ላለፉት አርባ ዓመታት ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ነጻነት ሲታገል የቆየው ኦነግ አመራሮቹ ሲጣሉና ሲታረቁ መስማት የተለመደ ነው። የግለሰብ ጸብ የሚመስለው የድርጅት በሽታ ሲንጠው የቆየው ኦነግ በውል ባይታወቅም ተሰነጣጥቆ ለሰሚው ግራ የሚያጋባ ድርጅት ከሆነም ዓመታት ተቆጥረዋል። ስህተትን ገምግሞ የትግል አቅጣጫና ፕሮግራም ከመቀየር ይልቅ ጊዜው ባለፈበት አስተሳሰብ ባለበት ሲረግጥ እድሜውን የፈጀ ድርጅት እንደሆነ ተደርጎም ይወሰዳል።
ስለ ኦነግ ሲነሳ አብዛኞች በመገረም የሚናገሩትና ሚዛን የሚደፋው አስተያየት የሚሰነዘረው በድርጅቱ መከፋፈልና መበጣጠስ ሳይሆን ተለያይተውም አስመራን የሙጥኝ ያሉበት ምክንያት ነው። ኢህአዴግ ህጻን እያለ ሻዕቢያ እንዳሻው ይነዳው እንደነበር የሚያስታውሱ አስተያየት ሰጪዎች ከሽግግር መንግስት ምስረታ በኋላ ኦነግ አገር ለቆ እንዲወጣ መንገዱን የጠረገው ሻዕቢያ መሆኑንን በቁጭት ይናገራሉ።
ኢህአዴግ ለስልጣን አዲስ በሆነበት የጨቅላነት ዘመኑ፣ ኦነግ በታሪኩ ያልነበረውን ሰራዊት በመገንባት አስጨንቆት እንደነበር በመጠቆም በወቅቱ አስተያየት የሰጡ ኢህአዴግ በተለይም መለስ በሻዕቢያ በኩል ኦነግን ለመታረቅ አቅርበውት የነበረውን የሽምግልና ጥያቄ ኦነግ እንዳይቀበል ሰሚ ባያገኙም በአጽዕኖት ምክራቸውን ሰጥተው ነበር።
በኦነግ ታጣቂ ሃይሎችና በኢህአዴግ ሰራዊት መካከል እኩል ሊባል በሚችል ደረጃ የጡንቻ መፈታተን ነበር። ደርግ ሲበታተን ኦነግን የተቀላቀሉ የቀድሞው የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት አካላት ወያኔን የማዳፋት አቅሙ ነበራቸው። በወቅቱ የንስር ያህል ጉልበትና ሃይል ቢኖራቸውም ራሳቸውን ጫጩት አድርገው ተመለከቱ። አዲስ አበባ ሲገቡ የነበራቸውን የህዝብ ድጋፍ አራግፈው ጣሉት። በስሜት እየተነዱ ከሚወዷቸው ሁሉ ተቀያየሙ። ህወሃት አጋጣሚውን ለቅስቀሳና ለስም ማቆሸሻ ሰራበት። በስተመጨረሻ ኦነግ ሃይሉንና አቅሙን ዘንግቶ በአመራር ችግርና በአቋም ሸውራራነት ሃይሉን በሙሉ ወደ ካምፕ በማስገባት የኢህአዴግን የእርቅ ጥያቄ ተቀበለ። ሰራዊቱን እየነዳ በፈቃደኛት አሳሰራቸው።
በሻዕቢያ አደራዳሪነት ሁርሶ፣ ደዴሳና መስኖ የገባው ሰራዊት “በደባ” ተከቦ ትጥቁን እንዲፈታ ተደረገ። አብጦ የነበረው የኦነግ ጡንቻ በቅጽበት ከሰመ፤ ሰለለ። ኦነግ ሲቆጣጠራቸው የነበሩትን ቦታዎች ለማስተዳደርና በኦህዴድ ለመተካት ኢህአዴግ እንደ እባብ ተሹለክልኮ ዓላማውን አሳካ። ሻዕቢያም በዚሁ ውለታው ኢትዮጵያንና ኢኮኖሚዋን ብሎም የኢትዮጵያን ስነልቦና እንዳሻው እንዲጋልብ ተፈቀደለት። ብዙ አሻጥር ተፈጠረ፤ ተፈጸመም። ደንዳና ቆዳ ያላት ኢትዮጵያና ህዝቧ ተቦጠቦጡ። ተዘረፉ። አንድ እግር የቡና ተክል የሌላት ኤርትራ ቡና ላኪ ከሚባሉት ቀዳሚ አገራት ዝርዝር ውስጥ ተሰለፈች። አፈርን።
“አገሬን ከወራሪ አጸዳሁ” በማለት ከበሮ እየመታ ጦርነት አልቋል ብለው እጅ የሰጡ የወገን ወታደሮችን የረሸነው ሻዕቢያ ኢትዮጵያንም ያስተዳድር ጀመር። ዛሬ የሚማልባቸውና “ውርሳቸውን ሳናዛባ እናስጠብቃለን” የሚባልላቸው አቶ መለስ እንደ ባዕድ መሪ የኢትዮጵያን ክብርና ጥቅም ለሻዕቢያ አሳልፈው ሰጡ። የሻዕቢያ ታጣቂዎችና ኢትዮጵያ አብልታ ያሳደገቻቸው ጎረቤቶቻችን ሳይቀሩ ናጠጡብን። በየደጃቸው መሳሪያ ወደላይ እየተኮሱ በደስታ ውለታ ባስቀመጠችላቸው አገር ላይ ተሳለቁ። ምስኪኖችን ቤት እያስለቀቁ ወረሱ። የሌላቸውን ሃብትና ንብረት ሰበሰቡ። በኤርትራ ምድር በግፍ ለተረሸኑ የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ተከራካሪ ጠፋና የሞት ሞት ሞቱ። አገራችን የግፈኞች መፈንጫ እንድትሆን መለስ በበረገዱት በር የገባው ሻዕቢያ ከርሱ ሲጎድል፣ “ልክህን እወቅ” የሚሉ ሲነሱ፣ ስርዓት ያዝ ሲባል ደሙ ተንተከተከና የሃይደር ህጻናትን በጠራራ ጸሃይ በላቸው። ትግራይን ወረረ። ሲሰርቁ ኅብረት የነበራቸው ሲከፋፈሉ ተጣሉና አገር ውርደት ገባው።
ይህንኑ ተከትሎ አገር አልበቃ ብሏቸው የነበሩና ወያኔን ሲያገለግሉ የነበሩ ቅጥረኞች የሰበሰቡትን ሳይበሉ ወደ “ከባርነት ናፅነት” ብለው ድምጻቸውን ወደሰጡላት “እናት አገራቸው ኤርትራ” ተጋዙ። ንብረታቸውን በትነው አገር ለቀው ወጡ። ከነጻነት በኋላ “ታይላንድ ትሆናለች፣ ሲንጋፖር ትሆናለች፤ ሆንግኮንግ ትሆናለች” በተባለላት አገራቸው ለመኖር ተገደዱ። ዳቦ ተሰልፈው ለመግዛት ታደሉ። ኬክ በለመደው፣ ቁርጥ በቆርጠው፣ “ሹካ ባስለመደው” እጃቸው ይድሁበት ገቡ። ወታደር ሆኑ። የሰገዱለትና ቅጥረኛ ሆነው ያገለገሉት ህወሃት መልሶ በረሃ በተናቸው። የሚያሳዝነው ግን ኤርትራዊያን ከየመንደሩ ተለቅመው ወደ አገራቸው ሲሄዱ የአዲስ አበባ ነዋሪዎች አውቶቡስ ከብበው ደረት እየመቱ ያለቅሱላቸው ነበር። ደብቀው ያስቀሩዋቸውም አሉ። ጨርቃቸውን ጥለው አውቶቡስ እንዳይነሳ በፍቅር አምላክ የተንፈራፈሩ ነበሩ። ሁኔታውን የሚያስታውሱ ድርጊቱን “የሞኝ” ተግባር አድርገው ሲወሰዱት ሌሎች ደግሞ “ክፉ ላደረገብህ ክፉ አትመልስ” የሚለው ግብረገብነት የገባቸው የፈጸሙት የጀግንነት ተግባር ነው በማለት የአዲስአበባ ነዋሪዎችን የመንፈስ ልዕልና ያደንቃሉ፡፡
ይህ ከመሆኑ በፊት ጀምሮ ኦነግ ሻዕቢያን ሲለማመነውና እግሩን ሲልሰው የኖረ ድርጅት ዛሬ ድረስ ተበጣጥሶም እዛው አስመራ አምልኮ ደጅ ይገኛል። ከአመት ዓመት ያለ ለውጥ እዛው ይንፏቀቃል። እንደሚሰማው ከሆነ ወታደሮቹ የሻዕቢያ አግልጋዮች ሆነዋል። አመራሮቹም ቢሆኑ አስመራን ለቀው የመውጣትና እንዳሻቸው የመንቀሳቀስ መብት የላቸውም። በዚህም ይሁን በሌላ መነሻ ኤርትራ በከተሙት የተለያዩ የኦነግ ሃይሎች ላይ ከያቅጣጫው ስሞታ መቅረብ ከጀመረ ሰንብቷል። ኤርትራን ለቀው መውጣት አለባቸው የሚለው የኦሮሞ ልጆች ድምጽም በርክቷል። ጥያቄው አያሌ ፖለቲካዊ ማብራሪያ የሚጠይቅና አማራጭ መፍትሄ የሚያሻው ቢሆንም ኤርትራ ውስጥ አሉ በሚባሉ ታጣቂ ተቃዋሚዎች ያልተማረሩና ያልተሰላቹ ቢኖሩ አፍቃሪ ሻዕቢያዎች ወይም ራሳቸው የሻዕቢያ ሰዎች ወይም በማወቅም ሆነ ባለማወቅ የሻዕቢያን ዓላማ የሚያስፈጽሙ ብቻ ናቸው።
እንግዲህ በዚህ መሃል ነው አስመራን ተሳልመው ከነበሩት የኦነግ አመራሮች መካከል አቶ ሌንጮ ለታ፣ አቶ ዲማ ነገዎና ሌሎች ሰሞኑን አዲስ ዜና ይዘው ብቅ ያሉት። አዲስ ፓርቲ በማቋቋም ድፍረት የተሞላው አቋም በማራመድ “አዲሲቷን ኢትዮጵያ በጋራ ለመመስረት ተነስተናል። የቀድሞው የትግል ስልት አያዋጣም” ያሉት። ሃሳቡ መልካም ቢሆንም እንዴት? የሚለው ጥያቄ የበርካቶች ነው። ምክንያቱም በግልጽ “የቀጣዩ ትግል ሜዳ አገር ቤት ነው፤ አገር ቤት ገብተን እንታገላለን” ተብሏልና!
“የኦሮሞ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ግንባር” ODF የሚባል አዲስ ግንባር መቋቋሙ ከአሜሪካ የሚኖሶታ ጠቅላይግዛት ከተሰማበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ በርካታ አስተያየቶችና ጥያቄዎች እየተወረወሩ ሲሆን ከሚመለከታቸው አካላት ጥርት ያለ መልስ አልተሰጠም። ግንባሩ መመስረቱ ይፋ ከሆነ በኋላ መጋቢት 22፤2005ዓም (ማርች 31/2013) በዚያው ጠቅላይግዛት በሚኒያፖሊስ ከተማ በተካሄደ ስብሰባ አንዳንድ ጉዳዮች ይፋ ሆነዋል።
ከብሪታንያ፣ ስዊትዘርላንድ፣ ከካናዳ፣ ከአውስትራሊያ፣ ከጀርመንና ከተለያዩ አገራት የተሰባሰቡ ቁጥራቸው 400 የሚጠጋ ተሰብሳቢዎች ባካሄዱት ውይይት አስፈላጊ የተባሉ ጥያቄዎች ተሰንዝረዋል። ኢትዮጵያን “ኢምፔሪያሊዝም፣ ቅኝ ገዢና ጠላት” አድርገው በመሳል ጥያቄ የሰነዘሩትን ጨምሮ ስለ ቀጣዩ ትግል ትግበራና ሰለ ኦሮሞ ህዝብ ነጻነት መከበር በስፋት ለተነሱ ጥያቄዎች አቶ ሌንጮ ለታ አስገራሚ መልስ ሰንዝረዋል።
“ያለፈውን በመውቀስ የትም አንደርስም። አሁን ማየትና ማሰብ ያለብን ወደፊት ነው። ሌሎች ወገኖችን አግልለን ብንታገል የትም አንደርስም። ያለፈው የትግል መንገድ ስህተት ነበር” ብለዋል። ስለ ኦሮሞ ህዝብ ነጻነት መከበር ሲናገሩ “የሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ መብት ካልተከበረ የኦሮሞ መብት ብቻውን ሊከበር አይችልም” በማለት መመለሳቸውን ለማወቅ ተችሏል።
“ጊዜው ተለውጧል። ጊዜው አዲስ ነው። አዲስ ምዕራፍ ላይ ነን። አዲሱ ምዕራፍ ለኦሮሞ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ ነው” በማለት የተናገሩት አቶ ሌንጮ፣ “አገር ቤት እንዴት ገብቶ መታገል ይቻላል?” በሚል ለተነሳው ጥያቄ የሰጡት መልስ አዲሱን ድርጅታቸውንና እርሳቸውን የሚፈትን እንደሆነ ያመላከተ ነው።
ቀጣዩ ትግል ኤርትራ ላይ እንደማይሆን በግልጽ የተናገሩት አቶ ሌንጮ፣ አገር ውስጥ በመግባት ለማደራጀት፣ ለመታገል፣ ለመንቀሳቀስ ይቻል ዘንድ “መንገድ እንፈልጋለን” ብለዋል። ኢህአዴግ በተደጋጋሚ እንደሚለው ለድርድር የሚቀመጡ ወገኖች መጀመሪያ ህገመንግስቱን መቀበልና ህግመንግስቱን አክብሮ ለመስራት መማል አለባቸው። ይህ ወደፊት የሚታይ ቢሆንም አገር ቤት ለመግባትና ለመታገል እነ አቶ ሌንጮ ቢስማሙ እንኳን ሌላ መሰረታዊ ችግር እንዳለ ከወዲሁ እየተጠቆመ ነው።
በኦሮሞነታቸው በሚያነሱት ጥያቄ እስር ቤት የታጎሩ የኦሮሞ ልጆች ቁጥራቸው ከፍተኛ ነው – በአስር ሺዎች እንደሚቆጠር ይገመታል። በየቦታው ባሉ እስር ቤቶች ዋናው የመግባቢያ ቋንቋ ኦሮሚኛ እስከመሆን የደረሰበት ሁኔታ ነው የሚታየው። ይህ እውነታ ባለበት አቶ ሌንጮ የሚመሩት አዲሱ ድርጅት እንዴት አድርጎ ይታገላል? ወይም ደግሞ አባላቶቹ እስርና እንግልት እንዳያጋጣማቸው ምን ዓይነት ማረጋገጫና መተማማኛ ማግኘት ይቻላል?
“መልሱ ግልጽ ነው” በሚል ይመስላል “የፈለገው ቢመጣ፣ አስፈላጊው ህግን የጠበቀ ትግል ይካሄዳል። አገሪቱ ላይ ያለውን ህዝብ አስሮ ይችል እንደሆነ የሚታይ ይሆናል” የሚል እንደምታ ያለው ምላሽ ነው እየተሰነዘረ ነው ያለው። በሌላ በኩል አገር ቤት ገብቶ መታገል ብቸኛ አማራጭ ተደርጎ ሲወሰድ አዲሱ ጉዳይ የቀድሞው ሌሎችን ሲያገልና “ልዕልናና ነጻነት ለኦሮሞ ብቻ” በሚል የፖለቲካ ሾፌር ሲደወር የነበረው የትግል ስልት መቀየሩ ነው። በዚህም የተነሳ ይመስላል “ከማናቸውም በኢትዮጵያ ለዴሞክራሲ መረጋገጥና ለህዝብ እኩልነት ከሚሰሩ ድርጅቶችና ፓርቲዎች ጋር አብረን እንሰራለን። የቀድሞው መንገድ አይዋጣም” የሚል ምላሽ የሰጡት።
በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ “እኔን ተከተል፣ ስትቃወም ከኔ ቀመር አትዛነፍ” የሚለውን አመለካከት ጨምሮ በድፍን የአንድ እንቅስቃሴ እርግጠኛ መነሻ ሳይታወቅ አስቀድሞ “የማብከትና የማበስበስ” ስራ መስራት የተለመደ በመሆኑ ከሁሉም ወገን እርጋታ እንደሚጠበቅ፣ ረጋ ብሎ መመርመር እንደሚያስፈልግ ከወዲሁ እየተነገረ ነው።
ላለፉት 20 ዓመታት ኢህአዴግ በብሄር እየለየ በፈጠረው ገደል እየተወረወሩ የሚገቡ ፖለቲከኞች በሰሩት ጥፋት ህዝብ ለከፍተኛ የአእምሮ ጉዳት ተዳርጓል። ኢህአዴግ የ50 ዓመት የቤት ስራ እንደሰጠ አድርጎ የሚያስበውም እነዚሁ የፖለቲካ መሪዎች የህወሃትን የሳሳ ፖለቲካ መረዳት ባለመቻላቸውና ከዋናው ጠላታቸው ይልቅ እርስ በርስ ለመቧቀስ የፈጠኑ መሆናቸውን በቀላሉ ስለሚያሳዩት ነው።
ከ40 ዓመታት የስህተት ጉዞ በኋላ አገር ቤት በመግባት “ሁሉም ነጻ ካልወጡ ኦሮሞ ብቻውን ነጻ አይወጣም” በሚል የትግል መርህ መነሳት በራሱ አስደሳች እንደሆነ አቶ ኦባንግ ሜቶ ለጎልጉል በስልክ ባደረጉት አጭር ቃለምልልስ ተናግረዋል።
“ድንበርና ክልልን ሳይሆን የምንጋራው አብሮነትን ነው” ያሉት የአዲሲቷ ኢትዮጵያ የጋራ ንቅናቄ ዋና ዳይሬክተር “በዲኤንኤ ምርመራ ጎሳ አይታወቅም። ተመሳሳይ ዲኤንኤ ያላቸው ጎሳዎችም የሉም። ሁሉም ነጻ ካልወጡ ማንም ነጻ እንደማይወጣ መስማት ታላቅ ብስራት ነው” በማለት ከዓመታት ትግልና ውትወታ በኋላ ድርጅታቸው ሲታገልለትና ሲሟገትለት የቆየው ዓላማ የሌሎችም መርህ ሆኖ በማየታቸውና በመስማታቸው መደሰታቸውን ተናግረዋል።
ከኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አብላጫውን ቁጥር የሚይዘው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ለዚህ ዓይነቱ መርህ ለዘመናት የቆየው ሥርዓቱም ሆነ አኗኗሩ ቅርብ እንደሆነ አቶ ኦባንግ አመልክተዋል፡፡ ድርጅታቸው ከተመሰረተበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ “ከጎሣ ይልቅ ለሰብዓዊነት ቅድሚያ እንስጥ” በሚል የከበረ መመሪያ ላይ ሲሰራ መቆየቱን የገለጹት አቶ ኦባንግ ከዚህ መመሪያ በተጨማሪ “ሁላችንም ነጻ ካልወጣን ማንም ብቻውን ነጻ ሊሆን አይችልም” በሚለው የትግል መርህ በርካታ ስኬቶች መመዝገባቸውን ጠቁመዋል፡፡ ይህንን መፈክር አሁን ደግሞ ኦሮሞ ወገኖቻችን ሲያነሱ መስማት ለድርጅታቸው ታላቅ ድል እንደሆነ ተናግረዋል፡፡
ስብሰባው ላይ ማንም ሳይጠራቸው በራሳቸው አነሳሽነት እንደሄዱ ያስታወቁት አቶ ኦባንግ “የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች ስብሰባ ሲቀመጡ የሚነጋገሩት ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ነው። ኢትዮጵያዊ ነኝና ውይይቱ ይመለከተኛል። ስለዚህ ተገኘሁ። በደስታ ተቀበሉኝ። በስብሰባው ውስጥ በሰማሁት አዲስ ሃሳብ ተደሰትኩ” ብለዋል።
ላለፉት 20 ዓመታት አንዱ ስለ ሌላው ሲያወራ መኖሩን ያመለከቱት አቶ ኦባንግ ሜቶ አሁን አንድ ላይ በመሆን ለመመካከርና “ለአዲሲቷ ኢትዮጵያ” ግንባታ በጋራ ለመታገል መወሰን ከልምድ የተገኘ የፖለቲካ ተሃድሶ መሆኑን አስታውቀዋል። አያይዘውም ድሮም ቢሆን ፖለቲከኞች እንጂ ህዝብ አእምሮ ውስጥ ያልነበረ አስተሳሰብ በማቀንቀን ለህወሃት ፖለቲካ ማዳበሪያ የማቅረብ ስራ ሲሰራ እንደነበር አመልክተዋል።
አቶ ሌንጮ ለታ እንጀምረዋለን ያሉት አዲሱ መንገድ ሁሉንም ህዝብና የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ማዕከል በማድረግ ለመስራት ወስኖ የተነሳ እንደሆነ ሲያስታውቁ ያሰመሩበት ጉዳይ ቢኖር “ያለፈውን አናስብም። አሁን አዲስ ምዕራፍ ላይ ነን። አዲሱ ምዕራፍ ሁሉም የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ተያይዘው የሚፈጥሯትን አዲስ አገር ማየት ነው፡፡” እርሳቸው እንዳሉት 40 ዓመት ባክኗል። አሁንም መንቃት አግባብ ነው። ነገር ግን ድጋፉም ሆነ ተቃውሞው በተራ የድጋፍና ተቃውሞ ስሜት ሳይሆን ረጋ ብሎ በመመርመር እንደሆነ የሚመክሩ ጥቂቶች አይደሉም።
(ፎቶዎቹን የወሰድነው ከ Hegeree Media channel ቪዲዮ ላይ ነው)
ማሳሰቢያ፤ በተለይ በስም ወይም በድርጅት ስም እስካልተጠቀሰ ድረስ በጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ® ላይ የሚወጡት ጽሁፎች በሙሉ የጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ®ንብረት ናቸው፡፡ ይህንን ጽሁፍ ለመጠቀም የሚፈልጉ ሁሉ የዚህን ጽሁፍ አስፈንጣሪ (link) ወይም የድረገጻችንን አድራሻ (https://www.goolgule.com/) አብረው መለጠፍ ከጋዜጠኛነት የሚጠበቅና ህጋዊ አሠራር መሆኑን ልናሳስብ እንወዳለን፡፡
koster says
Ethiopian/African elites are prolonging the suffering of their People in their greed for power. It is really unfortunate to be a victim of woyane ethnic fascists ethnicity divide and rule/misrule. Although we are educated and live in foreign countries we still think not better than our illeterate parents. It is better to remain illiterate if education means as is seen by our elites – detached from our People anc culture and trained only to serve foreign interests.
Please say no to woyane ethnic fascists, ethnic cleansing and state terrorism in Ethiopia. A tyrant who terrorizes Amharas cannot be democrat for Oromos – stand for truth and justice and build an Ethiopia where all of us live freely and equally without any state Terror and dominance of any ethnic or religious Group. http://vimeo.com/18242221
Gada says
Dear writer;
you made too much lie just starting from your wish and aspiration.
1. Lencoo didn’t said they(OLF) did wrong for the past 40 years. He said what he did for the past 40 years as OLF leaders/organization as a whole was against the Amahara agression and ruling system. That was which deny Oromos to speak their language, live their culture and built an Ethiopia against Orommuma(oromo identity). That was right and we have got a lot of success he said. Now something changed in Ethiopian poiltical dynamics. The ruling class changed fromAmahara to Tigre. Culture, language and identity allowed in Ethiopia. Cold war ended, communism ideology defeated(almost) such that worldwide political dynamics changed, so is the world superpowers. So now we need to re articulate our questions, programs, and strategies he said. He repeatdly said ETHIOPIA WAS AN EMPIRE(means the country is formed by gun), and it is still is(the current ruling elites are leading the people by gun point. This has to be changed by any means he said.
…so please don’t simply air your aspiration by fabricating lies.
concerning about what you tried to voice : “what is passed is passed, let us built new Ethiopia”…blah blha blah..no country on the earth, no nation across the globe built its/their country without some historical facts. History, culture and economy are at the heart of any world politics. All ideologies are the combinations of these stuff. so it is not easy for Ethiopians just to start from scratch as you are claiming.
..I am not against the unity but me as an Oromoo to feel good in the so called new Ethiopia, a lot of history should be dismanteld and re-written over the land. Our children should learn all sided historical facts, our medias should air all truths the country has faced till today. Numeries historical facts being denied up until today(to be clear what Menelik did, what Teferi Mekonen did, and also Meles). These stuffs are intricated and need genuine commitments from all parts(including non political institution which were part of the wrongdoings). These all should come out and acknowledge their dirty doings in forming the so called myth Ethiopia(which I don’t accept..95% of Oromoo too). Reconcilation should be done and on that we can write a genuine constitutional nation, good Federal System but up until you as a nation come to negotiate to this point I don’t believe Lencoo himself or any Oromoo son and daughter ashamed of feel OROMOO(*1000) than the so called fake Ethiopia.
Editor says
Dear Gada,
Many thanks for your comment. Just to make the record straight, what we wrote here is not an opinion but a news, in fact it is a reportage. So we do not want to get engaged here in great length to reply to your opinion, though we respect what you stated in your comment.
If you feel like writing an article on the issue we will be glad to entertain it as an op-ed or anything of that sort. Since the issue is in its infancy, we believe a lot has to be said and argued about. That is how we learn things that we haven’t known before and unlearn all the “wrong history” we have been learning.
ጎልጉል: የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ/Golgul: the Internet Newspaper
Gada says
Dear writer;
Even though I were not in ODF meeting physically, I have seen the video record word for word including what Lenco Lata said. No where in his speech he spoke what you reported over here. You just pulled your report to justify your old belief which is to make the 40 year OLF struggle wrong. I believe the journalism and reoprting ethics(I don’t know if you are or not) has frameworks in which we have to work even though we don’t feel happy in what we are writing. To be unbiased, to report credible information.
Any ways we Oromoos can not feel proud in any leader or political group so far emerged in Ethiopia than OLF. But here in Ethiopia we are under gun point and we can’t express our feelings and interests, you know this. But we do have the logo and the flag in our bedroom, in our wallet and more than any thing in our heart and mind. The reason is not political fundamentalism as you may think, it is only because we believe in and we need the just questions rised by OLF. It is not about session or not; it is about Oromoo diginity, rights, freedom, and prosperity in Ethiopia political dynamics. It channeled historical, political, social and economical questions which could decide the fate of Oromoo children to come.
Editor says
Dear Gada,
Thanks again for your reply.
We believe that you really didn’t get what we replied back to you. We wrote the report based on what Ato Lencho Leta said. We don’t have to explain to you in detail how and when and where he said what he said – we have the record, the evidence, the video, the audio, … It seems that your problem is not what we reported about what Ato Lencho said but what we wrote in the report. We are quite adamant that such replies would come and you have proved us to be right.
We have informed you to write an article about the whole issue, including our reporting, and we will be glad to publish it. We believe this is civility. But when we say this we are not belittling or discouraging comments – they are sweeteners that make articles delightful. But when comments get serious they are begging to be turned into articles, which we believe have to be done in civil and educational way.
This will be our last reply to you, Gada. To abide by what we suggested to you is your choice. But no matter what it is we respect your stand.
By the way, it is good to learn that you are writing to us from Ethiopia – you mentioned about it on your comment above. According to the latest and most credible info we have our website is BLOCKED in Ethiopia.
ጎልጉል: የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ/Golgul: the Internet Newspaper
Gada says
Dear writer;
I would like to appreciate the way you are handling our arguments; in the more civilized way! and that is how it suppossed to be , thumbs up!
Regarding my comments: ያለፈው የትግል መንገድ ስህተት ነበር” ብለዋል:: this is one of the sentences you have reported and I challenge you to do some fact checkings from the Videos you got. And also the way you tried to put together the paradigm shift of obbo Leencoo Lataa and the interview of OBANG METO; one can conclude what you intend to air.
Concerning your invitation, I would be glad to write some articles on the current Ethiopia/Oromoo socio-political waves. I like to write some historical facts which derive us all to where we are now as a nation, my views and observations so far in hard dying Ethiopianism and contending nationalism in Orommuma(being an Oromo). The problem is now it is not possible for me, but in the future I can start as I have this tendency.
Yea I am in Ethiopia and your site is blocked! But for these two weeks I am in Europe for office duty(training) and I get the chance to read some stuffs in Diaspora politics. Technically I am able to access your site even in Finfinne(Addis Ababa) as I am working on the country’s ICT infrastructure backbone but that is not ethical proffessionally and have a risk too. So I don’t dare to do so. I am not EPRDF/TPLF member to be assigned there, it is only by profession(and also by chance I can say) I got to this position so I only cooperate professionally not politically or ideologically.
For me too this my last reply as I will fly back home after a day(I have finished my company training).
I talked these all because I see in your comments a sense of willingness to argue on ideas not like my friends below who are blindly accussing me of lie/being cadre without proving my arguments wrong with evidence and logic. All my comments are what know from the society I come from, from the history books I read, from elders I have talked to(I did these so many times and I even publish a book in the future) and from day to day life incidents I encounteres which are all a first hand information. I have no intention to advance any political camps ideology but I have the right to write as a responsible, informed and change wanting citizen in my country wether it is Federation, confederation or Independent Oromiya.
many thanks and bye!
Editor says
Dear Gada,
In our last comment we said, that will be our last reply but here we are now – 🙂 We’d like to thank you for taking the challenge and showing willingness to get engaged in the discussion, though you said “in the future”. We hope this “future” will be soon.
Thank you also for letting us about our website and what is going around – we really appreciate the info.
As we have said last time, there are so many things that we need to learn and so many others that we have to unlearn. This cannot happen unless concerned citizens are engaged in dialog, discussions, … and we are here to encourage and facilitate such participation.
Please keep participating in the discussion and keep us informed about the issues at stake. And at times when our website is not working, check us on our facebook page as well. Email us or communicate us through Skype whenever you want to contact us in private.
Thank you again and wishing you all the best and a safe trip.
ጎልጉል: የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ/Golgul: the Internet Newspaper
ዱባለ says
Gada said
“That was which deny Oromos to speak their language, live their culture and built an Ethiopia against Orommuma(oromo identity). ” Either you or Lento Leta have lied about the statement. I do not think Lento Leta will lie when he is so close to depart from this world, which might have motivated him to change his tune. I commend him for finally accepting the truth, as the saying …better be late than never. That is a kind of lie used by a low level cadres. If you think you are one, you are way behind…wake up!! I don’t know about you, but I know there were/are millions of Oromo who came to this world and departed from this world with out speaking any other language other than afan Oromo. I’m assuming your parents could be one of them. The fact is Oromos did speak their language and did practiced their culture. The other fact is afan Oromo was not used in school or government offices as Amharic has been used. One can debate why it was so. To say that oromo were denied to speak their language or culture is not only irresponsible but also an outrageous lie. There are so many languages that are not used in school setting even now when you are bragging about equality. There are many pragmatic reasons why this is so.
Gada says
Every language can’t be used in school setting. It depends on the number of people who can speak the language and so forth. Try to get the fact Afaan Oromoo is the 3rd largest in Africa(by native speakers I mean) let alone in Ethiopia. If you don’t know something, that doesn’t imply it is lie. Please help yourself by learning how to negotiate and being logical. Knowledge heals.
I hope you will also read my comments for you below.
Gada says
Mr Dubale;
” I do not think Lento Leta will lie when he is so close to depart from this world,”….look at this ! It’s a snippet of the sentences you wrote. There is no name called “Lento Leta” atleast in Afaan Oromoo. This itself clearly depict how much you are influenced by the system you are claiming to be right. There is no meaningful name “Leta”(even if I consider you wrote Lento by type error).
The point is you learned it from your ancestors who said for instance “GAMADA” should be “GEMEDA” to give some sense in Amharic. similarily you are doing the same here. The name is LENCO LATA(LEENCOO LATAA) unless you want to reshape it again.
Going back to your points neither me nor Lencoo Lataa lied; period. It was true and correct. The past Amhara led government system in Ethiopia(starting from the inception of Ethiopian empire until Derg era) it was officially ; please understand over here it’s at government policy level including the instutitions backing the government like Ethiopian Orthodox church; proclaimed it is not possible to speak any language other than Amharic at any public institutions, meetings, schools and any gather for that matter. The Oromo were large in number and did have well orgainzed socio-political sytems such as Gada system and presented a fierce resitance to Menelik. This led to a lot of catastrophe(such ANNOLE BREAST CUT, CALII CALANQOO…) which are still not acknowledged.
…I am not writing these all out of some illusion, there are well documented historical facts. And I am also not saying the Amahara people have done this and should be accountable. But as far as we want to build the same country together we need to acknowledge this black history. I know Teferi Mekonnen intensified the subjugation policy adviced by his British Lords(the likes of G. Winget), because by that time Britian(and the other Europeans for that matter were intoxicated by colonialism). These all led to being Oromoo or some other nation in Ethiopia wrong(it brought identity crisis) except for Amahara and Tigre. Ethiopia means only the northern.
…You said most Oromoo speak their language their all life. The statement has some truth because Menelik/Teferi have no means to prohibit that amount of Oromoo living in Oromiya from speaking Afaan Oromoo(he can’t keep the Borana’s living far from Finfine/Addis Ababa from using the language for instance). But when the Oromoos/other southern nation went to small woreda town for market or school and found speaking other languages other than Amharic, the would be arresseted, fined or prisoned. You are not supposed to know this unless you brought up in a society who faces these all or you read some unbiased history written truthfully.
For that matter I am not cadre as you labelled me or any party memeber( I don’t have forseen plan to be a politician atleast). The truth is we need to built a multi-identity nation living side by side in peace and harmony based on justice and equality as European states; if not we better disintegrate and built our own independent nation. There is no myth Ethiopia given by God(as the arch of covenant to Moses) as your ancestors taught us.
..At last I have nothing to wake up from; may you need it; my best advice for you is read history from all sides(not only that of Absinia, oromoo or Ethiopia for that matter go far and read other nations history if you can, you will learn a lot), read different political ideologies if you want; unless if you keep only barking by what your Mom and Dad told you when u were kid, u ‘ll end up as a sore loser.
..Never mind! almost all Oromoos love OLF’s past success and present just question as it is true aspiration of the people. The point on the strategy and tactics to be followed with the current geopolitical and global dynamics.
…sorry for the length!
Anoolewako says
U are a layer!! Sela Nelson Mandela mot telant post ya regachehut. Le men te sastachu ta sastalachu? Ye kerta matayeg ye gabachuhal! Be ze aynet weshat ke ke telachuh guwadegnenetachen ya bekal!
Editor says
@Anoolewako ተመሳሳይ ክስ በ Facebook ላይም ጽፈዋል – “ውሸታሞች … ተሳስታችሁ የምታሳስቱ ….” በማለት ግድፈት ባጠቃው እንግሊዝኛ አስተያየትና ክስ አቅርበዋል:: እንደውነቱ ከሆነ የጻፍነውን በቅጡ ያነበቡት አይመስለንም:: እርስዎ በየቦታው የሚሰጡት ክሶች ከመስመር እየወጡ በመሆናቸው እዚሁ ላይ ምላሽ እንድንሰጥ ተገድደናል::
አንባቢዎቻችን እንዲያውቁልን ያህል በዜናው ላይ በጭራሽ ማንዴላ ሞቱ አላልንም::
የውሸታምነቱንና ይቅርታ የመጠየቁን ጉዳይ ለርስዎ እንተወዋለን:: ባገራችን እንደሚባለው “ሳያጣሩ ወሬ ሳይገሉ ጎፈሬ” ስለሆነብን ነው መልስ መስጠት ያሻን:: ለማንኛውም ዜናው የሚለው ይህንን ነበር –
“ጸልዩ” ባራክ ኦባማ ለማንዴላ “ጸሎት” አደረጉ
እርጅና የተጫናቸው የአፍሪካ ምርጥ ልጅ ኔልሰን ማንዴላ ሆስፒታል መግባታቸውን ተከትሎ ሁሉም ያገራቸው ህዝብ መልካም ዜናቸውን ይናፍቃል። የነጻነት ታጋዩና አስተዋይነታቸው ጎልቶ የሚታየው ማንዴላ ለውጥ ማሳየታቸው ቢነገርም አሁንም ሆስፒታል ናቸው።
ያንን አሰቃቂ የአፓርታይድ ስርዓት ከተገላገሉ በኋላ ስልጣን በያዙ ማግስት ቂም በቀልን አራግፎ በመጣል፣ ለበደሏቸው ጭምር “አገር እናልማ” የሚል መልክት ያስታለለፉት ማንዴላ የደቡብ አፍሪካ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሁሉም አፍሪካ እንቁ ናቸው።
የአሜሪካ ሬዲዮ አማርኛው ክፍል እንደዘገበው የፕሬዚዳንት ጃኮብ ዙማ ቃል አቀባይ ማክ ማሃራጅ የማንዴላን ጤንነት አስመልክቶ ለጋዜጠኞች በሰጡት መግለጫ ደቡብ አፍሪካዊያን ለማዲባ እንዲፀልዩ መጠየቃቸውን ካበሰረ በኋላ፣ የአሜሪካ ፕሬዚዳንት ባራክ ኦባማና የቤተ መንግሥታቸው ባልደረቦች ለኔልሰን ማንዴላ ደህንነት ፀሎት ማድረጋቸውን አመልክቷል።
ጎልጉል: የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ/Golgul: the Internet Newspaper
Almaz says
Simply speaking! Mr. Lencho came with terms facing his life span!! Ye jembere edeme sijemere
yelal ye hagere sew Aba biya has done done it I guess it’s better to be an elderely person in Ethiopia zoro zoro wede bet
ዱባለ says
I don’t think it is worth spending time arguing with you. I know there are woynae moles all over the internet spending their full time posting nonsense like this to secure their pay check. Yours looks very bizarre, you do not seem to know even where the country Ethiopia is located let alone about Ethiopia. I’ll highlight the most nonsense thing you said and leave it as that.
Gada said
“The point is you learned it from your ancestors who said for instance “GAMADA” should be “GEMEDA” to give some sense in Amharic.” What are you going to say to those oromos who changed Tadesse to Taddassa, Kebede to Kabbada, etc.. Dr. Taddaasa Ebba? by the way where is he, is he still alive or passed away? He was a naive but innocent man, they say.
Gada said
“But when the Oromoos/other southern nation went to small woreda town for market or school and found speaking other languages other than Amharic, the would be arresseted, fined or prisoned.” Let the readers judge about this. I say you are completely out of your mind, I don’t believe a sane mind would blindly lie in public like this.
Gada said
“…please understand over here it’s at government policy level including the instutitions backing the government like Ethiopian Orthodox church; proclaimed it is not possible to speak any language other than Amharic at any public institutions, meetings, schools and any gather for that matter. ” It is simply amazing!! So now the orthodox church proclaim the language of Ethiopia.
Gada says
Mr Dubale;
I am not woyyane again! I am just a responsible and informed citizen.
I don’t know when you supposed to learn how to argue on ideas rather than accussing me without evidence and logic. What I have written over here are all true as far as I know.
Does any of the following questions ever crossed your minds; ask your self honestly.
why did we can’t find a single statue of Oromoo heros in Finfinne(Addis Ababa) ? Is that by chance or by historical and political wrong doings? or Oromoos don’t have heros and celebrities as some Absinian historians and priest wrote?
Why didn’t we learn about Abishe Garba, Elemo Kiltu, Mamo Mezemir or Gen. Tadesse Birru while we learned about Teklehaymanot of Gojjam, Alula AbbaNega of tigray, Girmaye and Debebe, who fail to erect a monument for Abdissa Aga while we did for Abune Petros? Do you think it was because Oromoos were not hard working and careless that we don’t find any Oromoo stamp in Ethiopian history including on what our medias(FM radios, newspapers), our arts(films, music, any entertainment industry for that matters)??
Is that Oromoos are simply evil guys as you think and they start to think about building their independent country, Oromiya? what derive those people on the first place to think about starting OLF 1950s?
How were Oromoos were living before Tewedros and later Menelik unified Ethiopia? What type of society they were until the end of 18th century? what was their relationship with the northern Abnisinian rulers? and later what was Oromoo history looklike after Menelik?
why do nowdays more than 85% of oromoo son and daughter feel more Oromoo than Ethiopia(for your information I have not seen a single Oromoo kiss your self proclaimed Ethiopian flag green, yellow and red by will, I am 27 years old).
Go to our national institutions; do you find any oromoo footprints in these offices? why?
Is that racism to be an Oromoo, Amahara or Tigre? which we all got by birth but not by choice.
so how can acknowledge and accept these different people and built a nation which live side by side in peace and harmony in just and fair environment?(i mean here political fairness, economic fairness, history fairness)?
or we better simply push hard our imperialism to assimilate the people to a culture, a history and a system we think is better unify?
Haven’t you heard you can get howmany balck americans, spanish, white, red indians blah blah blah are in university, highschool, even in prison,how many of each nations and immigrants are engineers, doctors, merchants and so forth from US Federal Labour office? so what is wrong to be who we are by birth?
Have you ever think why Amaharas prefer to be called an Ethiopian while the Oromoos are the other way around? come on! Is that the Amaharas are the most generous people and the Oromoos are the most stupid?
we need to create open atmosphere to discuss these issues and solve. I don’t think the culture of democracy is in Fetah Nigist as you may think, I don’t think the art of conflict resolution is in ignorance. We need a gut to go out and say wrong to what is wrong and right to what is right!
I hope US; the land of liberity, the ocean of free ideas, the mother of Abraham Lincoln, the birth place of Marthin Luther King will breathe to you the art and science of liberity, freedom, justice, equality and human right!(believing that you live there).
bye!! this is my last reply to you!!!!!!
Shaebia Oromo says
Blaming Shaebia for your ills is not a cure. The Oromo public should objectively look at what the causes are and work for victory. Blaming Shaebia for the limitations of the organization will not be a solution.
Mario says
Dear all,
All Gada needs is 40 years of stagnation like Lenco Letta. Let’s give him 40 years and see what happens. Will he rant as ever or drop his pants and surrender to truth?
Nothing is mentioned in the article that asserts Ethiopia was/is mother to Amharas and step-mother to Oromos. Past Ethiopian governmental systems have never been perfect. If they were, why all this struggle for a democratic society in the first place? What Lenco Letta saying is: Let’s move on! Enough of stagnation! Enough of blame politics! Enough of talk of past wrong doings! Lets not fight past and dead systems! Lets fight a system that is eating us alive!!!
Gada said and I quote, “I don’t think the culture of democracy is in Fetah Nigist as you may think, …”. Gada, I don’t think you have read history books as you claimed, including Fetha-Negest. If you did, how can you miss this? After all, it is on the front page! “የጥበብ ሁሉ መጀምሪያ እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት ነው: በሚለው ወሳኝ ሃይለ ቃል መሰረትነት ተመስርቶ ጉጉ እና ሆድ አምላኩ ባለመሆን ሰባዊ ክብርን ጠብቆ ባለአደራነትን ባለመዘንጋት ትክክለኛውን ፍርድ በመስጠት የሰማእታትን አክሊል ያቀዳጃል”።
It is talking about the source of wisdom/rationality, fairness, equitability, human respect/dignity, accountability, justice and even the right place for all in haven. Read it carefully and understand before you expose your ignorance badly.
The “culture of democracy” you are talking about is actually written in our good book. Kindly tell us what is missing?
pompido ayane says
Mr Geda
I really try to state some idea to teach you what oromo all about, but it is only killing time since you have head without brain.
Oromo is the ppl proud of Ethiopia, not Germany or Norway or any “nech”. Orormo is the ppl who paid countless cost to defend Ethiopia. You even do not know what the hell you are talking about. Just let me say this, you how long it takes never be native “nech” they always ask you ” where are you from and if you say oromia they reply where the hell is that? Do not let your childern to live in inferiorety complex. Do not wait another 40 valuless years to know the truth. I am “KURU Ethiopian” from my Oromo parents. You and your late OLF( odf) never and ever represent oromo.
Gamin says
Dear Mr Mario,
What matters is not the length of time but the HISTORY. You are also another lier and I wonder if you can state at what point Lencho Leta said..” ..Enough of talk of past wrong doings! Lets not fight past and dead systems..”. He didn’t said this directly or indirectly. He recognized what has done so far and proposed to move on in advance.
Well, whatever you think or dream, history is there and forever. Oromo peaple needs its identity and dignity; and this is in all of them. Oromo peaple is seeking Oromummaa(Oromo Identity) to which they are heartly and truly proud of, but not the fake Ethiopia( the one built by gun) as habeshas do. I wish I could say ”I’m proud Ethioipian” but the Ethiopia some are talking about is the artifitial one; and covering the surface can not heal the true deep scar.
Mario says
Greetings Gamin,
Are you telling me you are also one of those stagnating and vegetating Oromo nationalists? First of all, I did not bring up this staying transfixed on something for 40 or more years. Mr. Lenco Letta did. All I repeated was what he said in other words without quoting him directly. Nothing less or nothing more. So, where is the lie?
What Mr. Lenco Letta is trying to do (not me) is to free himself and every single Oromo (including myself) who are a prisoner of the past. He woke up after so many years of dormancy and now he wants to move on forward. He wants not only himself, but all the likes of him. Anything wrong with that? One learns history or from history not to repeat its worst parts and move on and not get stuck for life.
You said and I quote, “whatever you think or dream, history is there and forever”. You see Gamin, it is not right to believe all history (written or oral) is true or right. It could be biased, influenced, inclined or totally wrong. BTW, there is nothing in this world that is forever, including history. A mountain which was there for millions of years could be a flat piece of land vise and versa. Here is what Mark Twain said on the validity of history, “The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice”.
If there is anything I “think of and dream” is to see my country and people live in peace and freedom. I have no other thinking or dream as you try to portray me.
If Mr. Lenco Letta and all his likes change their mind or whatever, there is nothing wrong with that. As they say, “only a fool never changes his mind”. Whatever it cost me, I am changing and will never be a prisoner of the past. Thanks to Mr. Lenco Letta, he showed us the way. Are you afraid of doing what Mr. Lecno Letta and other courageous Oromos are doing? Try it, truth won’t kill or hurt you.
With all due respect, next time you respond to this email of mine, please do not call me a liar. If you do, you are certainly losing the argument and that is not a good sign. Verbal abuse won’t take us anywhere.
Thank you for responding in defense of Gada and in whatever you believe in.
Gamin says
Dear Mario,
I did not know that you need my help to call me a Nationalist. Well, coming to your point, Yes you tried to repeat what Mr. Lencho said in another words BUT the problem is you interpreted and understood in a very wrong way which leads the context of your argument a complete ”lie” (sorry to repeat the word, but I did it).
You seem the first person to use the word stagnation when coming to Oromo struggle. Don be confused. Its too far and I even over rate it. Those Habesha gangs did inhuman and tried to bury Oromo language, culture and identity for about a century. Its through bitter struggle to see a glimpse myself today, and of course left with some assignments to be accomplished with Oromo nationalists including Lencho Leta. Bzw, Lencho follow this path not to sing the song of fake Ethiopianism, rather its another way and tactic to hit the target.
Thank you though!!
Dagaga says
You better tell us what you are smoking because you are simply out of your mind. You are even telling us that you are “kuru Ethiopian” from your Oromoo parents. You sucks! If so your parents are the only Oromos suffering from Menelik army’s paranoia.
Oromoos are not ‘nech'(Germany, Norway or what soever). Please return this theory to the first place you learned it. Oromoo hasn’t said it either. Oromoo is ‘the great people of Kush”. If Oromoo or somebody else is not Habesha, that doesn’t make him/her white. Oromoo is cushitic nation of East Africa.
OLF(ODF) doesn’t represent oromoo you said. so your chauvinists who are still swimming in the early 19s supposed to represent oromoo. Actually at some point even THATCHER(RIP)(she was a former UK PM) called NELSON MANDELA a terrorist. Only time revealed Mandela as a father of freedom. So it is the essence of imperialists.
nothing is more dead than the blatant Ethiopianism ideology of Tewedros, Menelik and Teferi Mekonon. I don’t when you learn that your fake Ethiopia was created by war, so it is an Empire. It was not only Ethiopian state formed by war winner, there was a lot across the globe who also formed in the similar manner. The problem is while the other states acknowledge their wrong doings, come together and negotiate the better option for their nation, you and your cos. still bark to justify 140 years old history.
Oromoo is a nation. It is not an ethnic clan or a tribe. So we as oromoo has full right to ask independence, federation, autonomy or confederation for that matter. A nation’s history is not something that will die as you claim. Go and check that of Quebec, Norway, Catalans, Scotland, Irland or Scotland/Wales. If you will be affected by our choice, just come to the table and negotiate(the maximum thing you can do). What ever the political outcome we need a common understanding to leave on East Africa in peace and harmony. We have a lot together as a common existing creatures, the brutal truth.
But Ethiopia created by Menelik’s army (at the defeat of Oromoo people by weapon) was heaven for you and your cos. doesn’t make you right trying to deny freedom aspiration of other nations.
Gadaa said democracy is not in ‘Fetah Negist’. It is true. so you want to justify the slogan “semay aytaresim, mengist aykesesim’ of that day. Here is you unability to step up with the dynamics of this world politics. For diverse Ethiopian people, even you can’t make Bible a source. The reason is you have to accommodate all views, country is not Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
…Guys for your information the name “Ethiopia” is officially taken in 1930s, on the first constitution of Teferi Mekonon. So the all stuff you are barking is about Absyninia.
..in nut shell.: Oromo has inalienable rights to struggle for their historical, political, economical rights which they denied on their own land. Concerning the much said Ethiopia…it should be some thing we the people can define, not the one defined for us by gun point. It should be something I need to defend willingly not because somebody told me.
That Ethiopia is not allowed to be buil at expense of the ever existence of Oromoo as a nation with all its virtue.
Atiyoomif says
Dear writer: Don’t talk from yourself with out true referances. Please, lets do for unity, nation and country. If we do in this right way today’s problems will be solved. Lets compete each other for a change not for supperiority.