There needs to be a paradigm shift as to how to go about forming a more united front. The usual practice is for one or couple of organizations making the call for unity in one form or shape. We have seen several meetings like this that couldn’t bring all to the table.
How can the diaspora model a life of democracy by coming together to create an environment for a dialogue that brings consensus towards One Voice for Ethiopia? We do that by choosing a path we didn’t choose before.
The Road Less Travelled
First, we need to make an honest assessment that we are at fault in not modeling democracy at work in our neighborhood. Taking ownership of the problem is the first step towards becoming a positive force to bring democracy in Ethiopia.
Second, we need to develop civilized democratic culture in how we deal with our differences amongst ourselves first. The opposition camp should strive to work together towards a common platform instead of discrediting and tearing apart each other. Then only can the opposition find a voice that means something to the Ethiopian people.
Third, we need to call upon independent Ethiopians (the next generation in particular) that are not affiliated with any political and civic organizations to become a catalyst in providing a forum to bring together the fragmented opposition under one roof. These independent Ethiopians should refrain from forming an institution of their own and take ownership of the journey. Instead, they should simply be initiators of the forum without trying to make a name for themselves or attempting to take credit.
Fourth, we need to make known that all are equal participant of the forum. It should make a case for democracy at work here in Diaspora by welcoming all, and empowering dialogue over character assassinations.
Finally, we need to reach a consensus on the way forward towards becoming a useful influence in democratizing Ethiopia at home.
The diaspora is an untapped power to bring positive change in Ethiopia. Divided we make only noise. United we can bring change not only in Ethiopia but lead the way for Africa!
Dr. Zelalem may be reached at
“ጎልጉል፡ የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ የሕዝብ” እንደመሆኑ በዚህ ዓምድ ሥር የድርጅቶችና የማንኛውም ግለሰብ ነጻ ሃሳብ የሚስተናገድ ሲሆን ከአንባቢያን የሚላኩልን ጽሁፎች በጋዜጣው የአርትዖት (ኤዲቶሪያል) መመሪያ መሠረት ያለ መድልዖ በዚህ ዓምድ ሥር ይዘገባሉ፡፡ ይህ በጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ በ“የኔ ሃሳብ (Opinion)” ዓምድ የታተመ ጽሁፍ የጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ® አቋም አይደለም፡፡
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