሆን ከነእንግሊዝኛ ትርጉሙ ከዚህ በታች አሰፍረዋለሁኝ::
የፕሮፌሰር መስፍን ወልደማሪያም መልስ
ባዳፍኔ መጽሃፌ ላይ ያወጣሁት በጣሊያን መንግስት ይከፈላቸው የነበሩ ባላባቶች ዝርዝር ከአልቤርቶ ስባኪ የተገኘውን የክፍያ መዝገብ ዝርዝር ነው። ራስ እምሩ የስባኪ ዝርዝር ውስጥ በርግጥ አሉበት። ራስ እምሩ ይከፈላቸው የነበረው ግን እንደሌሎቹ ለጣሊያን በማደራቸው ሳይሆን የእስራት ክፍያ እንደነበረ አውቃለሁ። ይሄን ሳልጠቅስ ቀርቼ ከሆነ ስህተት ነው። ራስ እምሩን ከልጅ ልጆቻቸውም በላይ በቅርብ የማውቃቸው ይመስለኛል። የማከብራቸው እና የምግባባቸው ሰው ነበሩ። እውነተኛ አርበኛ እንደነበሩም አውቃለሁ።
The list of names of noblemen who were paid by the Italians, which I listed in my book Adaphne, was obtained from Alberto Sbacchi who listed all such payments. Ras Imru is in this list from Sbacchi. However I know that in the case of Ras Imru, unlike the rest, the payments made were not for his collaboration but rather for his imprisonment. If I failed to mention this it is a mistake. I believe I know Ras Imru even better than his grandchildren do. He was a man for whom I have great respect, and whom I knew very well. I also know that he was a true patriot.
Editor says
Dear Sahlu Mikael,
Many thanks for the update.
Wogene says
የጎልጉልን መልካም ምሳሌ በመከተል፤ ፕሮፌሰር መስፍን ወልደ ማርያምም ልዑል ራስ እምሩንንና ቤተሰባቸውን እንዲሁም ወዳጆቻቸውን ይቅርታ ሊጠይቁ ይገባል። የርሳቸውን የተሳሳተ ጽሑፍ መሰረት በማድረግ “ምጽአተ ዐማራ” በተሰኘ አርእስት ሞረሽ ወገኔ ዐማራ ድርጅት ልዑል ራስ እምሩን ጥላሸት ስለ ቀባ፤ ይቅርታ መጠየቅ ይገባዋል። አለበለዚያ በሰማይም በምድርም የሚያስጠይቅ ጉዳይ ይሆናል!