የአጼ ምኒሊክን መቶኛ የሙት አመት መከበር ምክንያት በማድረግ በ DW ሬድዮ በተደረገው ጥያቄና መልስ አቶ ቡልቻ ደመቅሳ፣ ዶ/ር ሓይሌ ላሬቦና ዶ/ር ሹመት ሲሳይ (የታሪክ ተመራማሪዎች) ቃለ መጠይቅ ተደርጎ በሚሰጠው መልስ ላይ ስለ አቶ ቡልቻ ደመቅሳ በተናገሩት ላይ አስተያየቴን አቀርባለሁ።
አንባቢያንን ቃለመጠይቁን ቢያዳምጡ ጥሩ ነው ባይ ነኝ፤ ሁለቱ የታሪክ ምሁራን ትምህርታዊ ትንተና ይሰጣሉና፡፡
ውሸት ሲደጋገም እውነት ሊመስል ይችላል፤ በተለይም የአገራችንን የኢትዮጵያን ታሪክ ለማያውቁ እውነታው ምን እንደሚመስል መረጃ ለማቅረብ እሞክራለሁ።
አቶ ቡልቻ ኦሮሞ ከባሌ እየተስፋፋ ሲመጣ ልብነ ድንግል እንዳይስፋፋ አቆሙት ይላሉ፡፡ ለምን ይህን ምሳሌ እንዳቀረቡም ግልጽ አይደለም ለሳቸው ትንታኔ የማይመች በመሆኑ፤ ለዛውም በአጼ ልብነ ድንግልና በኦሮሞች መሀከል ስለነበረው ግኑኝነት በከፊል ዶ/ር ሃይሌ ላሬቦ ሊያስረድዋቸው ሞክረዋል፤ ስለመስፋፋቱና እንዲያውም አማራውን እንደገፋው ለአቶ ቡልቻ መረጃ ላቅርብ፡፡
ጥንት ሌላ ስም የነበራቸው በኦሮሞ ከተያዙ ማግስት ስማቸው የተቀየረ፤ ደዋሮ-ጨርጨር፣ ጋፋት-ሆሮ፣ ገራሪያ-ሰላሌ፣ ዳሞት-ወለጋ፣ አበቤ-በቾ፣ ሽምብራ ኩሬ-ሞጆ … (የሃያኛው ክፍለዘመን ኢትዮጵያ ገጽ 50 በጥላሁን ገ/ስላሴ) በቅኝ ተገዛ የሚሉት ኦሮሞ ተጨማሪ ቦታ እንደያዘ እንጂ እንደተወሰደበት አይደለም ታሪኩ የሚመሰክረው፡፡
አቶ ባልቻ የኦሮሞን ታሪክ ከደቡብ አፍሪካ ጋር ሊያዛምዱት ይሞክራሉ፤ ኦሮሞም እንደ ደቡብ አፍሪካ ጥቁሮች ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ሲረገጥ የኖረ ሕዝብ አድርገው ያቀርቡታል። መፍትሄውንም ሲጠይቁ reconciliation እርቅ ኦሮሞ ይቅርታ ተጠያቂ የተቀረው ይቅርታ ጠያቂ በተለይም የፈረደበት አማራ ለዚህ ወንጀል ትልቁን ድርሻ ይወስዳል፡፡ ባለፉት አስተዳደሮች ስህተቶች አልተሰሩም ብሎ የሚከራከር የለም፤ ጥያቄው እንዴት አብረን ወደፊት መሄድ እንችላለን ነው?
እንደቅኝ ተገዛን የሚሉት ቡልቻ ደመቅሳ አገሪቱን በእርሻ ሚኒስቴርነትና በምክትል ገንዘብ ሚኒስቴርነት አስተዳድረዋል – ቸር ቅኝ ገዢ ነበር የነበራቸው፤ እኛ ቅኝ እየተገዛን ስለሆንን በሚኒስቴርነት ቅኝ ገዢዬን አላገለግልም ብለው አላንገራገሩም፡፡
ኦሮሞ በሲቪሉም ሆነ በወታደራዊው ክንፉ ታላቅ የሚባሉትን ስልጣኖች ይዞ የኖረና ያለ የህብረተሰብ ክፍል ነው፡፡ አገሪቱ ውስጥ ለነበሩትና ላሉትም ደግ ነገሮችም ሆነ ክፉ ነገሮች ተጠያቂነቱ እኩል ነው፡፡ አቶ ቡልቻ ቅኝ ገዢ የሚሉትን የአማራውን ክፍለሀገር ደጃዝማች ክፍሌ ዳዲ ያስተዳድሩት ነበር፡፡ (ምሳሌ የሚያቀርቡበት ደቡብ አፍሪካ የማስተዳደር ቅንጦት ይቅርና ነጭ በሚዝናናበት ቦታ ጥቁር መግባት አይፈቀድለትም ነበር)፡፡
ስለኦሮሞ ባለስልጣናት እስቲ እንመልከት
ምኒሊክ በሸዋ ሲነግሱ የረዷቸው አብሮ አደግ ባልንጀራቸው ጎበና ዳጬ ናቸው፡፡ የወለጋውም አስተዳዳሪ ኩምሳ ምኒሊክን በደጃዝማችነት አግልግለዋል፤ እነ ባልቻ አባ ነፍሶም የማይረሱ ታላቅ ኢትዮጵያውያን ናቸው፡፡
የአጼ ሃይለስላሴ አባት ራስ መኮንን ወልደሚካኤል (ጉዲሳ) አባታቸው ኦሮሞ ነበሩ፤ እናታቸውም ወ/ሮ እመቤት እናታቸው ኦሮሞ ነበሩ፡፡
ራስ ዳርጌ የሸዋው ንጉስ ሳህለስላሴ ከወለዷቸው አራት ወንዶች መሃከል አንዱ ሲሆኑ ጥናታቸው አርሲ ውስጥ የአንድ አካባቢ ኦሮሞ ባላባት ልጅ ነበሩ (አባ ቦራ በታቦር ዋሚ፤ ገጽ 9)
ራስ አበበ አረጋይ መከላከያ ሚኒስትር
አቶ ይልማ ዴሬሳ የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር፤ የገንዘብ ሚኒስትር
ደጃዝማች ክፍሌ ዳዲ የጎንደር አስተዳደር
አቶ ቡልቻ ደመቅሳ የእርሻ ሚኒስትርን ምክትል የገንዘብ ሚኒስትር
ሜጀር ጀኔራል ሙሉጌታ ቡሊ የክብር ዘበኛ አዛዥና የባህል ሚኒስትር
ደጀዝማች ገረሱ ዱኪ የኢሊባቡርና የጎሙገፋ አስተዳዳሪ
ሜጀር ጀኔራል ደምሴ ቡልቲ የሁለተኛው ክፍለ ጦር አዛዥ
ሌተና ጀኔራል ጃጌማ ኬሎ የአራተኛው ክፍለጦር አዛዥና የባሌ አስተዳደር
ፊታውራሪ ለማ ወልደጻድቅ የሲዳሞ ምክትል አስተዳደር
ሜ/ጀኔራል አበራ ወልደማርያም የአየር ኃይል ምክትል አዛዥ
ደጃዝማች በቀለ ወያ የጨቦና ጉራጌ አስተዳደር ከዚያም የጨርጨር አስተዳደር
ደጃዝማች ካሳ ወልደማርያም የአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፕሬዚዳንትና የእርሻ ሚኒስትር
አንባቢያን መረዳት ያለብን ሁላችንም በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ኢትዮጵያውያን መሆናችን ነው፡፡ ሕዝባችን በጋብቻ፣ በእምነት፣ በባሕል፣… የተሳሰረ በመሆኑ መሰረት የሌለው ታሪክ እያነበነቡ ሊበታትኑን የሚያስቡትን ታሪካዊ መረጃ እያቀረብን ወግዱ ልንላቸው ይገባል፡፡ ድር ቢያብር አንበሳ ያስር ነው፤ ምኒሊክም ያስተማሩን መቻቻልን አንድነትንና ፍቅርን ነው፡፡
ዶ/ር ካሳሁን በጋሻው
Ato Bulcha Demksa was one of the Oromos who was a govt official during Haileselassie not an Oromo but an ethiopian. He has all the authority and means to say what he saying now. But he didn’t. Now he is telling the history to young ethiopians bcse he just want some support or whatever you call it to be favored by some oromos who claim to be colonised by Ethiopia . The same story like the eritreans are saying. This makes him the very Opportunist he is and everybody knows it.
Maj. Gen. Tadesse Birru
Maj. Gen. Merdassa Lelissa
Maj. Gen. Regassa Jimma
B/ Gen. Kassaye Chemeda
… the list goes on. So sickening as a human to go down and talk at this level!
Don’t you think that Maj.Gen. Tadesse Birru the ideological father of OLF told us the unfair management of the system on Oromo lead him to fight against the Abyssinian system. We all Oromo are grateful to Maj. Gen. Tadesse Birru for that he organized for once and for all. so, it will be end of Amarization and our future will be independence or real federalism. we don’t want to hear about Minilik any more and leader which is cruel like neftegnas leader( like Minilik) !!!!!!!!!!!!! Adios neftega!!!!!!
Dear Gonfa
I think you are a little brainwashed
Dear Gonfa,
I think you are a little brainwashed.Adios neftega!!!!!your slave master(Italians) taught you! unfair management of the system on Oromo shabia tplf gave you land from Amhara poor peasante you sold it to your arabe masters .Shabia OLF sold your kids and poor girls for arabes? do you know how many oromo china,arab Indianas turkey are born in ethiopian forest right now? do you know that 8ooo arab oromo bastards back from saudi arabia.while world is sad and angry against idiot arbes bruitality against foreign workers. you’re illiterate oromo were dancing,by saying that” Oromo is not ETHIOPIAN! OROMO is not CRIMINALS.but ETHIOPIANS are” “kill TORTURE AND RAPE ETHIOPIAN GIRLS ONLY!” you dumb ass galla watch!
what we can do ? there are lots of historians and philosophers about Ethiopian history. Their description relays on their own thought, not on the evidence of world history. Sometimes the writers deal on self opinion . History and fiction are absolutely different. I am really sorry about we Ethiopians. All we want to be the king, president or leader of The country and eat all the bread of it.
እኔ የሚገርመኝ እንደነዚህ ያሉ ሰዎች ስለ አንድነት ከሌላው አለም፣ካካበቱት እድሜና እውቀት ከምንም በላይ በአንድነታቸው ከተጠቀሙት ሀገራት ትምህርት መውሰድ አቅቶቸው ዛሬ እንደሚነቅፎቸውና እንደሚሰድቡቸው በእምዬ ሚኒሊክ ዘመነ መንግስት ከነበሩት ሰዎች አስተሳሰባቸው አንሶ ሲታዩና በዘመናችን ያለውን ወጣት ኢትዮጵያዊ አእምሮ በመርዛም ትምህርታቸው ለመበከል ሲራራጡ ሳይ የኢትዮጵያ አምላክ ልቦና ይስጣቸው ከማለት ሌላ ምንም አይባልም።
Dear all,
I will assure you that I am not brainwashed but I reject genuinely the falsified history written by Abyssinian. I just watch the video in Oslo (Norway) again and again like you did but no body said , Ethiopians are criminal, kill Ethiopian, etc like you said. The only slogan was like, we are not Ethiopian, we are not criminal, if you are free minded there is nothing wrong with that slogan. The demonstrator has the right to say any thing they want about them self. For those who tried to insult my trip calling” galla “you guys ultimately expressed your hate for the whole Oromo people which is an ignition gas for the hot issue between blindfolded unity group and freedom seekers Oromo. And I will never say words like “qomata, lalibela, Buda” for that response because you are the only”qomata, Lalibela , and Buda “as a whole( I mean the writer). Some thing which surprise me is that the people who was slaved by Italians are only from northern part of Ethiopia.so, where did you get that information about Oromo was enslaved by Italians. The whole history which was before 1970th was written by” kes demilew or by debtra godanaw”.So, no boy is obliged to believe such history written by “Mengedgnaw or qaregnaw” to glorify only history of Neftegna. For your information,I am not with those independence seekers nor with those unity seeker Oromo but I am with those Oromo who seeks freedom and fair management system. you know why, I have Amhara family too. I f any body realized that I didn’t say any thing about innocent Amhara because they are my family. since I have 50% from both ethinic ( Amhara and Oromo)I will work equally for the existence of both culture and language as well fair administration. I stand against the dominance of one ethnic, one culture,one language and so on. If I have to glorify, it must be my mothers family’s as well equally my father family’s.
Adios Neftegna again!!!!!!!!!!!!
come back here! stupid Amhara and G$%# confused (mix) bastard.ask your dad long time ago white man f&*% him bribe all g*&^% with milk ponder, fafa, told them ” stand against the dominance of one ethnic, one culture,one language and so on. how your dad sleep with your mom If they don’t have common scenes If I dissect you can you tell which part of you is Amhara and which part of yo is G*&%$. joust accept it that you are a fruit of two gender.
*Do not be idiot to rewrite what you have read from Ertriog*&%$ bishftu cadre.!
tesfaye gbere cobra ” Satan memoir!” “spy note” “all his books are cooked by stupid fake oromo diaspora elite handed to crate new history. by ERTIRIAN citizen damn so called journalist. what a shame to all Oromo intellectuals, they sold their dignity and very cheep way of deceptive for generation. 50/50 g*&^% and amahra you support for those who are note Ethiopians g*&^%. go to hell. “Adios Neftegna again” you lern it from japan? or ertirian master tesfaye !!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Dear Wow, This response is just only and only to Wow
You are stupid, arrogant, not well mannered and stinky like your……. , you are masterminded for offensive words.since your IQ is as much as PC your mind not ready to think but it runs what it was installed by your Neftegnas family that is why you are reasoning out Ert. and Tesfaye Gebre… for every challenging comments on Neftegna article.That is how they thought you those who was …….with your mother. I don’t think you know your self because your Mom was a beach who was…….. every corner with stranger when she got you pregnant or your ancestor is Neftegna. According to your comment even you are not freedom seeker Amhara just horrified Neftegna. I think you are irritated by the word adios neftegna. My friend I will tell again and again Neftegna is Neftenga exactly like spade is spade there is no vacant for such people in Ethiopia any more. By the way with the concern of “Chaltu Ide Helen” personally I know that history, sorry, that agitates you but I have to say it. Last but not list,even if it irritates you I have to say it again Adios Neftegan X3!!!!!!!!!!
To my Neftegnas friend Wow
can anyone (may be Gonfa or wow) explain me what the word “galla” means and why it is an insult?
===as far as i know I Have never ever taught as insulation! is not.gala in Greek word is “Milk” in real Amhric word Is (gale. moke,chefere,) that it shows Gala ethnic group are happy like to dance and sing’. how this name go wrong ? gala had fought in Gonder province for some time it was not easy or friendly war beast curl, worrier killed barbarically with mencha then gala name stuck as a bad name in people mind. (which must stop and reconciled fast!) pile up by political activist Jaware mohomed and tesfaye gebabe (KObra). few smaret ass create the name oromo to divert and hide their savege act.aganist humanity and modify that em-ye minilik was worst(colonizer amhara king.) that is bold deceptive ! not all but few still they are cruel barbarian savage oromo exist!
++Anyhow 120 thousand Saudi refuge how many of them were orommoo? In Arab countries their name was chaltu,tiytu,aberash OR Fatima merima merdia sofia… why they cover their face in free country Ethiopia? oorroommo prefer to be areb slave? why they change their name now? for money? religion? or the hate is only for poor Amharas? they forget that they were orroommo? only tesfayette geberebababe knows about orrommoo!?
++unfortunately, bad boys(missionaries) got good opportunity to divide and rule,for invasion they must bribe and add salt and peppers every where especially for some illiterate ethnics and dismantlement and to colonize Ethiopia like other fool neighboring countries (Sudan,Kenya, Ertira, Somalia Djibouti) Thanks to our heroes men women no race, culture, langue was a barrier.the white master tried in many ways. every morning publishing new books with different name and funny message using some traitors .there was no name ‘Orrrormmom’ it is confusing and political opportunist idia how they sell books and show off on TV.
++I know Mr. Bulcha Demekesa is well educated as economist is not perfect for politics and he can not create history before die to have him Oorroommo hero’s ceremony. In Ethiopia how many ethnic group mandalas will bury? no place, it already sold for Arab China,India turkey and you master Weyane cadre. ++OLF ONLF creator but Ethiopians enemy Shbia that give you freedom, land, language and flag Oorroommoo were no where ! rather than unity,love,respect, shut your mouth and dance together. Adios Neftegan X10!! of course Viva TPLF !! go back help your barefoot,homeless ooromo(gala) they deserve a better life not a fake history.tell bulca to go church ,jaawwar Mohamed to bedeno Muslim oromo cage. tesfaye to hell. Ggoonnffaa choose your way too.
As ABEX says:” Being a human is the ultimate identity that all we share and should have work together in unison to explore the universe for it endless resoureces and planets which i had never doubted their existence up in the heavens waiting us to habitate them and call them home for the entire humanity, not for blacks, whites, amhara, or oromo only; but for humanity. WOW~~~!!
Dear Gonfa.
I think u dont know the real history of Ethiopia (Oromo). Now days Yohans Letta (Lencho) forget it thinking about the old fashion slogan ” We are Oromos “. But the little mind, kid and Eritrean dog like Jewar try to say this. For more info Ask, Dr. Merera, Dr. Negasso about the real history. and the son of Gen. Taddesse Biru( Read their Books).
Dear Tata,
Don’t hesitate about the real history of Oromo. Still you got me wrong I didn’t say any thing about independence or unity because that is up to Oromo people.As my self, I prefer ethnic Federalism like Lencho Lata do. For your information Lencho didn’t forget his Oromoness and old fashion of slogan but he reject independence if there is real ethnic Federalism. Lencho still says” we are Oromo” . Your understanding about Jewar is completely wrong. First of all Jewar is always against the movement of OLF soldiers in Eritrea and always arguing to get out the OLF army from Eritrea. Secondly, Jewar is pro-unity for Ethiopia but with multinational and multi-culture. I remember some years ago Jewar was called as son-of-Ethiopia by pro-unity group and was busy to give explanation and analysis on Ethiopian political situation in every opposition party media, esat,voa, DW etc. I read very well those book what you referred above the only problem is like the pro-unity group is always busy on books which is written by pro-unity writer even they don’t examine that book well but they just look at literally. Dear Tata I will recommend that to examine topics related to your comments throughly as well as books or article written by anti-or-pro-unity writers. Further more, please omit words like little minded,kid …,dog … which is offending words because that doesn’t help rather it aggravates things.
Ethiopian history is very complicated. Ethiopian history is a war, domination, extermination, history and need a very critical look, special when it comes to the eighteen and nineteen centuries. The coming of modernization and specially armaments gave some kings and nobles the upper-hand to subdue and exterminate the less armed ones. These have created one part of the nation to dominate and even enslave the other. People do not be emotional but be critical and argue with reasons. A person here like Tata has no place in this website. He can only do big damage to critical way of thinking. It seems to me he is an TPLF agent that infiltrate to create chaos. He brings the name Jawar in this. There is no discussion that involves Jawar. If he wants to talk to Jawar, the field is open he can reach him in his Face book. We all have to work hard for the unity of the country. A new structure that give economic and political equality. One thing we have to realize there is no back to the time of Haileslasse, Derge or Woyane.
Dear all,
can anyone (may be Gonfa or wow) explain me what the word “galla” means and why it is an insult?
As far as I know “galla” is simply a term by which the oromos are known in the amharic language like the oromos call the amhara “sidama”. I am inerested in a genuine and academic explanation of the word “galla”. I speak both oromofa and amharic!
WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? WE ARE ALL CREATED TO LIVE AND BREED ON THE UNBOUNDED universe claiming uncountable planets for each one of us. do not be stupid. we are all humans after all. All these nonsense is a manifestation of our greed and shallow attuitude towards the ever depeleted resources that we think is availaible only in oromoia, amhara, or ethiopia or africa or the earth. Come on let us stop this talk about indentity, narrow nationalism. Being a human is the ultimate identity that all we share and should have work together in unison to explore the universe for it endless resoureces and planets which i had never doubted their existence up in the heavens waiting us to habitate them and call them home for the entire humanity, not for blacks, whites, amhara, or oromo only; but for humanity. please i am tired of these racist talks.
Dear Gonfa, first and foremost I would like to applaud your well mannered approach reagrding to this very sensitive issue which concerns us all. As far as history goes, most of contemporary nation-states came to existance through various historical phenemonon including vicious wars. In fact the very idea of soveregnity or being soverign (Westephilian Soverignity) is not that old as it is assumed by many. In comparison to Ethiopian history, other nations including the so called “developed” or “civilized” nations acquired their current geographical boundaries by using deadly force; however, unlike our elites we do not hear the out cry of “independence” banner in every occassion. When the European’s colonialists arrived “discovered” the new world there were inhabitants in Americas. What do you think it happened to them? I am not saying that Ethiopians “invaded” other Ethiopians at a certain historical juncture as it has been claimed time and time again by Jawar Mohammed and et al. What I am saying is instead of looking in hindsight and tampering our future, why don’t we look forward and establish a country where everyone gets treated fairly and equaly. Even if we assume that the unification of Ethiopia was based on by treachery act, what are we going to benefit from that mambo jambo. Those who unified the country one way or the other are long gone and today is another day. Let’s move on forward and establish a nation where citizens will not be discriminated based on their ethnic origin, the religion they believe in, or because of their gender. Ethiopia is a blessed county to accomdate us all.
Dear Gonfa, first I would like to applaud your well-mannered approach about this very sensitive issue, which concerns us all. As far as history goes, most of the contemporary nation-states came to existence through various phenomena, including vicious wars. In fact, the very idea of sovereignty (Westphalian sovereignty) is not that old as it is assumed by many. In comparison to Ethiopian history, other nations, including the so-called “civilized” nations acquired their current geographical boundaries by using deadly force; however, unlike our elites, we do not hear the out cry of “independence” banner in every occasion… When the European’s colonialists arrived “discovered” the new world, there were inhabitants in Americas. What do you think it happened to them? I am not saying that Ethiopians “invaded” other Ethiopians at a certain historical juncture as it is claimed over and anew by Jawar Mohammed and et al. What I am saying is instead of looking in hindsight and tampering our future, why don’t we look forward to and set up a country where everyone gets treated equally? Even if we assume that the unification of Ethiopia was based on by a treachery act, what are we going to benefit from that mambo jumbo? Those who unified the country, one way or the other, are long gone and today is another day. Let’s move on forward and set up a nation where citizens will not be discriminated based on their ethnic origin, the religion they believe in, or because of their gender. Ethiopia is a blessed county to accommodate us all.
Bulcha Demeksa has lost all the credibility and is out of touch. I was personally expecting to hear a far sighted and well versed historical context from him. I guess I was very wrong to expect unexpected from some one like him who do not learn from life long expierance aside his acadamic creditional. Shame on you Bulcha!
Dear somebody out there, who is disturbed and confused with the deceving and dengerous thaught of the mere word ” identity”; the invariant identity that will indentify your place and order among the multitudes of creatures that flocks the universe since the begining of time and space was/is your humanity. do not forge your identity with the dynamical nomecletural terms which sginifies a name of a giant figure( a tree, an ancestor, a dreadful mountain or river etc) that fades in time. Belive me your code of identification in the universe and before the almighty is your humanity. not your language, not your ethincity
the hat that Bultcha is wearing seems too small for his head!
He must have brought it when he sane in mind and body!! Before he became inflated with
ethnic phobia and paranoia..
በጣም የሚገርመኝ ኦነግ የተባለው የምራባውያን ሚሺነሪስ ከወለጋ ኤሊትስ በመምረጥ ያቋቋመው ድርጅት ስለ ኦሮሞ ሕዝብ የሌለ ቅኝ መደረግ ታሪክ እየፈጠረ የኦነግ መሪዎች ልጆች አውሮፓና አሜሪካ በአለቆቻቸው ሚሽነሪስ አማካይነት አስወጥቶ እያስተማረ፣ የድሃውን የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ልጆች እንዲሞቱ፣ እንዲታሰሩና እንዲገደሉ እያስደረገ ያለና ኢትዮጵያን ለመበታተን ዓላማቸው ካደረጉ የምዕራባውያን ሚሽኔሪስ መልዕክተኛ የሆነ ድርጅት መሆኑ ነው::ጥያቄው የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በሙሉ የስርዓቶች በደል የደረሰበት ነው::ይህም ሁሉንም የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በተበዳይነትና ያለፉት ስርዓቶችን በበዳይነት የሚታይ ይሆናል::ኦሮሞው ተበድሏል::አማራው ተብድሏል::ትግሬው ተበድሏል::ጉራጌው ተበድሏል::ወላይታ ተበድሏል::…ወዘተ ሊነሳ የሚገባው ጥያቄ በደል ይወገድ::የሕዝብ ሰብዓዊና ዴሞክራሲያዊ መብቶች በተግባር ይከበሩ::በኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ፍቃድና ፍላጎት የኢትዮጵያ ሕገ መንግስትን በተግባር እንዲከበር ማድረግ ነው::ማለትም የሕግ የበላይነት ወይም በኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ፍላጎትና ፍቃድ የሚወሰነውን ሕገ መንግስት በሁሉም ኢትዮጵያውያን በተግባር እንዲከበር ማለት ነው::ሌላው የሚገርመኝ ነገር ኦሮሞ ሁሉ አንድ ሰው ወይም አንድ ድርጅት እንደሆነ ተደርጎ የሚሰጠው የተሳሳተ አስተያየት ሊታረም ይገባል::በ ኦሮሞም ውስጥ የወለጋ ኦሮሞ ብቻ እንደሆነ ተደርጎ የሚገፋው ፕሮፓጋንዳ እውነትነት የለውም::በተለያዩ አካባቢዎች ያሉ ኦሮሙኝ የሚናገሩ ግን በኢትዮጵያዊነታቸው የሚኮሩና ለዚያም የሚታገሉ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠሩ የ ኦሮሞ ልጆች አሉ:: ዳግማዊ አፄ ምንሊክን አቶ ቡልቻ እንደ ቅኝ ገዥ አድርገው ለማስቀመጥ በዶቼ ቬሌ ያድረጉት ሙከራ ጥቂት የሚሺኔሪ ተከታዩን ኦነግን ለማስደሰት ካልሆነ በስተቀር የሰጡት በቂ መረጃም አልነበራቸውም::አቶ ቡልቻ የመጣላቸውን ከመናገር የበለጠ ታሪካዊ መረጃ የማቅረብ አቅም በቃለ መጥይቃቸው አላስቀመጡም::ለመሆኑ ኦሮም ኢትዮጵያዊ ካልሆነ ማነው ኢትዮጵያዊ ሊሆን የሚችለው?ዬትኛው ሀገር ነው ያለ ጦርነት የተፈጠረው? አሜሪካ የተፈጠረችው እኮ በጦርነት ነው::
the black african adolf hitler is minlik amaharoch (amareroch)wededachehum telachum modern hitlerochna atse nafakewoch ye nante neger aleke ,abeka maches ayegebachum domawoch. 1 hager fack ethiopia 1 emnet ortodox 1 tarik ye atsewoch(amara)west yemayewera yeh hulu yeneftenyoch serat chinkilatochachun atebote selasadegachehu yelelaw beher beherseboch tarikina sirat mech tawkalachehu astedadegachehu new yebedelachehu . ahun eyeye eyeye aytekimachehum enanten bilo tarik awakina tsafi
chigaramoch yemtbelut yemtetetut yelachehu .astegeto ablto ateteto banorachehu hizb zare ye neftenyaw gulbet seyalkibachehu hizbin emye minlik ko jegena nebr bilachu bareje tarikachehu mamonyet felegachu.endehum yeteleyaye sim eyesetachu olf,ong odf,ofd obc ,opdo mekefafel felegachehu.gen behagarachew lay hulum ande yehonalu.
አምላኬ ሆይ ኢትዮጵያን ባረክልን!!!
እኛ ኢትዮጵያዉያን ቁጭቱ ወደ ኋላ በመመለስ ባልተማሩና በወቅቱ በነበራቸዉ እውቀትና ልምድ ያደረጉትን የጥንት መሪዎችን የሰሩትን የኋላ ታሪክ ያዉም ሙሉ በሚባል መረጃ ሳንመሰረት በይመስለኛል አነጋገር ተመሰርቶ የሆነ ያልሆነ ዉሳኔና አስተያየት መስጠት ጥቅሙ ምን ይሆን ከቶ ፋይዳዉ ምን ሆን?
የአሁኑ የቲዎሪ ሙህራን የሚቀይሱት የሰይጣን መንገድ ነዉ፡፡ጎሳ እከሌ እከሌን በደለ፤አካሉን ቆርጦ ነበር፤አንዲህ አድርጎ ነበር፤ የእከሌ ጎሳ ጦር ሰብቆ እከሌን ወግቶ ነበር—ነበር የበዘባት መላምት ከቶ ማንን ያሳድጋል፡፡ ይህ ሁሉ ሥልጣን ላይ ለመዉጣት የሚሞክሩት የማያዋጣ መሰላልና የሞኝ ታሪክ ለመጻፍ ይመስላል፡፡
እዉነት የእኛ ሙህራን ነን ባዮች ለእድገት የሚበጅ ከቅራኔ እና ቁርሾ የጸዳ አዲሲቷን ኢትዮጵያ የመገንባት መንገድ ለምን ለመቀየስ አይተጉም፡፡ የቀድሞ መሪዎች አጠፉም አለሙም በአላቸዉ እውቀት ሃገር ዳር ድንበሩን አስጠብቀዉ አስረክበዉ አልፈዋል፡፡ቀረዉ ደግም የእኛ ሥራ አባትን መርገም መሆን ያለበት አይመስለኝም፡፡ይልቁንስ |ያ /ተፈጠረ የምንለዉ መጥፎ ሥራ አሁን በእኛ ዳግም እንዳይፈጠር መስራት ይበጃል፡፡የኦረሞ ተወላጅ የመሪነት ደረጃ ይህ ነዉ፡፡ የአማራ፤ ትግራይ፤ ሲዳማና የደቡብ ማለት ምን ይበጃልና ነዉ!!.እናም እምዬ ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር!! ምቀኛዋ ይዉደም!
ኢትዮጵያን አግዚአብሄር ይባርክ!!!!
የሰይጣን አስተሳሰብና ጉልበት ይወገዝ ይድከም!!