“በራሳችን መሐንዲስ፣ በራሳችን ገንዘብ፣ በራሳችን የተባበረ ክንድ እንገነባዋለን” በማለት ሟቹ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር መለስ ዜናዊ በመስቀል አደባባይ ታላቅ ህዝባዊ ድጋፍና “መዓበላዊ መነቃቃት” ፈጠሩበት የተባለለት የ”ህዳሴው” ግድብ 51 በመቶ ድርሻ የኢትዮጵያ እንዳልሆነ ነዋሪነታቸው በአውሮፓ የሆነ ዲፕሎማት በተለይ ለጎልጉል ገለጹ።
ስማቸው ምስጢር እንዲሆን የጠየቁት ዲፕሎማት እንዳሉት 51 በመቶ ባለድርሻ የሆነችው አገር አውሮፓ የምትገኝ የኢትዮጵያ አጋር አገር ናት። ለጊዜው የባለድርሻዋን አገር ስም መግለጽና የውሉን ዝርዝር ይፋ ማድረግ ያልፈለጉት ዲፕሎማት ኢትዮጵያ በግድቡ ላይ የፈለገችውን ውሳኔ በራስዋ ለማስተላለፍ እንደማትችል፤ ያላት ድርሻ 49 በመቶ ብቻ በመሆኑ ድምጽን በድምጽ በሚሽረው በአብላጫ ድምጽ ህግ መሰረት በግድቡ ላይ የሚወሰነው ውሳኔ 51 በመቶ ባለድርሻ በሆነችው አውሮፓዊቷ አገር መሆኑን አብራርተዋል።
49 በመቶ ተብሎ የተገለጸው የድርሻ መጠን ጅቡቲን ጨምሮ የተለያዩ አገሮች የተቀራመቱት መሆኑን ያመለከቱት የመረጃው ባለቤት፣ አገር ውስጥ ካሉት የንግድ ተቋማት መካከል ኤፈርት ትልቁን ድርሻ መውሰዱን እንደሚያውቁ ተናግረዋል።
የመንግስት መስሪያ ቤቶች፣ የግል ባለሃብቶች፣ ማህበራት፣ ባንኮችና የተለያዩ ግለሰቦች በትዕዛዝ አክሲዮን መግዛታቸውን ያስታወሱት እኚሁ ዲፕሎማት “በግድቡ ዙሪያ ከሚፈራው የጸጥታ ችግር በላይ አስጊው ጉዳይ የባለድርሻዎች ምስጢር መሆን ነው” ሲሉ ስጋታቸውን ገልጸዋል።
መንግስት ለግንባታው የሚሆን ከፍተኛ ገንዘብ ከአውሮፓዊቷ አገር ማግኘቱን ያመለከቱት የጎልጉል ምንጭ፣ “ከአገር ውስጥ በአክሲዮን ስም የሚሰበሰበው ገንዘብ ለአገር ውስጥ በጀት ማሟያና ለመንግስት የስራ ማከናወኛ የሚውል ነው” ብለዋል።
መንግስት በተለያየ መድረክ በተደጋጋሚ ፕሮጀክቱ “በአገር ውስጥ ባለሙያ፣ በአገር ውስጥ ሃብት፣ የሚከናወን የህዳሴ መገለጫ ነው” በሚል ብሄራዊ መነቃቃት የተፈጠረበት የአቶ መለስ ማስታወሻ እንደሆነ ከመግለጽ ውጪ ስለ አክሲዮን ድርሻና አክሲዮን ስለገዙ አገራት እስካሁን የተናገረው የለም።
ግድቡ በመጀመሪያው ምዕራፍ ሲጠናቀቅ 5 ቢሊዮን ዶላር እንደሚፈጅ መገለጹ ይታወሳል። የአባይ ግድብ ከሱዳን ድንበር 10 ኪሎ ሜትር ርቀት ላይ ቤኒሻንጉል ክልል እንደሚገኝ መንግስት የግድቡን ሥራ ይፋ ሲያደርግ ማስታወቁ አይዘነጋም።
ይህ በእንዲህ እያለ ፋና በዛሬው እለት ባሰራጨው ዜና “የወንዙን ተፈጥሯዊ የፍሰት አቅጣጫ የማስቀየሩ ስራ እየተሰራ” መሆኑን የገለጸ ሲሆን፥ “ወንዙ ይሄድበት የነበረውን ቦታ 1780 ሜትር ከፍታ ያለው ግድብ የመካከለኛው ክፍል የሚያርፍበት እንደሚሆንም” የፕሮጀክቱ ሥራአስኪያጅ ኢንጅነር ስመኘው መናገራቸውን ጠቅሷል። “አቅጣጫውን የማስቀየሩ ስራ ከመጭው ክረምት በፊት” ለማጠናቀቅ ርብርብ እየተደረገ መሆኑን መሃንዲሱ ጠቅሰው፥ በቅርቡም ዕውን ይሆናል ብለዋል። ግድቡ ግንባታው የተጀመረበት 1ኛ ዓመት በዓልም ከመጪው ረቡዕ ጀምሮ በአዲስ አበባ፥ እንዲሁም መጋቢት 24 ፕሮጀክቱ በሚገኝበት ስፍራ በተለያዩ ስነ ጥበባዊ ዝግጅቶችና ‘መለስ ቃልህ ይከበራል፤ ታላቁ የህዳሴ ግድብም በህዝባችን ተሳትፎ እውን ይሆናል’ በሚል መሪ ቃል ይከበራል” በማለት የዜናው ዘገባ ገልጾዋል።
ማሳሰቢያ፤ በተለይ በስም ወይም በድርጅት ስም እስካልተጠቀሰ ድረስ በጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ® ላይ የሚወጡት ጽሁፎች በሙሉ የጎልጉል የድረገጽ ጋዜጣ®ንብረት ናቸው፡፡ ይህንን ጽሁፍ ለመጠቀም የሚፈልጉ ሁሉ የዚህን ጽሁፍ አስፈንጣሪ (link) ወይም የድረገጻችንን አድራሻ (https://www.goolgule.com/) አብረው መለጠፍ ከጋዜጠኛነት የሚጠበቅና ህጋዊ አሠራር መሆኑን ልናሳስብ እንወዳለን፡፡
አ.በ. says
51 በመቶ ድርሻ ባለቤት የሆነችው የአውሮፓ ሀገር ሆላንድ ትመስለኛለች። ከወያኔ ጋር እጅና ጓንት በመሆን የሀገራችንን አንጡራ ሀብት በመዝረፍ ላይ የምትገኘው ይች ሀገር በአበባ ንግድና በቢራ ምርት ብቻ እያካሄደች ያለችውን ዐይን ያወጣ ዝርፊያ ማሰቡ እንኳን ይሰቀጥጣል።
tazabiw says
Investing in other countries can not be a looting. If they are not paying tax, paying employees, etc you can say that. But because they are investing in Ethiopia does not make them bad.
Alem says
ጎልጉል፣ ይህ ወሬ ምን ያህል የታመነ ነው? የታመነ ከሆነ እኮ በአማርኛም በእንግሊዝኛም ግልጥልጥ አድርጎ መጻፍ ያሻል። ከግማሽ በላይ የኢትዮጵያ ካልሆነ ይህን ውል የተዋዋሉት በሰበቡ ገንዘብ አሸሽተው ይሆናል። የተባበሩት መንግሥታት እንደ ዘገበው 12 ቢልዮን የሚጠጋ ገንዘብ ካገር ወጥቶአል። በነማን ስም ነው አካውንት የተከፈተው? ይህን ይህን ነው መርምሮ ለዓለም ማስታወቅ የሚያሻው። አሜሪካኖችና እንግሊዞች ይህን ምሥጢር ያውቁታል። ሆኖም ሌላ ዓላማቸውን የሚያስፈጽሙላቸው ስለሆነ ህሓወትን ለጊዜው አይነኩም። ሌላው ቢቀር ገንዘቡ የሸሸው ወደ እነርሱም ባንክ ነውና ጥቅማቸውን እያስከበሩ ወደ ፈቀዱት ይልኳቸዋል።
haudland says
I think this mystrious country is not Holland. Holland would not afford this amount of money in particular in this recession ridden time. However, I reckon this country should be Norway. If you have heard recently the Ethiopia ruling party, EPRDF/ TPLF has announced a number of countries as participants of the 9th EPRDF meeting currently underway in Bahar Daar, Amhara Regional State. One of the friendly political parties mentioned is the Norway’s Labour party. Norway is known to have invested its substantial oil revenue in foreign projects such as Ethiopian Huge dam in Latin America and other part of the world. It is important to find which this country is. Norway has strict rule in its investment abroad. The Norway law require ethical and moral questions when the country’s funding is being invested abroad. For example, Norwegian fund is not supposed to be put in the anything that cause human suffering, such as weapon productions like land minings. It is crucial we discover which this mystrious country is and challege the country in its own legal frameworks. Ethiopia is building this dam not to benefit the people in Ethiopia. However, this project was invented, designed and processed as a means to shore up internal and international supports. EPRDF/TPLF has been using various similar security and development projects to convince the citizens and international community to prope up their failing policies. For example, this regime has invented Al-Shababa in Horn of Africa to smash up the war-lords that had been controlling Southern Somalia in 1990s. Meles Zenawi secretely concluded agreement with many war-lords in Moqadisho to make sure that a country called Somalia which could pose threat for the regime would never exist. However, He was fade up by the untrustworthness of the war-lords who would never hesitate to shift positions. A few days ago, once again the EPRDF/TPLF has withdrawn from many districts they previously controlled from Al-Shabab. They have also made public their intention of pulling out all Ethiopian Army from Somalia. One could easily see the meaning of this gesture. The western countries have fallen prey for the blackmailing of the EPRDF/TPLF tactics. The latter know well that without their active involvement, Somalia situation will return where it had been just a few years ago. According to a report coming from the districts the TPLF army withdrew, many civilian were murdered and massacred by the Al-shabab rebels that simiply reoccupied the vacuum left by the tplf arm. TPLF army should have told its army of somali supporters when they were due to leave to make sure that innocent civilians were not slaughtered after their withdrewal. Anyway this is a stark example that clearly show us what the TPLF is capable of inventing. I do not think the regime would be able to successfully complete the big dam on the nile river. I have heard several years ago that the ethiopian government is building Gilgal Gibe 1, 2, 3 dams. Although several years have lapsed, these dams have not yet completed. The Ethiopia people are still being reported as suffering from numereous black-out and severe shortage of power in the country. I would not be surprised if I heard once again the TPLF regime come up with another mega project. The current prime minister who simiply govern by default has no personal power in the current Ethiopia government political activity. He is simiply a mouth-piece of the junta.
ali says
A blackmailing EPRDF/ TPLF employ as a tactic never understood by the super power
An Amharic website called Golgul, citing an anonymous European diplomat reported that Ethiopian people hold less than half of the share of the overall cost of building the so-called ‘Renaissance Dam’. This is in stark contrast to the claim of the now late Prime Minister Meles Zeanwi that the ‘renasns dam’ would be exclusively built with Ethiopian engineers and Ethiopia money. A lot of people who commented on this website mentioned several countries as this mysterious country. One person, example, said this mysterious country should be the Netherland. Other people also mentioned Norway, the United Kingdom and Italy. However, after analysing the capacity of all those countries mentioned in this website, the writer of this post would like to say that all countries like Holland, the UK and Italy should be excluded due to simply fact that these countries are currently facing massive recession in which they have forced to make massive cut in public expenditures. In this regard, the write would like to focus on countries that have not yet hit by the recession and track record of investing their national reserve in foreign ventures.
This would take us to the only country in the Scandinavia called Norway. I bet this country is the one which was mentioned by this website as the mysterious country that has contributed more than half of the investment for the ‘grand renaissance dam’ in Ethiopia. Norway has recently shown unexpected reversal of its policy towards the current Ethiopian regime. It was known as strong critic of Ethiopian regime. However, as you might have recalled, the late Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, had paid a short visit to Norway just before his death. Also this country has recently shown open hostility towards Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees within its territory. If you have heard of late the Ethiopia ruling party, EPRDF/ TPLF has announced a number of countries as participants of the 9th EPRDF meeting currently underway in Bahar Daar, Amhara Regional State. One of the friendly political parties mentioned was the Norway’s Labour party. Norway is known to have invested its substantial oil revenue in foreign projects such as Ethiopian Huge dam in Latin America and other part of the world.
Norway has strict rule in its investment abroad. The Norway law require ethical and moral questions when the country’s oil-revenue is being invested abroad. For example, Norwegian fund is not supposed to be put in the anything that cause human suffering, such as weapon productions like land-mining. It is crucial we discover which this mysterious country is and challenge the country in its own legal frameworks. There is no doubt that the current poppet regime Ethiopia is not building this dam for benefit Ethiopian people. The regime is not well versed or deliberately ignoring with the current priority of the people. The regime is hell bent on the bankrupting the country in very short period of time by making huge public spending which has dangerous recipe for the massive inflation to set in and life become unbearable for many citizens. This project was invented, designed and processed as a means to shore up internal and international supports.
EPRDF/TPLF has been using various similar security and development projects to convince the Ethiopian citizens and international community to prop up its failing policies. For example, this regime has invented Al-Shababa in Horn of Africa to smash up the war-lords that had been controlling Southern Somalia in 1990s. Meles Zenawi secretly concluded agreement with many war-lords in Mogadishu to make sure that a country called Somalia which could poise threat for the regime would never exist. However, this project was blighted by untrustworthiness of many Somali war-lords who would never hesitate to shift positions in blink of the moment. A few days ago, once again the EPRDF/TPLF has withdrawn from many districts they previously controlled from Al-Shabab. They have also publicly announced that they are pulling out all Ethiopian their Army from Somalia. What could one construed from such gesture. Even the TPLF has not informed its Western ally countries about its forthcoming action. The western countries have succumbed prey for the childlike blackmailing by such rogue junta- EPRDF/TPLF tactics. The regime know well that without their active involvement, Somalia situation will return where it had been just a few years ago. According to a report coming from the districts, TPLF army did not even bother to inform their impeding withdrawal to its sea of informer, spy and mercenaries. As a result, many unsuspecting civilians were murdered and massacred by the Al-shabab rebels that simply reoccupied the vacuum left by the TPLF army. Logically, it is expecting TPLF army should have told its army of Somali supporters when they were due to leave to make sure those innocent civilians were not slaughtered after their withdrawal. Anyway this is a stark example that clearly shows us what the TPLF is capable of inventing. I do not think the regime would be able to successfully complete the big dam on the Nile River. I have heard several years ago that the Ethiopian government is building Gilgal Gibe 1, 2, 3 dams. Although several years have lapsed, these dams have not yet completed. The Ethiopia people are still being reported as suffering from numerous black-out and severe shortage of power in the country. I would not be surprised if I heard once again the TPLF regime come up with another mega project. The current prime minister who simply governs by default has no personal power in the current Ethiopia government political activity. He is simply a mouth-piece of the junta.
Mike says
Guys please write something sensible. The Dam has never issued shares. Bonds have been issued. These two things are very different. The dam construction is not a separate entity. It is part of EEPC. What share are you talking about? The dam costs over eighty billion. If I agree with your assertion that 49% of the financing is from local source and out of it the majority is from effort, effort contributes about Birr 20 billions. Does it make sense? Honestly, you have written a subject matter you even don’t understand.
Ethiopiawi says
am writing this coz the discussion attracted me; so whoever owns the dam how much’%’ it doesn’t matter coz TPLF/EPRDF will be its last chance to survive in governmental post in Ethiopia. If the Dam is not materialized and used for the benefit of Ethiopian People without discrimination of ethnicity and political view, it is time for all of us,”Ethiopian”( of curse who believes n saying am really Ethiopian and Love my country) by whatsoever cost and tactic have to Fight this Devils killing us every time we oppose them and end their dictatorship on our country and show the world that our fate is in our hand not on their political game. We have to fight from within not form out to in strategy which failed us so fara..TPLF/EPRDF now has 5 to 1 policy to make us voiceless …u know one thing we can make it 1 to 3 n swallow them in one night. believe me our number is our advantage(>80 million).
So the Arrogant government out of a blue is giving us promise one after the other and non of them being practical and solved our poverty..that i have wittiness in my life for the past 21 yrs….One day the died Devil (God have seen the suffering of his promised land people and set us free…tnxs he did as early as possible cozing a century problem 4 z country) announced the Renascence Dam…the zt hope all us contributed our salary n wat ever we can….but it failed being built end of story of TPLF/EPRDF n right time for Ethiopian People freedom…chance 4 a better life….Kezih Mejeger Yeminegelagelibte Gize Auhne new
ali says
Mike we understand the difference between share and bond. But we are talking about bond. When we say a foreign country owns more than half of the share we meant the bond. The bond could be owned in share too.
gemgami says
Ali, Before you speak understand how bonds and shares work. The article talks about shares which is totally different from bonds. anyone can buy bonds from the government but they can’t say anything in the business decision making. When you have a share (51 percent) you get to say what you want. but if you buy the bond, your collateral will be the future government earning and you just sit back and relax while business goes up or down.
moged says
My guess is Italy. Could it be the reason why the demonstrators are not allowed to oppose the Graziani statue?
Teshale says
I don’t think that treasonous guy called meles was serious about the dam. He just used it to shift attention from Arab spring. And I doubt that any civilized European country would venture such investment that would endanger the very survival of Egypt. While I agree with the intensive use of Abay, I would want it to be done wisely with our water professionals and with international agreements rather than with a volatile and unstable mind of the late dictator and his cronies
Gize endalew menor says
In the first place this plan wasn’t intended really to utilise the nile river and please Ethiopians, but it was to divert the discomfort of Ethiopians who fade up of this rotten rigime. We all wish, the dam would have completed and contributed something for the country but I doubt. I tried to call friends and families in Ethiopia at the time that late dectator annouced and talked nonsense on the stage….they simply belived the dam could fill their ever starving stomach, not at all. The worst case with this dam is the money that people contributed is shifted to EFFRT and that ensures one side to have a control the sole of that country. we just kept shouting for nothing.
Gize endalew menor says
A call for all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia,
I have done some research on few European countries how innocent Ethiopians living in foreign land become victims of this rigime. It is not the rigime to blame, it i the people who are living diaspora who work for the regime as a spy and get benefit on return. Intensive research carried out in UK, The Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, and others. The result shows those on state benefit are sucking the tax payers blood and in the mean time victimise their fellow citizens. Now the study group started its move to present the true picture to leaders of those countries. The response from some politicians shows this people will be traced and action will be taken to the extent of deportation and losing citizenship. Please circulate this to the paltalk and other social medias.
abebe beso bela says
the dogs will keep on barking while the camel passing! Keep BARKING
Yeabayguday says
የአባይ ጉዳይ
አቅም ሳይገነባ አቅማችን ሳይዳብር፣
መቼ ታስቦበት መች ታቅዶስ ነበር፣
አባይ ሊገደብ ነዉ ብሎ አዋጅ መናገር፣
ልክ ያለፈ ጩኸት መደንፋት መፎከር፣
እንዲህ ያለ ጩኸት ምን አለበት ቢቀር?
እዉነት ቢሆንማ ሥራ በልብ ነበር።
በጣም ጩኸት በዛ ጥዋትና ማታ፣
ስለ አባይ ፍከራ ስላ አባይ ድንፋታ።
አባይ ተደፈረ፣ አባይን ደፈርነዉ፣
አባይ ሊገብር ነዉ፣ አባይ ሊገደብ ነዉ፣
አባይ እንደዚህ ነዉ፣ አባይ እንደዚያ ነዉ፣
ያባይ ቦንድ እንዲ ነዉ፣ ያባይ ቦንድ እንዲያ ነዉ፣
ጆሮአችን በጩኸት ደንቁሮ ልንሞት ነዉ፣
እስኪ ልብ በሉ ታዝባችሁ ይሆን ?
ስለ አባይ ሳይጮሁ የዋሉበትን ቀን።
የግበፆች አብዮት ያመጣብን ማት ነዉ፣
ግራ ሲጋባዉ ግብፆች አቋማቸዉ፣
እንዳይወጡባቸዉ ከቁጥጥራቸዉ፣
ተጽኖ ማድረጊያ ሞሳድ የቀየሰዉ፣
ብቼኛዉ አማራጭ ሁኖ ስላገኘዉ፣
ሲአይኤም ፕላኑን ለሎሌዉ መከረዉ፣
ሎሌዉ ተቀብሎ ስለቀባጠረዉ፣
እኮ እንዴት ሁኖ ነዉ ልማት የሚሆነዉ?
በደንብ ሳይጠና ግልጽነት ሳይኖረዉ፣
እኛ እነሱን አምነን ሾላ በደፈናዉ?
የአባይ ጉዳይማ ብዙ ሚስጥር አለዉ።
አይ አንች አሜሪካ ! ነፍሰሽን አይማረዉ።
ያለፉት መንግስታት አባይን ሳይደፍሩት፣
ይመስላችሁ ይሆን እሱን ስለፈሩት፣
ባይገባቸዉ ይሆን ጥቅሙን ባይረዱት፣
ሳይሆን ቀረ እንጅ አቅም ስላልተገኘ፣
አባይን ለመድፈር ማነዉ ያልተመኘ።
አቅም ያስፈልጋል አባይን ለመድፈር፣
አቅም ሳይኖር መድፈር ያደርገናል አፈር።
አናዉቅምና ነዉ ወዳጆች እንዳሉት፣
አቅም እንዳይኖረን ዘላለም ሚጥሩት።
ይህን ሳንገነዘብ ይህን ሳንረዳ፣
እንደ ከብት ዝም ብለን ምነዉ ባንነዳ።
እንደ ፈሰስ ዉሃ ዝም ብለን ባንነጉድ፣
በተቀዬሰልን ባልተጠና መንገድ፣
ዘለን ጥልቅ አንበል አንግባ ከወጥመድ፣
ነገሩን ሳናጤን መስሎን አገር መዉደድ፣
በአባይ አጋሮችም ዝም ብለን አንፍረድ፣
በግድ እንደሁ እንጅ መች ሊፈቅዱ በዉድ።
ነፃነት አግኝተን ፍትህ በአገር ሰፍኖ፣
አቅማችንም ዳብሮ ሕዝባችን አንድ ሁኖ፣
አባይ ይገደባል እንዲጠቅመን ሁኖ፣
ለእድገት ብልጽግና በፕላን ተጢኖ።
አባይ ማደሪያ የለዉ ግንድ ይዞ ይዞራል
የሚባለዉ ተረት ስንቶች ትዝ ይለናል።
እኛ ምን አገባን ይዞት ቢንከራተት፣
ለሱ ማደሪያ ነዉ ግድብ ምንሰራለት፣
አፈር ግንድ አምጥቶ እስከሚሞላበት፣
ማደሪያ እስከሚያጣ ግድቡን በደለል እሱዉ እራሱ ሞልቶት፣
እንዲያዉ ለመሆኑ ደለሉን ለመጥረግ አቅም አለን በዉነት?
አትጠራጠሩ ይሞላዋል ግንዱን አምጥቶ ባንድ ዓመት፣
መቼ ግንዱን ብታ የአሸዋ የአፈር ማት፣
ይህ ሳይታሰብ ይህ ሳይጠና እንዲም ብሎ ልማት፣
አፈር ለመዛቅ፣ ግንድ ለመጎተት፣ አሸዋ ለመግፋት፣
ከአባይ የበለጠ መች እኛ አለን ጉልበት፣
ልማት ነዉ ተብሎ ቦንድ የሚሸጥለት፣
ደለሉን አምጥቶ ወዲያዉ ሲሞላበት፣
አሸዋ ለማፈስ ግንድ ለመጎተት?
እኮ እንዴት ሁኖ ነዉ የሚሆነዉ ልማት፣
እንዳይሆን እያወቅሁ አባይ ብሬን በላት፣
ይባስ ብሎ ደግሞ ሊያመጣብን ነዉ ማት።
ጠራርጎ እንዳይወስደን ዋና እንለማመድ፣
አባይ እኮ አቫይ ነዉ እሱ አያዉቅም ዘመድ፣
ወገን ምክሬን ሥማ ዋና ተለማመድ፣
አባይ ሞልቶ ሲፈስ ጠራርጎህ እንዳይሄድ።
የአባይን ጠባዮች የማታዉቁ አላችሁ?
እኔ ያዬሁትን እስኪ ልንገራችሁ።
አባይ ወደ ጣና ቀስ ብሎ ይገባል፣
ከወጣ በሁዋላ ይጮሃል ያጓራል፣
እብሪቱን ትቢቱን ድፍረቱን ያሳያል፣
እያግተለተለ ይጎርፋል ይሰግራል፣
ማን አለብኝ ብሎ ወደላይ ይዘላል፣
እንኳን ዛፍና እንጨት ድንጋይም ይሰብራል።
ሚያዋጣ አይመስለኝም አባይን በጉልበት፣
በጥበብ ነዉ እንጅ አቅምን በማጎልበት፣
አይሆንም በጉራ አይሆንም በጩኸት፣
ሰሜታዊ ሁኖ ባልተጠና ጥናት፣
በሌለዉ ግልጽነት በጉራ መደንፋት።
ስሜታዊ ሁኖ በስሜት አይሆንም፣
አባይን መገደብ መብታችን ቢሆንም።
በስሜት ተነስቶ ልገድብ ነዉ ማለት፣
ታስቦ ተጢኖ ባልተጠና ጥናት፣
እያፈራረሱ የሕዝብን አንድነት፣
አይጠቅምም ለሀገር አያስገኝም ልማት፣
ልማት አስመስለዉ ሊያመጡብን ነዉ ማት፣
አባይ ግፈኛ ነዉ ግፍ የማያልቅበት፣
ደም ጠማኝ ብሎ ነዉ ጦር ሚሰበቅለት?
በጦር ሳት ሊያነዷት አገሬን ሊያደቋት፣
አቅም እንዳትገነባ አቅም እንዳይኖራት፣
ይህ መጥፎ አካሄድ ነዉ መታሰብ ያለበት ፣
አቅምን ሳያጤኑ መዝመት ለጦርነት፣
ቂልነት ነዉ እንጅ አይደለም ጀግንነት፣
ፈሪ መግደል ሲሄድ ጀግና ግን ለመሞት፣
ለምን እንደ ሚሞት በጉዳዩ አምኖበት፣
ደፍረዉ ከመጡብን አንፈራም ጦርነት፣
በጉዳዩ ካመንን ብለን እንሙትለት።
አባይ መዘዘኛ አባይ ጦሰኛ ነዉ፣
ለም አፈራችንን እያጓዘ ያለዉ፣
ብራችንን ውስዶ ደግሞ ደም አማረዉ፣
በአባይ ቂም ያልያዘ በአባይ ያላዘነዉ፣
አባይን መገደብ ምኞቱ ያልሆነዉ፣
በዉነት ለመናገር ኢትዮጵያዊ ማን ነዉ ?
አባይን ማስገበር የሁሉም ምኞት ነዉ፣
ከቅድም አያቶቻቸን በደም የወረስነዉ፣
በዚህ የማያምን አይኖርም አንድ ሰዉ፣
በአባይ ግድብ ዙሪያ ጥያቄ ስላለዉ፣
አባይ አይገደብ እንዳለ አስመስለዉ፣
ለፕሮፖጋንዳ መጠቀሚያ አረጉት ነገሩን አዙረዉ፣
ከአባይ ግድብ በፊት መሆን የሚገባዉ፣
ሕዝብን አንድ ማድረግ አቅምን መገንባት ነዉ።
በቅድሚያ አቅማችንን በደንብ አደርጅተን፣
ሁላችን ተባብረን ሕዝብን አንድ አድርገን፣
ማስወገድ አለብን ወጥረዉ የያዙን ችግሮቻችንን።
የሕባችን ችግሮች በጣም ብዙ ናቸዉ፣
መሰናክሎቹ ከግድቡ በፊት መቅረት ያለባቸዉ።
ከአባይ ግድብ በፊት ዘረኝነት ይቁም፣
ከአባይ ግድብ በፊት ሰባዊ መብት ይቅደም፣
የሕብ መብት ይከበር በአገር ይስፈን ሰላም።
ሕዝብን ማፈናቀል መከፋፈል ይቁም።
ሙስና ይወገድ ሕግ ሥራት ይከበር፣
ዜግነት ይከበር እርቀ ሰላም ይኑር፣
ሕዝባችን አንድ ይሁን አቅማችንም ይዳብር፣
በግድቡ ዙሪያ ግልጽነትም ይኑር።
ሰባዊ መብትና ዲሞክራሲም ይስፈን፣
ሃይማኖት ይከበር እምነት የግል ይሁን፣
ብለዉ የሚሉትን መልስ አንሰጥም ብለን፣
እነሱን ገፍትረን እነሱን አግለን፣
አያገባችሁም ዘዉር በሉ ብለን፣
ወገኖቻችንን ከጠላት መድበን፣
ግልጽነት ሳይኖረን ስሜታዊ ሁነን፣
ለጠላቶቻችን በራችንን ከፍተን፣
አባይን መገደብ እንዴት እንችላለን ?
የአባይን ወዳጆች በሚገባ እያወቅን።
የአባይን አጋሮች በደንብ እናዉቅ የለም፣
አባይ የሚዘርፈን ብቻዉን አይደለም፣
ተባባሪ እንዳለዉ ይታወቃል በዓለም።
ዘርፎ የሚያባላዉ አባይ አጋር አለዉ፣
አባይ እንዲደፈር በፍጹም ማይፈቅደዉ፣
የሌባ ተቀባይ ጥቅም ያሳበደዉ፣
እረ ለመሆኑ፦-
ተወርዉሮ መጥቶ ግድቡን ቢንደዉ፣
እሱን ተዉ ለማለት አቅማችን ምንድን ነዉ ?
ይኸዉ እዬ ሰማን ሲንጫጩ ሲዝቱ፣
እናፍርሰዉ ብለዉ ከበዉ ሲዶልቱ፣
ከግድቡ ይቅደም አቅም መገንባቱ፣
አቅማችንን ቢያዉቁ እንዲህም አይዝቱ፣
ያለ አቅም መደንፋት ጦርነት መግባቱ፣
ለሁሉም አይጠቅም ከባድ ነዉ ጉዳቱ።
እንደዚያ ሚዝቱት ግድቡን ሊያፈርሱ፣
የእኛን አቅም ቢያዉቁ መች ሊተነፍሱ፣
አቅማችንን ቢያዉቁ ከዚያ እንደሚፈርሱ፣
ማፍረስ እንደምንችል ከዚያዉ ሳይነሱ፣
መለማመጥ ብቻ ይሆን ነበር መልሱ፣
የአባቶቻቸዉን የአባቶቻችንን ታሪክ ስናጠና፣
ኢትዮጵያ ኑራለች በዬጦሩ ግንባር አሸናፊ ሁና።
በእኛ አባቶች ጊዜ አታዉቅም ተደፍራ፣
በጀግኖች ልጆቿ ኑራለች ተከብራ።
አሻፈረን ብለዉ ጦር ሰብቀዉ ከመጡም፣
እነሱም ከእነሱ አባቶች አይበልጡም፣
አቅም ባይኖረን እንኳን ምንም ብንኮስስም፣
እኛም ከእኛ አባቶች አናንስም በፈጹም።
በእብሪት የመጣዉን ጠላት ለማዋረድ፣
አፍረት አከናንቦ መልሶ ለመስደድ፣
የፈለገዉ ቢሆን አያንስም ይሄ ትዉልድ።
ከጌታቸዉ 06/06/13
Chala chubi chebete says
The more u pup tolk, the more u show how much ur stupid wes.
Greet Ethiopia keep on moveing.